What's Your Favorite Gaming Memory of All Time?


Community Contributor
Two of mine happened with Satisfactory. The first was building the space elevator. The audio and visual presentation of that is my favorite moment in gaming, as the sirens go off and this massive structure that you can see from anywhere on the huge map, rises up into space.

The second from Satisfactory is just sending that elevator up for the last time. You know you've really accomplished something grand.

From a more shooter perspective since a lot of people don't think a game is a game without a bunch of killing, I'd say that beating the final bosses of just about any Resident Evil game are great moments. The one that comes immediately to mind, though, is the original RE4 final boss.
I think my most memorable moment was winning a game of Counter Strike (I think Source) on Assault as the last CT. I rescued the last hostage while killing the last terrorist with a deagle headshot as he chased me.

It was a bit ruined by my team shouting EZ down the microphone (it wasn't easy). But I'll take it.

Brian Boru

Legenda in Aeternum
First installation of the original Command and Conquer. I'd never experienced anything like it, and it had me concerned for quite a few minutes :D

Some reviewer somewhere at the time said that there should be an Oscar for game installs, so C&C could get proper recognition.

2m video—there is sound after a while, and crazy bit after 1:30 :)
Coded by Maria del Mar McCready Legg and voiced by Kia Huntzinger

The one for Red Alert isn't as iconic imo, but in similar vein.
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On a Journey
Taking 1 year to beat Super Metroid and then realising I didn't have anything to do.

Yes, I know you can beat it way less time but this was in the dark ages, before the internet was everywhere. Before guides showed you how to do it all. A friend had finished game in under a day but I was after 100% so it wasn't just get to the end, it was have everything. That and it was a fun game.

Many memorable moments included in playing Journey, happy and sad.
Oct 20, 2023
My best memory of the game is Just Coast 2, just because I got into it, I really felt like this person was a rescuer. Maybe it’s just because in my childhood I was able to become the kind of person who tinkers with weapons, in all these special operations, knows how to cause trouble and undermine everything.
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Nov 4, 2023
My best memory of the game is just Need For Speed Shift. Because this is my first platinum trophy that I got. I really a fans of the need for speed series, and feel happy that finally i got this trophy.
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May 11, 2022
This happened yesterday, playing 2nd playthrough of Days Gone(Survival mode 2).

Deacon started as an outsider, a nomad, not trusted by the camp people in three different camps. But slowly by bringing them supplies, freaker ears and taking out various outlaws he wins them over.

For the final battle, he thinks it just him and Boozer, then bikers from all the camps turn up.

I think where games like Death Stranding have a concept of connection, Days Gone does it on a much more real level. It felt like an emotional moment when they joined forces.
Nov 4, 2023
The most atmospheric and best game I've ever played is Skyrim Elder Scrolls. What caught me in this game is the plot! The plot in Skyrim, in my opinion, is unsurpassed. Musical accompaniment is what made the atmosphere special. But the cool thing about this game is the secrets, even if you play Skyrim until you're old, you won't be able to find all the secrets=)
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My gaming memory is little bit different from all other. Hope so no one faced this. I was playing gta vice city and suddenly very dangerous snake came out of keyboard. It has hidden under the button. Somehow i save myself. That is mine one.

Yea, i would remember that trauma lol

I would say i miss lan parties and being semi-pro at early xbox live games Ghost Recon and Rainbow Six Vegas. Those were good times with gamers.
May 13, 2024
Yea, i would remember that trauma lol

I would say i miss lan parties and being semi-pro at early xbox live games Ghost Recon and Rainbow Six Vegas. Those were good times with gamers.

I miss lan parties big time! I knew a guy back in the day who was single and owned a big house. At one point we had close to 40 people or so. I look back on it and wonder how we didn't blow a breaker, but of course we also didn't have PCs back then (90s) that sucked up 750+ W. It was an absolute blast.
May 13, 2024
My favorite gaming memory of all time would be gaming with friends on console over the summer when I was growing up. My folks had a pool, and everyone would come over early/mid-morning when the sun was already baking to swim, then have lunch, and then go to the game room and play games. Some would knock out on the couch waiting for their turn, and there were times eventually everyone would be crashed out from swimming all morning and food coma. Then mid afternoon, jump back in the pool, and eventually back in the house and play more games until everyone went back home for dinner. Those were some fun summers!
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May 17, 2024
My favorite gaming memory has to be the first time I beat "The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time." I was just a kid, and finally defeating Ganondorf after countless attempts felt like the biggest accomplishment ever. That sense of adventure and triumph is something I'll never forget.
May 13, 2024
In addition to the above, I just thought of a couple others from actual game play.

I beat the the infamous Vanquish Challenge 6 and got the Platinum (PS game, and by far my most difficult Platinum).

And there was one time in Destiny 2 (PC) where I got shotgunned off a platform, but I survived the shot and while falling I managed to lob a sticky grenade which landed right on the dude's head and took him out before I eventually fell to my doom. I had that one on video and accidentally deleted it.
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I miss lan parties big time! I knew a guy back in the day who was single and owned a big house. At one point we had close to 40 people or so. I look back on it and wonder how we didn't blow a breaker, but of course we also didn't have PCs back then (90s) that sucked up 750+ W. It was an absolute blast.

Oh man i wouldve loved that. My lan parties didnt stretch that big so it was usually about 4 or 5 of us playing on two-three different consoles over lan. It wasnt pc's either, we had xboxs/playstations. We were all pretty poor then lol.
May 13, 2024
Oh man i wouldve loved that. My lan parties didnt stretch that big so it was usually about 4 or 5 of us playing on two-three different consoles over lan. It wasnt pc's either, we had xboxs/playstations. We were all pretty poor then lol.

Console and smaller crowd is still a blast! The guy with the big house eventually black-listed me. I was in the middle of college and landed my first big tech job with a tech company that his friends at work got replaced with. He wasn't happy about that, understandably. Some years later (early 2000s), some of us from that group started hosting our own lan parties, still a decent size of about 20 gamers, but we had a group the same as yours of 5 or 6 that would bring their Xboxes and play Halo. They'd let me jump in, which was my first time playing Xbox and Halo at all. I don't recall if they were lan'd up though, as it was split-screen, which was a blast and I instantly got hooked. I bought an Xbox and Halo shortly after.
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Console and smaller crowd is still a blast! The guy with the big house eventually black-listed me. I was in the middle of college and landed my first big tech job with a tech company that his friends at work got replaced with. He wasn't happy about that, understandably. Some years later (early 2000s), some of us from that group started hosting our own lan parties, still a decent size of about 20 gamers, but we had a group the same as yours of 5 or 6 that would bring their Xboxes and play Halo. They'd let me jump in, which was my first time playing Xbox and Halo at all. I don't recall if they were lan'd up though, as it was split-screen, which was a blast and I instantly got hooked. I bought an Xbox and Halo shortly after.

Discussion of LAN parties reminds me of High School. Back then, my friends and I would make the 40ish minute drive out to this one particular city that had a LAN cafe, undoubtedly, there was something closer, but **** was hard to find in the Late 90s/Early 00s.

Anyway, we had some awesome times back then, but I remember one friend and I were going to go out there on our own, without the guys that knew where it was at. We ended up driving around for maybe an hour or more once we got in the area, trying to remember where the hell it was at, which was tough, since it was night. Eventually we did and I accidentally locked my keys in my car, but thankfully this had happened before and my car was old enough to have the "poor man's air conditioning" wing windows. I always left one unlocked so I could reach in and unlock my doors, so that didn't turn into a disaster 45 minutes from home.

Weirdly, in 2018 I moved into the neighborhood adjacent to where that place was. My wife had picked it out, so it just happens to be an odd coincidence. Unfortunately, the place isn't there anymore.
May 13, 2024
Discussion of LAN parties reminds me of High School. Back then, my friends and I would make the 40ish minute drive out to this one particular city that had a LAN cafe, undoubtedly, there was something closer, but **** was hard to find in the Late 90s/Early 00s.

Anyway, we had some awesome times back then, but I remember one friend and I were going to go out there on our own, without the guys that knew where it was at. We ended up driving around for maybe an hour or more once we got in the area, trying to remember where the hell it was at, which was tough, since it was night. Eventually we did and I accidentally locked my keys in my car, but thankfully this had happened before and my car was old enough to have the "poor man's air conditioning" wing windows. I always left one unlocked so I could reach in and unlock my doors, so that didn't turn into a disaster 45 minutes from home.

Weirdly, in 2018 I moved into the neighborhood adjacent to where that place was. My wife had picked it out, so it just happens to be an odd coincidence. Unfortunately, the place isn't there anymore.

I love reading stuff like this! Kind'a made me think of Harold & Kumar ;). It's all part of the fun! A bit scary I'm sure though getting locked out of your car at night, especially if you didn't have a cell phone, not being a common device back then. Fortunately you had a solution. But the journey and adventure can often be as fun, if not funner, than the destination. :cool:
I love reading stuff like this! Kind'a made me think of Harold & Kumar ;). It's all part of the fun! A bit scary I'm sure though getting locked out of your car at night, especially if you didn't have a cell phone, not being a common device back then. Fortunately you had a solution. But the journey and adventure can often be as fun, if not funner, than the destination. :cool:

I remember the trip way more than what we played after we arrived. Though I do recall, I think it was my first encounter with Halo on PC that night.
Some of my favourite gaming memories have definitely been the LAN parties I've had as well. One of the best ones was when my friends and I were allowed to use my dad's office building during a weekend when I was in my late teen. We could be as loud as we wanted and game as long as we wanted completely unsupervised. We lived off of energy drinks and deep fried food and probably gamed for about 18 hours straight.

I also went to two computer camps as a teenager, where we would do outside activities about one half of the day and play PC games together during the other half. I think it was about 16 kids altogether with 3 supervisors for a week. I was pretty nervous about going, but I went together with a friend of mine and the supervisors did a great job with getting everyone comfortable with each other.

That friend who joined me on camp lived next door to me and we actually had our own little LAN setup. We ran a long ethernet cable from his PC to mine and got an old handset pair with intercom and speaker functionality so we could talk to each other while gaming (calling over internet wasn't common back then and I don't think either of us owned a microphone).