Question Student Researcher Looking for Video Game Participants

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Oct 20, 2021
Hey Everyone! Do you play video games? Do you consider yourself part of a team? Then I would like to hear from you!!

My name is Dillon Collett and I am reaching out to invite players to take part in a research study aiming to better understand how group dynamics in Esports teams relate to performance and mental health. The researchers overseeing the study are myself, a Master’s of Kinesiology candidate in the School of Graduate Studies at Nipissing University, Dr. Mark Bruner, a Professor in the School of Physical and Health Education at Nipissing University, and Dr. Colin McLaren, a post-doctoral fellow at Nipissing University. Taking part in this study is completely voluntary and participants may choose to withdraw at any time without penalty.

If you choose to take part in the study, you will be asked to first read through a letter of informed consent (5 minutes), followed by the completion of a brief questionnaire that includes general demographic questions, and then assess perceptions of their Esports team (e.g., communication, social identity, motivational climate, psychological safety), performance satisfaction, and mental health (e.g., burnout, resilience, well-being, psychological distress). It is expected that the questionnaire package will approximately 10 minutes or less to fill out. In all, approximately 15 minutes of their time is required. All participants will be eligible to receive a $5 CAD Tim Hortons gift card if they leave their email. If you would be interested in being entered in a prize draw for one of two $100 USD GameStop gift cards, or receiving an executive summary of the results, you can leave your email at the end of the questionnaire and indicate your desire by checking the appropriate box(es).

The findings from this study have the potential to make a contribution to the sport psychology and group dynamics fields and might inform Esport teams on how to improve the ways athletes deal with performance and mental health.

If you or you think any people you know would be interested, below is a link to take part in the online questionnaire:

This study has been approved by the research ethics board at Nipissing University, and participation by the organization, teams, and players is completely voluntary. Please feel free to contact the lead investigator Dillon Collett with any comments or questions at

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Reactions: Brian Boru
Oct 30, 2021
Aller sur et écrivez et trouver des personnes qui veut participer au jeux


Go to and write and find people who want to participate in the games
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