STALKER 2 Discussion Thread

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@neogunhero That sucks:( They have been great with throwing out patches, so hopefully soon they will fix that problem also.

@ZedClampet Have you checked out the veteran difficulty yet? If so, any differences?
Not yet. I meant to play it yesterday and got distracted. Really, the only way I'm going to be able to be sure of any differences is if I start over again and do the same section, which I guess I'll do. I never made it that far anyway.


Community Contributor
@neogunhero That sucks:( They have been great with throwing out patches, so hopefully soon they will fix that problem also.

@ZedClampet Have you checked out the veteran difficulty yet? If so, any differences?
Well, the problem is that I kept getting better at it every time I played the section. I played on all 3 difficulties and did the worst on the first one (story mode) and the best on Veteran (just barely--taking into account damage taken and ammo in my pistol left over). I may go back and replay them now that I've mastered that section and see what happens.

What I know for certain is that resources are exactly the same on the different difficulties because I took screen shots every time I looted a body.

If there's a difference, the enemies may, MAY take an extra shot or two, but I couldn't prove that from what I just did. I had hoped to not miss any shots, but if I didn't just unload, only using the pistol, I was going to get killed. When I got done with the Veteran sequence, I had 44 pistol ammo left. When I got done with the Stalker sequence, I had 41 pistol ammo left. The story mode was 38 ammo left, but I know I missed the dog a few times when he ran off.

So my answer is that I'm not sure about enemies and damage taken, but the resources appear to be the same regardless of difficulty. I'm sure that it gets easier the third time through :)

That wasn't much help. Maybe another try will clear it up more.


Community Contributor
Okay, I just deleted a post because, in retrospect, it had incorrect information. It was, indeed, just that I was getting progressively better at the small section I was playing.

From my new test, I'm calculating that Veteran difficulty creatures have 70 percent more health than Story Mode creatures. I didn't check Stalker difficulty. Resources appear to be the same, at least at the very beginning of the game. Not sure about damage taken because I gave myself unlimited health so I could relax and not miss any shots and not feel I needed to shoot at invisible guy before he became visible.

So, yeah, there's a significant difference.
@neogunhero That sucks:( They have been great with throwing out patches, so hopefully soon they will fix that problem also.
I bet it shouldn’t take long to get the game to a place where I can play it without so many annoying issues. As I stated above, the main issue is when there are too many NPCs around. You have probably encountered the issue when talking to vendors with your FPS dropping, that seemed quite common, but once it started happening to me with the zombies, I had to take a break. I really want to play it but the performance on my rig is becoming unbearable.
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