Username availability across sites

If you want the same Username across multiple online properties, NameCh_k looks useful.

I tried a username, clicked 'Show More' 2-3 times, and got this result:

so right at bottom of the page... its not exactly obvious
so what is the color key? red = it does or doesn't exist?

its hard to tell

I am not sure. If Red = it exists, then the Steam one isn't me as my user name is different. If Green means it exists, then the Youtube isn't me as I use a different user name there as well. So... its usefulness makes me wonder :)

site mainly there to sell domain names.
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User display names aren't unique on Steam. The username behind it (which determines your profile URL) is, but I don't think anyone pays attention to those.

Anyway, nice site! Next up: checking character names on popular MMOs.... ;)

P.S. Red and green is going to be really rough on folks that are red/green color blind. They might want to put a border around the green ones or something. It's always dangerous to impart information with just color, and you never should do it with red and green.
It's always dangerous to impart information with just color, and you never should do it with red and green.
It's probably a form before function designer, which the majority are in my experience.

A sort of corollary is the serious underuse of color as a UX aid. Especially in games, probably cos many of the designers got their early experience in web schools.
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I don't know what they teach these days, but when I went through college, there was exactly 0 training in user interfaces. None. Zero. To be fair, though, Windows was just getting popular. Things were changing very quickly, and nobody really knew if people would be using Windows, Unix, NeXT, or something else by the time the students graduated.


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