Weekend question: What unreleased game of 2020 are you most looking forward to?

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Watch Dogs Legion. The previous installment was an incredible romp through a very buggy and broken sandbox world, which actually heightened my enjoyment of Watch Dogs 2. The story and dialogue however was a cringey attempt at showing off how "cool" and "edgy" hackers are. At times, it was entertaining and had a message about the state of our privacy online in the real world, which is a strange hearing it come from a multi-million dollar corporation.

Speaking of which, Ubisoft recently delayed all of their games currently in development, I believe due to the poor sales of their last big title, Ghost Recon Breakpoint. I hope that this means they want to take more time on polishing their in-development games, making them as good as they can be. The main feature of Legion is that you're able to play as any NPC in the game. That is a hugely ambitious feature, and if done correctly, could be very fun and entertaining to play. I just really hope this game is good :ROFLMAO:
Jan 13, 2020
DooM Eternal, Half-Life Alyx, and Cyberpunk 2077.

And I'd be lying if I said I wasn't going to check out World of Warcraft Shadowlands speculated for release before December 31, 2020.
Feb 14, 2020
My favorite genres being RPG, FPS and immersive sims... and my favorite setting being sci-fi... I think Cyberpunk is maybe my most anticipated game of the last few years, not just this year. Bloodlines 2 is right up there as well, for similar reasons. Both getting pushed back to Fall is a bummer, but glad they'll be more polished.
Feb 12, 2020
Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines 2.

I thoroughly enjoyed the first game. To those who have not played it yet, I would suggest to download and apply the unofficial patch since it removed most of the bugs. I have high expectations for this game and highly anticipating its release.