What's your Cyberpunk backstory?

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Mar 4, 2020
I don't think V quite fits this typecast, but if I were making a cyberpunk character, I think the sort of nomadic survivor character type fits the genre quite well. Drifting from place to place, doing odd jobs to put a roof overhead and food in the stomach, trying to pick and choose work that isn't morally reprehensible. It's a formula that works quite well for Cowboy Bebop and Firefly, but I don't think it quite fits Night City. I think my V will probably start off with the Nomad life path, growing into a Netrunner. When done well, cyberspace allows for a lot of interesting environmental interactions and unique storytelling, and I trust CDPR will do a great job of it.

Bouncing between places and employers, Zed travelled extensively in his early days, chasing the excitement of new technology and growth. But, just as all things come to an end, the period of easy money and no questions asked drifted away, and now caught between helpless poverty and a dangerous, often horrible, existence leveraging the skills learned from a mostly legitimate career in cyberspace, he navigates the mercurial shadows of the corporate underworld. Sounds cool enough, right?
May 2, 2020
Ex Corp Assassin. I used to work for an up and coming manager called Martin Sash. Unfortunately for me my last orders from him was to dispose of Savos Finne, his rival and soon to be superior. Having already taken my spot quite a distance away and a few stories above him I began waiting for the perfect moment to strike. I had 3 seconds after he left his armored car until he could make it inside his bulletproof abode. Plenty of time. As I waited for the moment, sometime late tonight with either the misses or one of his mistresses most likely, I watched a car pull up and a hooded man being dragged out and forced into the house.
Maybe Savos's victory here would make him more complacent, more sure of himself. A final, fatal mistake. Oh, how right I was.
Savos was in his den with his bodyguards when they shoved the still hooded man forth, crashing into a table and shattering a lamp while he attempted to retreat, directly into a wall. Savos had the hooded figure forced to his knees, held by his bodyguards. My favorite part was coming up! The unmasking. In a single pull his hood was removed, revealing none other than my boss, Martin Sash.
Helplessly I watched as Savos **** him execution style in the face. All I could feel was emptiness. I froze as Savos made a call on Martin's cell. My phone began to vibrate. I answered and tried to sound like he was still alive "Hey, Martin. Thanks for the vacation. Do you need anything before I head back to the states?" Savos walked up to the window of his den before saying " Nice spot, but we both know you are here. Across the street, right? Let's see how long you live. "
To make a long story short it was the fight of my life. I needed to hide. I can think of no better place than Night City, the place of new beginnings for us all.
May 1, 2020
I am one of those people that need to wait until the game to really create a backstory. I'll play a bit with the stats but if I make the backstory, I will start to get way too eager for it.
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Mar 9, 2020
So I'm super curious, what will your name be in Cyberpunk 2077, how are you hoping to customise your character and what will your Lifepath be?

Life is full of diplomacy checks and my characters has failed ever last one. His latest blunder has left his brain in a jar, prostrated at the foot of a particularly ruthless loan shark.

Whether it was cruel malice or simple curiosity is unknown, but now in my characters head is the brain of a six year old Labrador named Goldy. Fiercely loyal, easily distracted, and all thumbs (or maybe it's no thumbs...) Goldy must navigate her new role in this dangerous post fire hydrant society.
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May 2, 2020
Middle class kid with idealistic worldview who went to ivy league school to become a corporate technician because he wanted to change the corps for the better from the inside but facing the reality of greed and blocking from the uncaring corp lords, gave up and left.
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May 1, 2020
The back story of my character is that he is a exiled Wakandan who was framed for the murder of the Current Black Panther and Theft of 2 kilos of Vibranium. He made it to Night city were he change his name to V and must tracked down the person who framed him. He not sure if the person if the male or female but he must find them and clear his name before the Dora Milaje track him down. The only clues he has is that is accusers has joined one of the factions of Night city so my "V" must infiltrate all 8 factions to find the criminal.
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Apr 27, 2020
My character possibly an Ex-Corp Nomad, who was in the security business once and learned using guns from his or her (not decided yet) childhood and been in some wars, so a veteran. He or she is working as a well-known hitman, pointman or whatever you call 'em you know the gun muscle. If he or she need to infiltrate a factory one-man army style, consider it done with lot of noise and blood. My character loves using weapons, pistols, shotguns, anything and do lots of damage in everything. Plus he or she interested in drugs so there's some connections between my char and Maman Brigitte the leaders of Voodoo Boys, I dunno maybe he or she want to be a member of those exiled guys...yea that's a start :)
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May 5, 2020
Hi. Perhaps it started with love of gadgets tinkering, Batman Detective comics and gadgets and may have transferred to Iron Man coz' he's all gadget- and then: Blade Runner, with still the best visuals, that intro, the scope of the scene and elements in it and that turqouise (or maybe aquamarine or teal) lighting and water caustics in the Tyrell building, on top of the noir and the love of sci-fi detective and cerebral plots. And then came Matrix 1 (though, like Star Wars, the tech may be far too ahead in the future for it to be pure cyberpunk) and that shock & awe when the pill was taken.

And then Neuromancer and Deus Ex (Mac version) and now it' Cyberpunk 2077 from the angel of the industry: CD Projekt Red (they know how to sell coz' they know how to empathize).

God bless, Revelation 21:4
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Feb 5, 2020
I have a hard time picking all of my character stats beforehand! I'm definitely going to be a Nomad for my first run through! As for what type of Nomad with emphasis on what skills will remain to be seen. For me there's something about sitting at the character creation screen letting the game speak to me about what I'm feeling for my character at that point in time. It doesn't always work out but that's what new game is for! 🙂
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Jan 13, 2020
What other games do the backstory choices? The one I can think of that immediately comes to mind is BattleTech.

I posted about this before in the 2080 ti giveaway thread but I want my backstory to mirror a Blade Runner experience. Bounty hunter seeking replicants to retire. If I can choose to be a replicant myself like Officer K even better!
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May 1, 2020
My character is based on a married man, bored with life, and has a bizarre fetish for the taste of hydraulic joint lubricants. During one night, while indulging in this fetish, one of the joints he was savoring exploded, causing severe injuries around 70% of his body.An old cybernetic physician offered to help with his injuries in exchange for him to eliminate the doctor's old rival and his creations. ashamed of what he has become, he has decided to abandon his past life and become a bouncer for a strip. Where he begins a relationship with a stripper that is missing all of her limbs, known as Buttplug.
May 5, 2020
In tabletop RPG I was always playing fixer, so was slightly disappointed when they've said it won't be a playable class... I always go with female characters in games if possible (probably nicer to look at :p)... My first V will most likely be a tech with a bit of solo (few shooting skills) with nomad background (I really want to play with Flathead :D)... What I want to do most in Cyberpunk 2077 is explore... I want to see the city, I want to get to know the city, I want to see city's inhabitants and it's outskirts... I want to interact with the city and see how it changes... I do believe in CDPR's power to create beautiful, realistic worlds and I'm pretty sure they will deliver this time too... Cyberpunk 2077 may be a milestone in gaming industry and may change the way games are made and looked at... I really hope it will be... I do know it will be worth 3 weeks off work that I have already booked... ;) 134 days left...
May 1, 2020
I still refuse to watch any game play so I can't say much but as far as my background and play style I'm going with a male character and I plan to run a stealth based character and main a hacker based skill set
May 1, 2020

I like the idea of being the cold/sly bastard that lurks in the shadows. I'll play for me and me alone. Maybe there will be redemption in store if he can find a cause worth fighting for. Till them he's collecting heads and the price tag that comes with them.
May 1, 2020
Do you have a security issue that needs the most up to date, cutting edge solution? Privacy, and discretion are guaranteed.
I was personal security for a top level corporate manager as a trouble shooter. I know which end is the pointy one, and I have contacts both in tech, on the street, as well as corporate management. More than once I was involved and in the field for undercover investigations. My background in military intelligence, gives me all the tools I need for working the corporate world as a fixer, and problem solver. Call today.
Mar 31, 2020
We a girl who had a family. Now this family everyone dies except me due to explosive bomb at the house then later one of a dr named fex saw me he took me to his lab to save me. half of my body was missing so he got me with some cyber next gen hack mech regain my memories I wanna find why do they kill my family and what was my father from me
May 5, 2020
I know it might sound "meh" but this is my first time writing character's backstory. I hope it's not that bad.

My character's backstory:

Name: <classified>
Aliases: Nano Viper/Mad Dog
Last name: <classified>
Age: 27
Sex: Male
Lifepath: Corpo
Hobbies: Body modifications, martial arts, spying on goverment officials

<classified> was born in 2050 into an average family. His father being a goverment agent teached his son all he could throughout his life, thanks to him, <classified> got interested in crafting and IT. At the age 17, <classified> was sent to his uncle, because his father had "a very important mission to complete". Of course, that was all a lie just to protect the boy. His uncle was a soldier and he trained him in stealth and espionage, because he knew that sooner or later <classified> will face the men in the shadows himself. <classified> was sent to many facilities where he had to aquire sensitive data, which he did without a fail. Ten years after all of the preparations and investigations, <classified> learned that his father's elusive superiors are living in the Night City. Who knows what kind of conspiracies will he uncover...
Apr 2, 2020
I would be just a normal guy, who worked some crappy job at a some tech company. When an armed robbery happens, you are almost killed, however you managed to trap the insurgents. The company pities you and admires your heroic act that saved a valuable investment. The company makes it so you change your entire life. You can become anyone as a new prototype, "V"; of course you can change your name and looks about you. After changing yourself, you can choose who you want to be from now on in the city.