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Well, I was playing Mutant: Year Zero: Road to Eden but it's becoming a real slog. Every encounter has to start with picking off stragglers then silently whittling down the enemy numbers until they are almost all down. Because, once you start making loud bangs, the rest of the group will come running at you. You only get to field three people so, if that's five enemies, you're in serious trouble. Not a bad model for combat, but circling around and around a group of enemies, trying to pick off what you can, gets outright tiresome to me after a dozen hours or so.

I'm switching over to MechWarrior 5. I'm only in the tutorials but that's been pretty fun. I stayed up late last night, snagging various mods for the game. Now I need to get'm installed and see what I've broken/fixed. Oddly, there wasn't a single nude mod around. I expected at least a chainmail bikini for the Banshee - but no. The internet sure is getting tame!

P.S. And paid FULL PRICE for the game for the first time in eons. :eek:
Jun 17, 2021
on pc i playing rainbow 6 vegas offline, but i noticed on game ranger it shows list of players and games and rainbow 6 vegas and rainbow 6 vegas 2 were being played co op multiplayer, im not sure how that's possible as the server's are apparently shut down, it's like if you try to login there's no response and failed, im sure game ranger gets past the shutdown as you see alot of old pc games being played on the list, i was tempted to join in if the players allow it. on my ps3 im playing dragon age awakening.

OsaX Nymloth

Community Contributor
Jan 29, 2020
Started Iratus: Lord of the Dead and The Graveyard Keeper. Oh and Quake.

The latter is self-explanatory: a classic that still can show younger audience "how it's done". It's really amazing how smooth and fluid it is, insane. And how every level is an enemy on it's own, that player have to learn how to beat.

Didn't play much Graveyard Keeper yet, not sure it will stick, but we will see.

Iratus on the other hand is basically Darkest Dungeon and they don't try to hide it. Biggest difference is that you're not trying to clean the dark forcess, but ARE the darkness that tries to conquer the world. So far game seems quite solid, with good voice over for narrator and edgy writing. Additions like creating your own forces, having teams of undead monsters, alchemy etc. are nice addition.
Aug 10, 2021
on wensday i went on a steam binge and bought three games which i have been playing and rotating several times a day as i am not supposed to game to long due to my epilepsy:
#grand theft auto V-loving this, so different to GTAIV.

#metal dogs- a kind of top down japanese RPG but i dont know the sub genre-it says roguelike but i am not sure what that means. its a early acess game,but to me it seems a lot more finished and sleek than a lot of early acess games,apart from the storyline being a bit stiff and awkward but it was well worth the money. you basicaly play as a dog,who ends up gaining different cool weapons strapped to his back, and they all react differently, and the higher the level you go the more enemies you have to deal with at any one time. you can die and restart, its the first time ive played this style of RPG and im actualy very pleased with it,i recommend having a look at the videos on steam.

#ghostrunner, i was firstly amazed it automaticaly ran on the maximum graphics settings for my entry level gaming laptop, next....my god its ridiculusly hard but very entertaining,very fast paced, i was using a third party xbox one pad and it didnt quite map buttons correctly.
in ghostrunner you play as a ninja ghost type entity in a cyberpunk era and have a lot of enemies to deal with.quite gory and not great for people who are quickly overloaded or have photosensitive epilepsy.
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Destiny 2 has a new season and as a clan leader its important to be around.

As a huge fan of Aliens along with my wife, this game has been a great welcome, its fun, sounds good and has plenty of bugs to mow down.


Community Contributor
The RPG burnout is back again. :( I'm focusing on FPS games currently, mainly Doom Eternal's The Ancient Gods DLCs. The addons have a high difficulty level, but I hope that I'll be able to finish them. I'm also doing an another run of Quake 2 RTX and will probably continue playing the expansion packs on standard Quake 2 engine. Besides that I'm waiting for Diablo 2 Resurrected. This one is not affected by the burnout because it's more action oriented than standard RPGs.


Venatus semper
Nov 27, 2020
I'd been playing a lot of isometric RPGs lately, so I needed a change of pace, so I started playing Kingdoms of Amalur Re-Reckoning (made a tiny dent into my Steam backlog even). And I have to say, this game is really fun: maps are huge, exploration, fast paced combat, multiple ways to build your character, interesting story to drive you forward. Graphics are good, and while you can tell it's an older game, graphics are never my primary concern.

Jun 8, 2021
I've lately decided to play through all the resident evil games again (almost all. I am skipping the multiplayer and light gun games). I have been playing them in no particular order. So far I have finished 0, 6,5,4, code veronica, and both revelations 1 and 2. I have 1, 2,3,7, and village left to play through again. Right now I am on the hd remaster of 1 and I just finished the second Yawn fight.
Aug 10, 2021
i was playing a lot of GTA:V tonight-though mainly checking out the roads and sites, getting used to the map,i only bought it last wensday.
ive also played a lot of doom (2016 version) tonight,it was giving an annoying vulkan error for a few days i did some looking in my nvidia software and it apears it had changed the vulkan graphics engine,i changed it back and it solved my problem.

OsaX Nymloth

Community Contributor
Jan 29, 2020
Gave up on Graveyard Keeper.

Now it's PATHFINDER: WRATH OF THE RIGHTEOUS time. And I love it so far (mind you, I am still very early in the game). The small details in the levels, the main theme music, the amount of options, attention to detail and damn, the insane amount of build branches. And they kept all the fixes and QoL improvements from patched Kingmaker. Yes, pretty please, yes!
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So I tried Star Wars: The Old Republic for the first time yesterday and I may have accidentally stumbled upon a crippling addiction :ROFLMAO:.. My early gaming background is WoW and RuneScape so I just sort of connect with MMOs I guess. I played for 5 hours yesterday and really enjoyed my time. Seems like quite a bit of content for free and the class stories seem to be quite good.
Aug 10, 2021
i was pretty much forced to spend the day at my parents house so i took the laptop with me, and i played a hefty amount of both ghostrunner and doom (2016).

now, i love ghostrunner, but by god its such an extremely frustrating game if you have terrible anything-for example visual processing difficulties or coordination issues, its extremely well made, incredible OST, very responsive controls etc but at least allow you to play from the bit you were last on before rage quitting,instead of having to do the whole level from the beginning, my mother-who i love to bits--was a wee bit drunk on 1 beer,and kept
drunk-interupting me to ask about the game as i had it on their huge tv via the steam link app,i had the headphones on so i got quickly muddled up what i was doing,so yeah i rage quit,reminds me of the good old times playing megadrive games against my sister-like sonic and streetfighter 2, exept unlike megadrive control pads- these laptops arent cheap to replace.
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I'm taking advantage of the free weekend for Watch Dogs: Legion. So far, so good.

Mercenaries 5 is still fun, too, though it's near-total lack of story is starting to hurt. It's just: go in, fight things, get richer, repeat - with the occasional trip around the industrial planets to try and find a good mech to buy. The 'fight things' part is quite fun, though, so I haven't left yet.

X4: Foundations is about ready to release version 4.1.

OsaX Nymloth

Community Contributor
Jan 29, 2020
How are the bugs, @OsaX Nymloth? They had a pretty rough time of things when the first Pathfinder game showed up.
Sorry for late reply!
Nothing game breaking so far, but some smaller ones are annoying. Like tutorial prompts missing graphics for things it explains (this button means X. Button is not visible of course). or cutscenes where dialogues are missing and you need to read them from a log after the scene is over. Small things like this, I am sure they will fix it in no time.

The most annoying so far was when I was leveling up a hero and game didn't tell me how many new spells I could add. The number for allocation always stayed at 0.

As for the game itself, loving it. It seems every new character I meet is more interesting that the other - and those were already damn interesting for starters! One time I almost cried in laughter when a certain someone decided to take IQ test for evil cultists. It was great.