Your favorite games to play while under the influence of... substances


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Happy 4/20 folks!

There’s a few games that I won’t even drink a beer before playing because I know it’ll effect my enjoyment of them. The Codemasters F1 games, for example. Need that reaction time to be on point!

But there’s games that are definitely better while under the the influence (and I’ll let you interpret the meaning of that). One of my favorites is No Man’s Sky. What do you guys play while imbibing?
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I played Amnesia: A Machina for Pigs with a couple of friends while high. Even only playing parts of the game, it was one of the most intense experiences of my life. There were multiple times where I put the controller down for a bit because it was getting too much.

Playing Sniper Elite III high was also a very interesting experience. I got way into it. Normally I get impatient and become too rash to really play as a stealthy sniper, but playing it high I crawled through the entire map and scouted everything, making sure no one would spot me.

Other games that are fun while intoxicated include most Nintendo party games, as well as all fighting games, as long as you play them with equally intoxicated friends.
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Community Contributor
I played Amnesia: A Machina for Pigs with a couple of friends while high. Even only playing parts of the game, it was one of the most intense experiences of my life. There were multiple times where I put the controller down for a bit because it was getting too much.

Oh man, yeah horror games are tough sometimes when in an altered state. I feel like my heart is going to beat out of my chest sometimes playing Alien: Isolation sober.
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City builders, particularly medieval/fantasy genre. There's just something about watching the tiny trees sway while your little people potter about shopping trees and lugging stone that's super cosy. Stardew Valley is another good one. Basically anything pastoral and idyllic.
City builders, particularly medieval/fantasy genre. There's just something about watching the tiny trees sway while your little people potter about shopping trees and lugging stone that's super cosy. Stardew Valley is another good one. Basically anything pastoral and idyllic.

I already keep forgetting about people's birthdays in Stardew Valley. Not only would I get more forgetful, I'd probably feel worse about it as well.


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