Why so many problems with high end cards

Since the game satisfactory had update 8 that also included unreal engine 5 i have seen dozens of threads from high end card users saying the game is now unplayable for them.
I only have a humble gtx 1080 i got it in a newly built rig 7 years ago and it can hold its own against better set ups than mine , i dont have any of them problems others are reporting.

Today i looked at starfield threads on steam and it seems like the same thing is happening on that game as well
The update your talking about is experimental, so its probably on the developers side for a lot of peoples issues. If the update has something like ray-tracing or DLSS in it, you wouldnt be able to utilize that and see if its causing problems with a 1080 if that is some of the issue. Your card is missing features that high end users utilize in games and i can def. see there being problems with that compounded with a brand new game engine. Im pretty sure those users would be able to run satisfactory fine with the settings your using.

I say this because i have a pretty decent build and my wifes is my old 1080ti/4790k build (roughly 7-8 years old now) and if were playing the same game and the game has terrible ray tracing/dlss implementation (darktide when it first released is the example im using here when we played together). Its going to run crappier for me than my wife because she just runs the game at medium settings or so, with none of those options on and it worked fine for her.
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Since the game satisfactory had update 8 that also included unreal engine 5 i have seen dozens of threads from high end card users saying the game is now unplayable for them.
I only have a humble gtx 1080 i got it in a newly built rig 7 years ago and it can hold its own against better set ups than mine , i dont have any of them problems others are reporting.

Today i looked at starfield threads on steam and it seems like the same thing is happening on that game as well
In addition to what others said, you should be aware that people tend to exaggerate their setups when they complain about performance. It's like it is emphasizing how badly the game runs to announce that your 4090 can't even run it. Plus, you prevent people from laughing at your potato.

Do I have any evidence that people are claiming cards they don't have? Not directly, but it's pretty obvious. Last I looked, less than 0.5 percent of Steam's active users had a 4090, yet the number of people who report having problems running games with them is pretty vast, keeping in mind, also, that these are the cards you would least expect to struggle in games (aside from games like DX is mentioning above).


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