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Page 26 - Love gaming? Join the PC Gamer community to share that passion with gamers all around the world!
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May 2, 2020
My first game on PC was Maplestory, which got me hooked to PC ever since. After times, I began to have more interest in the PC community until now.
Jun 1, 2020
I got hooked on PC gaming after my first LAN party with a bunch of friends. We played Command & Conquer and Warcraft 3 the whole weekend.
Mar 31, 2020
I got into pc gaming slowly, starting with webkins back in the day, moving onto Overwatch when I got back into gaming years later.
Jul 28, 2020
I've been interested in computers since I was young. I come from a poorer family, so later than other peers I had the opportunity to use it. To this day, I remember reading newspapers about computers and games. Best regards :)
May 29, 2020
My frist 2 games that got me hooked o PC where Need For Speed Underground 2 and Grand Theft Auto Vice City, and since then i have been hooked.
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Feb 13, 2020
I became a little adikted to games from when i was a small kid, when i lossing de nights in internet cafe's in weeks, when i played Need for Speed II 1997 , and the the next ones Hot Persuit I, II, Diablo, Heroes, and then had a pc an OLD IBM and play games on floppi-disk with foxes and Aladin. Then y change it to AMD athlon 2700+ something like that and now still AMD lover R5 3600x with RX 590 Fatboy...not much but is punching much better in games than the old one AMD Athlon x4 580K ....but still on 60Hz i am....Thats the short story !!! See ya
May 6, 2020
I've been hooked on PC games ever since the days of internet cafes, that's right I'm older than the sun. This was when computers first boomed onto the gaming scene around 1997-2000. Me and my friends would go into these sort of "computer gyms" and buy a limited time access to a computer that had pre-installed games on, such as Heroes of Might and Magic, Drakan (a great RPG with a girl and a dragon), the Elder Scrolls, Warcraft, Delta Force, stuff that was popular at the time. Later on I managed to get a computer of my own at home, and to be fair, I've never really left the bright side of the screens ever since. It allowed me to develop my hobbies and later those turned into a job so it's been a win-win sort of relationship.

Anyway, good luck everyone!
Jul 28, 2020
Ever since computers were running on MS-DOS I was hooked. But definitely what kept me on back in the days were the demos in CDs. Never stopped playing ever since.
May 27, 2020
The thing that hooked me in initially was the overall freedom and customization. At the time, Gamer Poop for Skyrim was a big thing for me along with Skyrim Mod Showcase. Seeing how you could change the game and make it how you wanted to play is really what got me into it. After that, what kept me was the overall control over the game as well as exclusive PC titles you didn't have access to on consoles, at the time anyways. I'll never play another FPS with a controller or on console as long as I have a PC.
May 1, 2020
I got hooked on PC gaming a few years ago now. Preferred the mouse + kb feel, the PC game platforms like Steam and GOG and also the amount of options you have in games e.g. anti-aliasing, V-sync, shadow rendering.
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