What game are you currently playing?


Staff member
You asked for it so here it is, what game are you currently playing?

Doesn't matter on what platform it is, or if it's good or not !

I'm playing the Sims 4 at the moment, cottage living expansion lets me keep cows. :D

(and Llamas)

Thanks for making the thread :)

I'm currently playing Dark Souls for the first time and it is quite the experience so far! The atmosphere is great and the level design is truly superb. It's interesting because I generally do not like hard games but Dark Souls is really satisfying. Beating the Capra Demon felt amazing and probably one of my favorite gaming moments in quite some time.


Staff member
Thanks for making the thread :)

I'm currently playing Dark Souls for the first time and it is quite the experience so far! The atmosphere is great and the level design is truly superb. It's interesting because I generally do not like hard games but Dark Souls is really satisfying. Beating the Capra Demon felt amazing and probably one of my favorite gaming moments in quite some time.

A friend of mine got super into Dark Souls, have you tried Sekiro or Ghost Of Tsushima? Both very cool beat em games, but less just full stress :D
A friend of mine got super into Dark Souls, have you tried Sekiro or Ghost Of Tsushima? Both very cool beat em games, but less just full stress :D

Sekiro is on my wishlist currently so I'll definitely play it in the future. I really want to play Ghost of Tsushima but I do not have a Playstation unfortunately. Fingers crossed that they port it to PC eventually.
All PC, but here is the rotating list:

Destiny 2 - My main stay, always doing weeklies and playing with the clan

The Ascent-Playing this on the Windows Store; fun, visually nice but buggy twin-stick shooter

Battlefield 1- Became f2p (for a short time) jumped in popularity, returned as a seasoned veteran to rake up those noob kills!

Streets of Rage 4- Playing the new DLC via couch coop with my wife and son, fun times

Back 4 Blood Beta- The current beta i am testing. Fun Left 4 Dead clone with its unique attributes, looking forward to its release


Staff member
All PC, but here is the rotating list:

Destiny 2 - My main stay, always doing weeklies and playing with the clan

The Ascent-Playing this on the Windows Store; fun, visually nice but buggy twin-stick shooter

Battlefield 1- Became f2p (for a short time) jumped in popularity, returned as a seasoned veteran to rake up those noob kills!

Streets of Rage 4- Playing the new DLC via couch coop with my wife and son, fun times

Back 4 Blood Beta- The current beta i am testing. Fun Left 4 Dead clone with its unique attributes, looking forward to its release

I hear back 4 blood is super fun :)
I'm playing Days Gone on Survival II with the Massive Hordes mod. I'm also not sleeping at all, so I have to take what comes, even if at night where hordes roam and the Freaks are stronger in general. It's been very exhilarating, what was once a small horde of 30, is now 200! It's also very immersive to ride through the dark forest at night in the fog, with filtered moonlight flickering through the trees and sounds of Freaks screaming as you whizz by.


Community Contributor
This week I've been playing Chernobylite and The Hunter: Call of the Wild.

I got bored playing The Hunter and modded the spawn rate to exponentially increase the animals. Now it's a fight for survival because every time an animal runs into you, you take damage. I may be the only player to ever get killed by turkeys. Also the ATV now goes 180 mph. Don't tell me I'm playing it wrong.

Brian Boru

Legenda in Aeternum
I may be the only player to ever get killed by turkeys
First time I met a pair of Cassowaries in Far Cry 3:
"Ooh look, nice birdies, are you the local variety of turkeys?"

Cassowaries respond:
Slash! Rip!!


I never forgave them, took great pleasure in headshotting—they got small heads, the damage is in their feet—them at every chance. Only rivaled by pleasure in shotgunning the infernal honey badgers—you can probably guess the initial meeting:
"Ooh look, nice little furry guy, can I pet you?"
HB: "No"

Brian Boru

Legenda in Aeternum
Currently playing:
Royal Envoy 2 Collector's Edition.
On my annual run thru the Royal Envoy series, which was released a decade ago and is one of those timeless games which is every bit as fun today as ever. One of the few casual games where I recommend getting the Collector's Edition, since you get ~50% more levels.

It's a puzzle-strategy game, based around building houses to generate income to meet the level's goals. Each level is one screen only, and there are around 60 regular plus 30 extra in the CE. Close to a perfectly designed game, my only complaint is it's clicky—iirc RE3 & 4 are less clicky. Much easier than RE1 to get the gold star—ie complete in a certain time.

Also started and waiting patiently for my return:
Ghost Recon Wildlands first playthru;
Sniper Elite 4 first playthru.
I'm only a few hours in on both, so no opinion yet except lovely worlds and I'm looking forward to getting back to them.
Also started and waiting patiently for my return:
Ghost Recon Wildlands first playthru;
Sniper Elite 4 first playthru.
I'm only a few hours in on both, so no opinion yet except lovely worlds and I'm looking forward to getting back to them.
Those are both great games. I loved GRW so much in fact that I decided to make a video walkthrough of it on Extreme with no HUD and no upgrades. The reason being is on Tier 1 with all upgrades it just felt too arcade and silly. Chase scenarios to intercept coms vehicles and such would go on for miles, and while it is indeed challenging, it's also not all that hard due to the upgrades, many of which are quite unrealistic. So if you end up getting the hang of GRW well, and want a more realistic feel, I highly recommend Extreme mode with no HUD/upgrades. At first I thought just traveling to objectives would be very tedious with no HUD or upgrades, which also means you can't parachute or even order helis. It turned out finding nearby helis to steal was one of the things that made it very fun. It also didn't take nearly as long as I expected. I captured every mission starting and ending at a safehouse, and still managed to average under 10 min a mission. I only fast traveled once just a short ways to a dock to finish one mission with a boat vs zig zagging for miles down a mountain on tons of switchbacks to get to the objective after getting intel via stopping a convoy. It still took about 3 months to complete though, simply because I did ALL the missions plus 3 DLC ones, for a total of 114 videos.