Welcome to the PC Gamer Folding@home Team 241865!
It's time for gamers to come together and do our part in the fight against the coronavirus public health crisis. Don't just sit at home and twiddle your thumbs during the quarantine, fold for science! With your help, and enough processing power, we can collectively fold proteins and find a cure for the coronavirus. No this is not science fiction, this is Folding@home!
The PC Gamer Community staff has created a new folding@home team for the PC Gamer Community. We've included detailed instructions on how to join the PC Gamer Folding@home team below. But first, what is folding?
What is Folding@home?
Folding@home is a project started by Stanford University that allows anyone to donate spare processing cycles (from your CPU and GPU) to compute complex calculations in a massive distributed research network. You can learn more about folding@home here.
Among the more well-known diseases that benefit from this research are Alzheimer’s, Huntington’s, Parkinson’s disease, AIDS, many cancers, and most recently, the novel coronavirus, covid-19. If you’ve ever known anybody who has been afflicted by any of those, then you know how devastating it can be for them and their families. This is your chance to help combat these illnesses and all it takes on your part is leaving the program running while you’re asleep or at work! Every contribution will help in advancing treatments and, hopefully, will eventually lead to cures.
How can I join the PC Gamer Folding@home Team?
With this set up in place your computer will provide work units to the team. Keep in mind, closing the browser does not stop folding. Folding is a background process. To stop folding navigate to client.foldingathome.org and click "Stop Folding".
TO check the team's current stats, and your own, head to http://folding.stanford.edu/Stats.
WU = Work Units
PPD = Points per Day
PPW = Point per Watt or Points per Week.
TPF = Time per Frame
WTF! = Way to fold!
The catch is however that F@H is more sensitive to instability than most other stress programs will detect. Even if your computer is "Prime 95 stable" for a week straight, it isn't 100% fool-proof on the cpu when it comes to folding.
F@H recommend using these stress programs that closely mimic how F@H run for both your GPU and CPU.
Wow you made it this far?! Kudos to you! Be sure to sign up now for the team. If we work together we can help find a cures for tons of maladies and diseases. It might seem like much, but every little bit counts. Thanks for joining hte team.
Happy folding
It's time for gamers to come together and do our part in the fight against the coronavirus public health crisis. Don't just sit at home and twiddle your thumbs during the quarantine, fold for science! With your help, and enough processing power, we can collectively fold proteins and find a cure for the coronavirus. No this is not science fiction, this is Folding@home!
The PC Gamer Community staff has created a new folding@home team for the PC Gamer Community. We've included detailed instructions on how to join the PC Gamer Folding@home team below. But first, what is folding?
What is Folding@home?
Folding@home is a project started by Stanford University that allows anyone to donate spare processing cycles (from your CPU and GPU) to compute complex calculations in a massive distributed research network. You can learn more about folding@home here.
Among the more well-known diseases that benefit from this research are Alzheimer’s, Huntington’s, Parkinson’s disease, AIDS, many cancers, and most recently, the novel coronavirus, covid-19. If you’ve ever known anybody who has been afflicted by any of those, then you know how devastating it can be for them and their families. This is your chance to help combat these illnesses and all it takes on your part is leaving the program running while you’re asleep or at work! Every contribution will help in advancing treatments and, hopefully, will eventually lead to cures.
How can I join the PC Gamer Folding@home Team?
- First head to the official folding@home website and download the correct client based on your OS. Here is a direct link to the download page: https://foldingathome.org/alternative-downloads/
- Install the client. If you are windows, clicking advanced will allow you to decide when the software will start. We recommend for you to star the software at login.
- Start folding@home!
- A browser window should automatically open with the client running. Make sure to click the "Set up an identity" bubble before clicking start folding
- On the next screen set your name and team number. Make sure to join team 241865. Your name can be anything you wish, but we recommend for you to use your forum username if available. At the time of this writing the passkey generator was not working. The servers are really busy and there are not enough work unit's for all current participants. Some user's have had to wait a day or more for passkeys. To learn more about passkeys, click here.
With this set up in place your computer will provide work units to the team. Keep in mind, closing the browser does not stop folding. Folding is a background process. To stop folding navigate to client.foldingathome.org and click "Stop Folding".

TO check the team's current stats, and your own, head to http://folding.stanford.edu/Stats.
All these letters are just short type for a full words:
WU = Work Units
PPD = Points per Day
PPW = Point per Watt or Points per Week.
TPF = Time per Frame
WTF! = Way to fold!
- Bonus point is when you turned in WU earlier than what the deadline says and you earn extra points because it.
- Qualified WU's mean certain WU's that can be turned in early for bonus points.
- Except for some older Single core CPU WU's and older GPU WU's, All WU are qualified for bonuses.
While the F@H group doesn't "officially support nor oppose overclocking", you can overclock and gain more points.
Rules & Policies – Folding@home

The catch is however that F@H is more sensitive to instability than most other stress programs will detect. Even if your computer is "Prime 95 stable" for a week straight, it isn't 100% fool-proof on the cpu when it comes to folding.
F@H recommend using these stress programs that closely mimic how F@H run for both your GPU and CPU.
Wow you made it this far?! Kudos to you! Be sure to sign up now for the team. If we work together we can help find a cures for tons of maladies and diseases. It might seem like much, but every little bit counts. Thanks for joining hte team.
Happy folding