Feature What game would make a great Netflix series?

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Jan 22, 2020
I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream. A bit of a cheat since the game is based on the Harlan Ellison novel of the same name, but The Witcher is based on books too so whatever. The new Dracula series on Netflix is a great example of fun, entertaining TV mixed with proper old-school horror beats, this could have a similar vibe but with a sci-fi bent.

Having said that, I would totally watch a "Fables"/"Wolf Among Us" series.

I would kill for this. There are seasons worth of backstory and twists in the comic series. I've described it to friends as 'Basically that 'Once Upon A Time' show but leaning towards Grimm rather than Disney.
Jan 13, 2020
Deus Ex (2000, Ion Storm, Eidos Interactive) taking place in the year 2052 with JC Denton and Paul Denton as the main characters. Anna Navarre, Joseph Manderley, Gunther Herman, Walton Simons, and eventually Bob Page would be secondary major characters.

The show would contain a vast majority of Deus Ex dialogue, and extras to make it work for TV. All plot points would be in the show. Actors and actresses chosen would sound and even appear as similar as possible to their game version counterparts.

Each season (10-13 episodes each) if done right, Deus Ex would make quite an engaging Netflix series allowing for real world conspiracies to finally be dealt within the technological thriller. The Gray Death would be a massive plague that has crippled the world.

Obviously Spoilers Below if you haven't played Deus Ex yet.

Series opens with two mysterious men speaking underneath a giant hand surrounding the earth monument. Their faces are in the shadows to not reveal who they are just yet, but their voices are heard clearly. Dialogue is the same as the game's opening. JC Denton arrives at Liberty Island docks via NYPD Charter as in the game, and Paul meets him there.

Season 1: Liberty Island, UNATCO HQ, Battery Park, Hell's Kitchen, Free Clinic, 'Ton Hotel, Underworld Tavern, 20th Street NSF Warehouse, Mole Tunnels, LaGuardia Airport & 747 Hangar. Season ends with Juan Lebedev's revelation of a proveable conspiracy within UNATCO. Gray Death revealed to be a fabricated plague used to control the masses. JC stops Anna Navarre from killing Juan Lebedev. Final scene post credits is Walton Simons killing Juan Lebedev at UNATCO prison.

Season 2: JC saves Paul Denton and helps him escape Hell's Kitchen. JC escapes Hell's Kitchen via Subway, and ends up at Battery Park. Gunther Hermann apprehends JC and brings him to a secret MJ12 facility only revealed during the escape to be below the UNATCO facility on Liberty Island. JC finally heads to Hong Kong.

Hong Kong Market, Tracer Tong's Base/Hong Kong Temple, Hong Kong Canals, Hong Kong Waterways, Lucky Money Club, Canals, VersaLife Corporation, MJ12 Laboratories, Bob Page is witnessed speaking with Maggie Chow, Hell's Kitchen, Brooklyn Naval Shipyards, Ship, Lower East Side Cemetary. Season ends with JC Denton meeting with Stanton Dowd, leader of the Illuminati and then heading to Paris, France. It is also revealed that Tracer Tong has the Gray Death. Maggie Chow is killed at the Universal Constructor underneath MJ12 Lab/VersaLife Corporation at seasons end.

Season 3: Paris Denfert-Rochereau, Catacombs, Paris Nightclub, Chateau DuClare, Knights Templar Cathedral, Gunther Herman encounter and death of Gunther via kill command. JC heads to Morgan Everett's house and encounters Lucious deBeers in his life support chamber. Alex Jacobsen would have a much more prominent role in the final half of the show than what he did in the game. Doctor Reyes has a much more prominent role in the second half of this series more than he did in the game. Season ends with the helicopter mechanic attempting to blow up JC's helicopter, but JC is able to stop him in time, and informs Morgan Everett of the spy.

Season 4: Vandenberg Air Force Base, New West Coast - Submarine Base, Underwater Ocean Lab - Horror style elements/Thriller elements, Walton Simons is encountered and killed, Missile Silo attack against Vandenberg Air Force Base stopped and Area 51 is targeted. Paul Denton has a much more prominent role in the second half of this series than he did in the game. Area 51 Surface, Sector 2, 3, 4, and final confrontation with Bob Page.

Netflix would allow the viewer to choose their ending.
Feb 11, 2020
I think Overwatch could make an awesome Netflix series.

And a less obviuos choice, I think Life is Strange would work really well along with Bandersnatch's interactive thing.
Jan 13, 2020
Fallout (specifically 3). I think a movie about surviving a capitol wasteland full of super mutants would be pretty cool.

Other than that.. how about going old school and making a Zork show?
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Mar 9, 2020
I've said it since the first game but Kane and Lynch has been better suited for film than games from the getgo. The story is no longer fresh in my mind but greedy anti-heros making a mess of mafia business while trying to get back Kane's daughter makes them the defacto protagonist in their gritty world. (I think it was Kane's daughter anyways. Like I said, it has been a long time).

It's one of those cases where you get to root for the bad guys, because everyone else is a bad guy as well.
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Jan 22, 2020
As has been said here previously, a long form take on X-COM would be fantastic and I'd also love to see a deep dive into the Elder Scrolls. Although where would you start with that?
Jan 13, 2020
The Wit...oh wait.

GTA V, RDR and RDR2 would also make some fine tv/cinema.
While i liked your comment, there is a part of me that wonders if its possible for the live action version to outdo the story in Rdr2 as its presented in the game. Committing to the game and really stepping into Arthurs boots in the way R* intended and living in that world, made the story far more impactful than possible with any Tv, in my opinion. That said, I'd welcome someone to try to it justice.

GTA on the other hand could thrive as an Anthology series each about all the different characters from the games set in the same universe. If done properly it could be a great crime show, sprinkled with that inimitable R* comedic riff on society and pop culture.


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Jan 22, 2020
I've said it since the first game but Kane and Lynch has been better suited for film than games from the getgo. The story is no longer fresh in my mind but greedy anti-heros making a mess of mafia business while trying to get back Kane's daughter makes them the defacto protagonist in their gritty world. (I think it was Kane's daughter anyways. Like I said, it has been a long time).

It's one of those cases where you get to root for the bad guys, because everyone else is a bad guy as well.

They almost made this movie back in the early teens, Bruce Willis and Billy Bob Thornton were cast first but from memory BBT was replaced with Jamie Foxx. Not sure of the whole story but it never entered production in the end.
Jul 13, 2020
Seeing how we need more fantasy shows to replace the void GoT left, I suggest Planescape setting and whatever story writers think up of.
I think there's plethora of stories that can be told across the Planes.
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Dec 17, 2020
With how politics gets injected into it, they could do a DOOM show, and it would be nothing more then psychobable about how misunderstood the monsters are. And that shooting them to save ourselves is evil and crap...