Borderlands 3 (waiting for Steam release), Red Dead Redemption 2, Halo: MC Collection, Doom: Eternal and Cyberpunk 2077. Would love to play this games on a new GPU.
10 years ago I stopped playing my favorite game in the world to this day; World of Warcraft. My very basic PC could no longer play it, not my modest internet connection either. Despite that, it was the happiest time of my life. If I win I will definetly go back to WoW or maybe ESO. Sigh..if I win..
A monitor like that and all those hardware deserves one of the best and so I will definitely play games like cyberpunk 2077 and old favourites Dota 2 and CS:GO
Hmmm.. The first thing I would play on that monitor would be minecraft, ofc on Shaders, It'll be like good ol' times then comes Doom 2016, gotta love them demons getting splattered on this monitor