Hey, it's PRACTICALLY March! Plus, that's the month right before April, when taxes are due. So, I really should get them done NOW because there's not much time left! Eeeesh, it's amazing how many terribly important things there are to do right away when it comes time to do taxes. I'm fairly certain the whole concept of 'spring cleaning' was invented as a way to avoid doing taxes for a few more hours. 
I finished Subnautica:BZ last night but I wasn't real happy with the ending. I kinda sorta forgot to save the world before flying off. I'm not sure if I'll re-load and do that part or not.
I finished Subnautica:BZ last night but I wasn't real happy with the ending. I kinda sorta forgot to save the world before flying off. I'm not sure if I'll re-load and do that part or not.