Registered Developer
I suppose 2 questions, how long did it take to make the gace from inception to release date? Second would be can I run this smoothly on a GTX 970?
Hi! We made up the first ideas and concepts in the year 2017 (I even checked our internal Wiki-tool for the first entries because I feel it's ages ago.) We will release the game in early 2022. So from the first idea to release it will take us about 5 years. Wow, now that I see this myself again, this is a lot of time!
@RFG_Michael gave a comprehensive answer to hardware specs. Read it below.
[...] On a PC gaming rig with an i7 and an RTX 2070 Super, ES2 runs on epic settings in 4K at 60 fps most of the time at its current Alpha development stage (aka not fully optimized yet).
At the low end of the hardware spectrum, I'm currently playing the Alpha in 1080p at 30+ fps on my 6-yo gaming notebook with 16 GB of RAM, powered by an i7 @2.6 GHz and a GTX 970M, which looks still a bit better than ES1 on low settings (probably because of pre-calculated IG in ES2 vs. real-time lighting in ES1, but I'm walking on thin ice here).
Recommended specs will probably be close to my 2-yo gaming notebook with 16 GB of RAM, powered by an i7 @2.9 GHz and a GTX 1080, capable of running ES2 with mostly epic settings in 1080p at stable 30 fps.
For the final game, the goal is to hit 4K at super-stable 60 fps on an RTX 2070 Super or equivalent on high+ to full epic graphics settings.
In any way, you definitely(!) want to run ES2 on an SSD - the faster, the better! Wink, wink, nudge, nudge...