What mouse do you use?

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Dec 17, 2022
I use the wired version. I´d prefer the wireless version but atm i´m in the Middle of a renovation project and have to watch my budget. Onse i´m trought all that i´ll get a wireless one but they are way more expensive.
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On a Journey
He posted just before I answered lol

His appears to be the wired version so no need for charging pad.

I don't have the pad myself and battery lasted a year so far.
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May 13, 2024
He posted just before I answered lol

His appears to be the wired version so no need for charging pad.

I don't have the pad myself and battery lasted a year so far.

Thanks. I suspect it was the pad since it was always charging when my machine was on, which is at least 8 or so hours a day being that I work from home. Or maybe it was me unplugging the pad from time to time to let the battery drain was a bad idea after all.


On a Journey
i think lowest I let my battery drain to is about 12%.
An rgb light on the mouse is meant to start flashing at 20% charge but I have to look for the light as its on front of mouse. The Logitech app can also show the percentage but as you can see, its not telling me at 20% now... I know it used to, I suspect thats a change in the software and not the mouse itself

The light wasn't flashing yet. Glad I decided to look.


On a Journey
That was new, started PC up and it didn't find my mouse
  1. not even just a cursor in middle of screen. no sign of a pointer anywhere.
  2. plug in - since its wireless - didn't change anything
  3. make sure mouse is on - it was showing rgb - turning mouse on is first thing I do each day... hmm, I wonder if that is cause.
  4. Unplug USB cable from PC and plug back in... it worked but it was really slow and erratic in its actions. Would just stop tracking completely.
  5. Look at power levels, was at 41% so not even close to empty.
I rotated my mouse pad and suddenly it seemed to work? I don't understand that one. No longer erratic or slow to track... might be pattern on mouse pad, can't say I ever had problems with using it sideways before.

Sure, its a Steelseries mouse pad and a Logitech Mouse but they have gotten on fine until today.

For some reason it appears the USB wireless connection wasn't talking to mouse at startup. I let mouse charge to 100 and see if it works again once I attach it to the charging cable mouse is currently connected to - I use an adapter that came with mouse to plug it into cable when mouse isn't charging -short test shows it appears to be fine... Guess next startup might show more.
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Community Contributor
I use this logitech 502 hero because it has a lot of programmable buttons wich are well placed.
You talked me into it. I just ordered one. Unfortunately for my order, Christmas is 3 days away, and they have no idea when my order will be here. Not really an emergency anyway.

How has the battery been in the 502?
The battery will never run down. You can use it 24 hours a day for as long as you like without ever having to recharge.

Yeah, I prefer wired.
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I had a Steelseries Rival 300 but switched to the Logitech 502 hero due to me being able to play Last Epoch with it one handed when I fractured my elbow. I like the reprogrammable features and have used this feature in a few games since.


On a Journey
The right click button on my G502 X was playing up earlier, clicking it did nothing.
Its still not as good as it should be. Left click is fine, right is a little harder to press.

I discovered it was full of dirt and other crap that was blocking the sensor and stopping the key itself. Think I got most of it out.
Guess I should clean it more often. I hadn't thought of stuff getting under the keys... not sure how that happens? the only way anything can seemingly get in that side is a hole on front of mouse (to let button move down). Just not sure how it got dirty to start with.

It still is a little delayed in reacting. Better than it was. Button works but its a slow reaction
makes it hard to right click icons, its more likely to grab them and move them than click them.

potentially not good enough for gaming so I have gone back to Steelseries again
Should get it sometime next week. Happened to be on special today so good timing.

I only bought it a year ago. Can't say I had this problem on any other mice before. Its got Optical mechanical switches so something not right with one of them.

I give the logitech to mum to use, its still better than what she has. Doesn't feel like as much a waste of money if its still being used.
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On a Journey
I wasn't expecting it to arrive two days later, especially when I ordered it on Saturday

One of these is white going black, the other is so black its lucky the rgb was on

Peripheral makers hit a gold mine, charge people for less materials and explain it as making mouse faster to respond due to being lighter... honeycomb sures saves materials. Shame it only works for mice.

It will take me a while to adjust to it, pattern on back feels odd on my hands
Changed one DPI setting to 1900 which is about normal for me.
Feeling the mousepad surface more on my palm. Since the mouse is way lower in height. Size of mouse sure does make it easier to control.

Flashed its firmware and after previously failed one of those on a previous mouse, I was careful not to repeat it. Now my hit rate with their firmware updates is in the positive.

RGB on mouse turns off while its moving, reasoning being you can't see it if your hand is in the way. And goes to sleep after 2 minutes.

Most of it is in a completely illogical place too

underglow on mouse only works if it somehow hovers about surface of the table... guess that would be a smooth surface.

Its scroll wheel seems quieter than the Logitechs. Mouse seems quieter in general... less pronounced click
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On a Journey
Its meant to have 150 hours battery... it must only achieve that with no rgb on at all. As I have found it gets to below 50 pretty quickly.
I might try its high efficiency mode and see how long it lasts in that. It turns all the rgb off in that mode, I can barely see mouse on the pad in the dark now.

I have charged it 3 times since getting it. Though it has yet to run out, I just charged once it hit 30.

So I may not use it in wireless mode very much. Which looked to be a problem until I bought a 7 port USB 3.0 splitter with a 1.2m long cable on it so that the usb cables for charging my mouse and keyboard don't have to stretch as far to the PC.

The mouse has 3 modes on bottom,
  1. Bluetooth
  2. Off
  3. Wireless

Off doesn't actually turn mouse off, it just sets it into wired mode if its plugged in. So I probably just use it like that most of time. Once I get the splitter next week, anyway. Then I will alter its RGB since it won't need to turn off to save charge.

Edit: 1 day later its usage for the last 12 hours is 10%... so I will be using it rgb free unless I want to use RGB. This rate it last another week before I need to charge it.
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On a Journey
2 days down, still on 90% battery, only downside to no rgb is its hard to see mouse in the dark now
camera can see it better than I can

It is almost like wireless mice need solar cells to keep rgb alive. That or the G502 X bulk was used for a larger battery.

I didn't really get it for RGB so if it can last much longer without it, thats fine.
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Jun 11, 2024
2 days down, still on 90% battery, only downside to no rgb is its hard to see mouse in the dark now
camera can see it better than I can

It is almost like wireless mice need solar cells to keep rgb alive. That or the G502 X bulk was used for a larger battery.

I didn't really get it for RGB so if it can last much longer without it, thats fine.
Stupid question... Doesn't the inside of it get lots of dust?


On a Journey


Community Contributor
That's it. It's over. No more SteelSeries Sensei mice for me. They have all been disasters recently. When I would rather use my laptop's touchpad than my mouse, you know it's bad.

To demonstrate the problem, I tried to draw a straight line with the selection tool in paint(dot)net:


All the up and down stuff is mouse jitter. Further more, it is still sometimes registering single clicks as double clicks.

I absolutely love their software, but I'm just over it. I got a bunch of perfectly fine mice in the box beside my chair, so I'm chucking this one in the garbage.


On a Journey
i hadn't noticed the software added itself to my music choices. I plugged my dap in tonight to charge it and PC swapped my output from speakers to the dap, and I noticed all the Sonar choices

when I went back in to swap to speakers - couldn't figure out why sound wasn't working at first until I realised it was the dap swapping itself automatically into USB Dac mode - its possible it was 1st time I had ever connected it, now I think about it. Normally use other charging cables but it was acting strange and didn't want to charge on it.

Sonar is meant to be good software for audio with headsets... I don't have any of those to test. Same with the microphone as well.

I don't know how straight I could draw a line :)
I find this mouse is easier to control for me than the G502 X was... sometimes getting it to point in the exact right spot was difficult.

Only charged it once since turning RGB off, and that is only as plugging it into the cable auto charges it, and I had bought a powered USB hub so I could use mouse plugged in all the time and use USB... but the USB cable that links PC to Hub wasn't as long as I had hoped it would be so that idea fell to wayside. If PC wasn't on other side of my room it would be easier to use plugged in. All I am missing is RGB now and most of the patterns in the Prism software aren't amazing anyway.

hub did make it easier to charge keyboard and use it at same time. Not complete waste of money until I buy a Gaming table and new PC that has 10 USB 3 ports on its back (and 2 USB 4 ones as well) ... I didn't get hub for more ports, I just hoped it would be closer to me.
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Community Contributor
I don't know how straight I could draw a line :)
I don't know if my writing made it clear, but all those blobs of stuff on that line were just the mouse, as well as the smaller up and down lines later in the line. In fact, that first blob happened when I was holding the mouse completely still. The mouse can just be sitting there without me touching it, and the curser goes all over the place.


On a Journey
What mouse pad do you use? Curious if its a tracking issue. I have been using their QCK Mouse pads for years now.
My cursor only moves if mouse pad isn't level. Though my eyes aren't amazing, but it doesn't seem to move.

what DPI? Seems smoothing starts around 5k

https://www.techpowerup.com/review/steelseries-sensei-ten/5.html (I assume that is model you have, came out in 2020)

Sensei Ten tracking issues

seems double clicking can happen with many of their mice, and yet... I am on number 3 and so far not encountered it. Most fixes suggest replacing the switch but at that stage its easier to replace the mouse.
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Community Contributor
What mouse pad do you use? Curious if its a tracking issue. I have been using their QCK Mouse pads for years now.
My cursor only moves if mouse pad isn't level. Though my eyes aren't amazing, but it doesn't seem to move.

what DPI? Seems smoothing starts around 5k

https://www.techpowerup.com/review/steelseries-sensei-ten/5.html (I assume that is model you have, came out in 2020)

Sensei Ten tracking issues

seems double clicking can happen with many of their mice, and yet... I am on number 3 and so far not encountered it. Most fixes suggest replacing the switch but at that stage its easier to replace the mouse.
It does it with both my SteelSeries and Razer mousepads and also without a mousepad, and both of the pads are relatively new (within 3 months). DPI switches between 800 and 1200. There's no way I could do anything at 5k.

Oh, and my 10 busted. This is the 300 model. I'm not sure they make any other Sensei now.