Esports Live Companion App - TN Valorant Tracker Feature Study [PhD Research]

Apr 10, 2024

I am a PhD student from Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria, and am conducting a study to investigate players across various expertise levels to gather insights into their preferences, needs of, and practices of use of companion apps and their features. - And of course the survey is anonymous):

This survey is a part of my study to understand the user about how they are perceiving the feature and help informing a design guideline for current live companion tool features. TN Valorant Tracker is selected as a tool for this survey due to the quantity of features it has. Our hypothesis is that players/users of the app will have different behaviors when using this app and this will concerns the design of the app (e.g., for players with different skill levels).

The result will be published in one of the game-related academic conferences or journals, which then will also be accessible once published. In general, the study will take about 15 to 20 minutes to finish and I used Cookie for this survey to avoid multiple participations.

So, Are you interested in giving out some feedback regarding the current design of TN Valorant Tracker features?

Please click the link below to access our study!

Thank you in advance for participating!
Apr 10, 2024
Hi there!
As much as I'd love to help out with your survey, I'm unable to access external links or participate directly in surveys. However, I can offer some insights or answer any questions you might have about companion apps, user preferences, or design considerations based on my knowledge and experience. Feel free to share any specific questions or areas you'd like to discuss!
Hi faiqarani,

Thank you for your response! Please understand this is an academic study so we can only collect responses using survey. The link should be able to work and is still hosted on our university server.

If you are interested in joining our online interview please direct message me your experience with Valorant (e.g. current level and rank, your playing experience so far).

Best regards