What games made you swear? What made you curse? That game you were so eager to finish, but face it: it was impossible because those **** devs made it too hard.
I personally think some 80's-90's floppy games, when saving your game was not an option, were hard. You had to leave the PC on, or all was lost. But those games mostly didn't took 20 hours+ to finish. So i'm looking for a game that takes some time to finish, doesn't have quicksaves (or has badly implemented checkpoints), and is so hard that I've never finished it. The first thing that crosses my mind is some classic adventure games, like Monkey Island or Gobliiins. I'm not an adventuregame fan, that's the first problem, but still wanted to look into those real classics. But somewhere in those games, I felt that the puzzles were just too far fetched. So I had to cheat my way out with internet walk throughs, a shame yeah.
When I'm thinking of genres I really enjoy... A lot of old platformgames come to mind (Elf-Gods-Turtles...). The game that really comes to mind is Metal Mutant. An oldie from a French company. That game didn't have a save-function I think, and was sooo hard...But I loved every bit of it. I kept trying, for years, but never made it to the end. Not by a long shot tbh.
In the last 10-15 years, I choose my games more carefully. Because work, because kids, because wif...oh, never mind
I keep going back to more casual games, which in general are not hard. I never ever pick the most difficult setting, so that helps as well. What about you?
I personally think some 80's-90's floppy games, when saving your game was not an option, were hard. You had to leave the PC on, or all was lost. But those games mostly didn't took 20 hours+ to finish. So i'm looking for a game that takes some time to finish, doesn't have quicksaves (or has badly implemented checkpoints), and is so hard that I've never finished it. The first thing that crosses my mind is some classic adventure games, like Monkey Island or Gobliiins. I'm not an adventuregame fan, that's the first problem, but still wanted to look into those real classics. But somewhere in those games, I felt that the puzzles were just too far fetched. So I had to cheat my way out with internet walk throughs, a shame yeah.
When I'm thinking of genres I really enjoy... A lot of old platformgames come to mind (Elf-Gods-Turtles...). The game that really comes to mind is Metal Mutant. An oldie from a French company. That game didn't have a save-function I think, and was sooo hard...But I loved every bit of it. I kept trying, for years, but never made it to the end. Not by a long shot tbh.
In the last 10-15 years, I choose my games more carefully. Because work, because kids, because wif...oh, never mind