RX 7900 XTX/XT Announcement day thread

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TPU showing a 455 watt spike on the XTX. 412 on the XT both a lot lower than the 6900/6800, as well as 4090/3090/3090Ti.

RT: beating the 3090TI on the XTX, the XT about the same as a 3090. Not bad at all.

TPU recommending a 650W PSU for both cards. 6900 they recommended 1000W.
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On a Journey
xt doesn't seem worth its price. Just like the 4080, over priced for how it performs.
Only XT that looks worth it so far is the Asrock Taichi

All reviews compare it to its bigger brother, in a vacuum it might be okay. I can already guess its price will be held against it. But if you coming from a 2070 Super, it doesn't matter how it compares against the other new cards that you don't have.

I know they have to do comparison videos but its not really the point to me.

Price is probably deciding factor, if the difference isn't that much I will just get an xtx
I have to assume they don't show on websites until morning as nothing yet... its the 13th here... sure, its 4am but still. I am used to games, if its out X day its out midnight... although Diablo 3 didn't go live until 8am.
3rd party reviews go live tomorrow... which means if any do show up today I won't know anything about them.

All those measures are for the Made by AMD cards, they can't talk about the others until tomorrow. Most of those require an 850, only one 3rd party xtx says 800 and its essentially stock speed.

What is TPU?


On a Journey
oh, yeah, they shown same figures for a while now.
but thats based on what AMD told them, it wasn't until today any tests were revealed. Its the recommended for the Made by AMD cards but the others will need more

AMD raised minimum power of the xt to 315 but same sized minimum recommended PSU.

Currently a bug that will be fixed: the power consumption of the GPU can change depending on what display you attach it to. It looks like power is something AMD need to fix still. It uses twice as much power at idle compared to 4080.
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On a Journey
Maybe they tried to mount it in a shoebox case, this guy before release was showing it can fit in anything, but he revised it with the release video and said GPU needs active cooling to help remove heat

probably only a problem for the Made By AMD cards, as the other ones have different cooling solutions.

So it depends on how good case is at cooling. Maybe I will have my 3 Noctua case fans by time I get the card. I only ordered them 2 weeks ago.

Alas, true beta testing will happen once people get the cards. Not enough samples tested yet.

So cards meant to be out today.... seems I have to wait for rest of world to catch up. Or there just aren't any cards for Australia. I would like to have known before I sat here waiting for websites to show them. I just want to know prices.

Stupid Google shopping, search XTX and it shows RTX


On a Journey
Some local shops haven't heard anything so its possible we won't have any until next year. Disappointing but I just watch reviews and plan what PSU to buy, and get it before I actually get the GPU. Mail might be faster after Xmas too. Even if I ordered one today I would be lucky to get it before Xmas anyway. No local stores would even stock it, they tried to sell me a 4080.
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Does AMD sell direct out there? I havent been able to get on the shop to look at all.

You and everyone else are right, the XT is too close in price to the XTX. If it was 150-200 cheaper than it is it would be killer.

Looking at the RT performance looks like XT would be enough for me to play Control finally on Ultra which is pretty exciting to me, but the 4080 is way better. If it comes down or local prices are cheaper than expected for some reason maybe still. 4080 is €1500 for the cheapest. Not comfortable paying that at all, 1000 plus is really pushing it with everything else you can buy for that money.

The annoying thing is that 7800 might not have good enough RT for me and maybe the 4070 wont either.


On a Journey
if you want RT, get a 4080. If you don't care, buy an XTX. 4080 wins in RT but its much closer in raster.

XTX needs to below 2100 here as that is price of the cheapest 4080 I can get. Above that and it becomes a harder sell. XT needs to be around 1500 to be reasonable... the xtx between that and 2k.
Some might be able to get away with it, the halo cards of each family perhaps, the Asrock Aqua and the Sapphire Toxic won't be cheap. Top Gigabyte card as well. Powercolor as well maybe... but the stock standard models may be cheaper or not sold at all.

People in US think over 1000 is too much for a GPU... welcome to my world. My last 2 GPU have cost 1k already. I knew it would be... it was just a matter of how much by. They too used to being spoiled. Prices only drop if everyone stops paying stupid amounts... but people willing to pay for best and Nvidia happily charge them for it.
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if you want RT, get a 4080. If you don't care, buy an XTX. 4080 wins in RT but its much closer in raster.

XTX needs to below 2100 here as that is price of the cheapest 4080 I can get. Above that and it becomes a harder sell. XT needs to be around 1500 to be reasonable... the xtx between that and 2k.
Some might be able to get away with it, the halo cards of each family perhaps, the Asrock Aqua and the Sapphire Toxic won't be cheap. Top Gigabyte card as well. Powercolor as well maybe... but the stock standard models may be cheaper or not sold at all.

4080 is way over what I want to pay, I dont need RT that much.

I pay attention to the cooler noise and performance more than factory overclocks. A lot of the cheaper end cards are often much louder with high core or hot spot temps. To be fair other than PCGs review temps looked pretty good. Might be that a lot of them were on test benches though, and partners will do better for sure.

Good luck in the hunt.

People in US think over 1000 is too much for a GPU... welcome to my world. My last 2 GPU have cost 1k already. I knew it would be... it was just a matter of how much by. They too used to being spoiled. Prices only drop if everyone stops paying stupid amounts... but people willing to pay for best and Nvidia happily charge them for it.

Agree with your sentiment, but you cant ignore the AUD conversion rate 2500 AUD is $1690 today. It also includes health insurance in the price :D
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On a Journey
4090 in US - 1600
4090 in AUD - 3500

that is not just conversion rate, that is profit taking.

I hope the discount they offer in US is translated here as well.
I wish we got the deal UK did as 999 for an xtx wouldn't be so bad.

If I could find the standard xt, its price if it didn't include anything other than tax & a straight conversion would be about 1350. The xtx about 1500. I don't expect to find many for those prices.

I get the need to compare against previous cards but anyone with a 6950 xt shouldn't be looking at new cards now, it only came out in May. reviewers are complaining it isn't a massive increase on it... much of it was from AMD marketing overselling cards. But thats how hype works, you made mistake of believing it.

My main reason for buying has nothing to do with how it competes against other cards I don't have, it was to achieve 144hz on my 1440p monitor. I am pretty sure the xtx can do that. Anything else is just a bonus to me. Finally having a Freesync GPU is a nice bonus.

I can't wait for userbenchmark to actually have the card so I can compare them against my current one. put 7900 xt in and it shows an old 7900 GTX instead. Its probably out of spite as they don't like AMD there - https://gpu.userbenchmark.com/Compare/Nvidia-RTX-2070S-Super-vs-Nvidia-GeForce-7900-GTX/4048vsm10625
if thats accurate, I don't need to upgrade :D
That 7900GTX released in 2014 according to those guys, wow things have really progressed in just 8 years!

Shipping costs must be something, VAT and import taxes. I have no local lore for Australia tax stuff. Yea you guys are probably getting extra retail 'tax' at that mark up seems.

Might buy a current gen card if there's a really good sale. Otherwise I'm away from home for 2 weeks over Xmas so wont get to use anything new for long anyway.
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On a Journey
I was one day early, they released today... I missed all the XTX that might have existed on websites but I can see a few XT around.

I might buy a

I can pre order it now, it won't be available until 19th December so if I change my mind I can cancel order.
No reviews of them yet.

One website won't let me register, rather unfair. stupid password field refuses any password, i tried 2 different browsers and turned all my add ons off. I guess I won't buy from them then.

Avg price for an XT here is 1619
Avg price of an XTX here is 1789

really not that much of a Price difference, probably explains why XTX disappeared (that and bots)
depends which you want. So far most expensive XT & XTX are made by Powercolor, although not all cards available yet.

Both are better than what I have now.

Brian Boru

Legenda in Aeternum
Avg price for an XT here is 1619
Avg price of an XTX here is 1789

really not that much of a Price difference
This may be the standard marketing tactic of decoy pricing, where an expensive option they want to sell is made to seem more attractive by pricing an inferior product close to it.
Drive A 250GB $75
Drive B 500GB $150
Drive C 1TB $200
Drive B is the decoy, to promote sales of Drive C.


On a Journey
its the same as what Nvidia did, the 4080 is there to make people buy the 4090. The price difference isn't that big in USA.

slightly more fields now. And more cards
XTX only
Asrock Aqua
Asrock Phantom
Asus TUF Gaming OC
Asus TUF Gaming (stock speeds)
Aorus Radeon RX 7900 XTX Elite
Gigabyte Radeon RX 7900 XTX GAMING OC 24G,
Gigabyte Radeon RX 7900 XTX 24g (stock speeds)
Powercolor Radeon RX 7900 XTX (stock speeds)
Powercolor Red Devil
Powercolor Hellhound
Nitro+ AMD Radeon RX 7900 XTX Vapour-X 24gb
Pulse AMD Radeon 7900 XTX
XFX Speedster Merc 310

easier to link to spreadsheet - here

Powercolor cards have Dual bios, OC Bios & Silent bios, controls fan speeds and max speeds as well.
Sapphire renamed their Toxic cards as Vapour-X
MSI must be announcing next year
seems 2680 is max they can do, even on water... though thats from factory. If you use LN2 you can get 3.9ghz
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Jun 7, 2021
So, I spent the day in a facility with no internet access. When I finished, around 1700, I checked all my reliable PC sources for 7900 availability.

All out of stock. Only scalpers remained. All over $2200.
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On a Journey
I pre ordered one at 4am, it had only been listed on store for 25 minutes at that stage. They all sold now. Only option is Pre order.

Only an XT model but it likely stomps all over my 2070 Super.

I would link a review but its too soon.

this one I linked before - https://www.powercolor.com/product?id=1668741687
it says it needs 850 PSU, TPU shows it needs 700. It seems TPU tested it in stock BIOS, not the overclocked one.

I might try run Card off my current PSU and see how I go. I doubt I need the OC Bios really.
According to PC Part picker I only use about 50 more watts
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On a Journey
As I don't have mine yet, I cannot say if you will enjoy it or not.

The Powercolor link doesn't seem to work for people in USA
The card has Dual BIOS. They tested it on Silent mode so the speed it shows as Max isn't
Silent mode has a range of 2075 to 2450, fans only come on at 60c
the other BIOS is OC Mode and it runs at 2175 to 2535, runs fans more too.

I decided to just upgrade PSU at same time instead of risk it.
Waiting on a Corsair RM1000x now, I hope its enough to account for spikes.

so next week I should get
3 Noctua case fans.

upgrade time 2nd week of January.


On a Journey
Updated spreadsheets to include all models speeds (announced so far) = link

When it comes to 4 of the XT cards, the only difference is the cooler.
4 have Boost clock of 2535 & Game of 2175

There is also no clear winner as 2 cards can do Boost of 2560 & Game of 2220
The top 2 cards are made by Asrock & Sapphire, in both XT & XTX categories. They are virtually the same
note: all cards appear to be able to boost higher than numbers shown.

There is lots of negative press and people claiming the GPU are some how flawed
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On a Journey
I created an account on TPU just to post a correction as they show the Hellhound 7900xt as faster than the card I chose.
They are showing the OC speed for the Hellhound and the default speed for the Red Devil. Its misleading.
RX 7900XT Red Devilhttps://www.powercolor.com/product?id=16687416872535 (OC) 2450 (Silent)2175 (oc) 2075 (Silent)
RX 7900xt Hellhoundhttps://www.powercolor.com/product?id=16687440032500 (OC) 2395 (silent)2130 (OC) 2025 (Silent)
Above is how it should be. Hellhound isn't ahead at any stage.
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