Spoilers in article titles are unacceptable

Mar 1, 2025

At this point avowed has been out for less than two weeks, and I’m already seeing unavoidable spoilers in article titles less than 30 seconds in to scrolling the main PC Gamer website. I feel like I shouldn’t have to point this out to fellow gaming enthusiasts, but we don’t like having endings spoiled, and this article has made it impossible to miss unless you completely avoid any relevant news outlet until you finish the game. This is too far, go back to using more ambiguous titles and warning about spoilers at the beginning of the article (which for the record, this article didn’t even do at all, not that it needed to considering it spoiled large plot points in the title on the front page of the website). I love reading PC gamer articles, but if I have to avoid this website every time a new game comes out, I don’t think I’ll be here at all.


Community Contributor
Excuse me, but what does that spoil!? I haven't played it yet, either, but I didn't learn anything from that. There are multiple endings - pretty standard for the past couple of decades. Your companions can leave you - also not surprising. You won't get to the rare ending if you get your head chopped off. Seems pretty obvious, though perhaps just highly likely given how crazy games can get.


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