Watch Dogs Legion. The previous installment was an incredible romp through a very buggy and broken sandbox world, which actually heightened my enjoyment of Watch Dogs 2. The story and dialogue however was a cringey attempt at showing off how "cool" and "edgy" hackers are. At times, it was entertaining and had a message about the state of our privacy online in the real world, which is a strange hearing it come from a multi-million dollar corporation.
Speaking of which, Ubisoft recently delayed all of their games currently in development, I believe due to the poor sales of their last big title, Ghost Recon Breakpoint. I hope that this means they want to take more time on polishing their in-development games, making them as good as they can be. The main feature of Legion is that you're able to play as any NPC in the game. That is a hugely ambitious feature, and if done correctly, could be very fun and entertaining to play. I just really hope this game is good