Honestly, I got hooked on games and gaming when I was pretty young maybe around 8 or 9. In the place that I lived there weren't any kids around to play with after school; take note that this was before cable internet and the standard was dial up. So my mom would sometimes take me to the book store, our barns and noble had this pretty big section of magazines and of course I would go straight to the computer game magazines contemplating which one to get really based off of the gaming and demo cd bonus disk. I would really review what was on the disk and if something really caught my eye or just the marketing got to me on a certain one that would be the one I took home, as I could only get one xD. First thing arriving at home I would install the games or demos and play. Then the day after on a school day I would take the mag and cd to school and share it with some classmates that had laptops.. that was actually a pretty big luxury back then going to school with a laptop.. since i didnt have my own i would watch and show them how to play the game and take turns.. after all I was the one with the cd. PC Gamer was definately in the bunch of mags I would get.. also others that are now defunct.