If it is an old game, I won't pay much for it (if it is not a good enhanced/reworked/definitive or similar edition)
I find this interesting because I subscribe to the same mentality, but I'm not sure if it's necessarily a legitimate way to look at things. For example, I don't own a Switch for the fact that I consider the games far too expensive, especially for older stuff like Breath of the Wild or Mario Odyssey.
Yeah, the games are old, but they're still good games right? Why does the value decrease just because they're a couple of years old? Simply because we're used to games going on sale as they age and we expect to get them for a certain amount? It's not as though old games come with problems like an old car, thus subjecting them to depreciation; that is to say, if it's 5 years old, it's probably going to run on your computer just fine and you're not going to have to fix it or maintain it or whatever.
Just a thought experiment, I suppose.
That said, a
big sale to me is 75%-90% off and I'll have a hard time not buying it "just because." I recently bought Hunter: Call of the Wild for like $3 or something even though I have zero interest in hunting games and stalking through the Pacific Northwest to track a deer sounds dreadfully boring. I guess the thought is, I'll pay $3 to take a chance.; I know I won't like it, but for $3, maybe I'll find something I'm interested in.