What's the most annoying character you've ever had to deal with in a game?

Jul 3, 2024
Hey Bunches! I've been thinking about characters that just get under your skin. You know, the ones that make you want to throw your controller across the room. For me, it's gotta be Navi from The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. That little fairy never shuts up with her constant 'Hey! Listen!' I swear, if I could, I'd stuff her in a bottle and leave her at the bottom of Lake Hylia.

What about you all? What's the most annoying character you've ever had to deal with in a game?"
Somewhere during the campaign of Rainbow Six: Vegas 2, an NPC starts blabbering to you about something plot related while blocking the gate you need to go through until they're done talking. This isn't a cutscene, so you can't skip it, you just have to stand there (or jump or run in circles) until they're done talking and move aside.

Or you can just shoot them in the head, which gives you both immense satisfaction and an immediate game over, sending you back to the last checkpoint.

My friend and I probably played the section from that checkpoint around 20 times. Sometimes we would've even already passed the gate, only for one of us to turn around and shoot them anyway for wasting our time.

We really had too much free time...

See also:
Jul 5, 2024
The enemies in ninja gaiden were annoying to me. Mainly because that game was the hardest game I ever played at when it came out on Xbox.

Never could get gud. Would end up annoyed and cuss at the game when I died. Never beat it.


Community Contributor
There's a character in Gas Station Simulator named Dennis who is so annoying that the developers had to let you turn him off in the game settings. People who played the demo were saying they weren't going to buy the game so long as he was in it :ROFLMAO:

He's a neighborhood kid and troublemaker who's actual purpose is to be near constantly annoying as he is constantly sneaking around your gas station vandalizing and painting graffiti. You have to chase him around throwing garbage bags at him to get him to leave, and he's not easy to hit. Even if you do hit him, he just comes back a few minutes later.
There's no doubt some I'm forgetting, but one that definitely comes to mind is Robert Norton from Dead Space 3. He's the guy that you find is Ellie's new boyfriend after our beloved protagonist Isaac Clarke has been away so long. Ellie and Isaac ended up pretty close after they got to know each other, and Norton just presents a more than awkward situation, especially since he's super cynical and jealous of any conversations Ellie and Isaac have. He starts getting really snotty and accusatory, and at one point even abandons Isaac in a cage he leaves him locked in, then later tries to shoot him dead.

As a dishonorable mention, I would say Jacob Danik, whom leads Unitology in Dead Space 3, is very annoying as well. He's got an irritating smug rich boy accent, and like pretty much all Unitologists, is completely bonkers when it comes to common sense.
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