Recommend a game or two from the last few years that most people have never heard of...


Community Contributor
The recommendation is not for me but for gamers in general.

My two would be Colony Survival and Astro Colony. I'll just let the game descriptions describe them:

Helheim Hassle, from the creators for Manuel Samuel. At first glance you may think it’s just another silly physics based puzzle game for YouTubers to monetize off of, but you’d be greatly mistake. Unique controls, hilarious voice acted dialogue, and a story that is actually interesting and makes you want to finish the game. Although not a direct sequel (prequel?) to Manuel Samuel, it is in the same “universe” with many references and throwbacks to that game. I recommend checking out the bundle with both games as they are both very great indie puzzle games with hilarious stories and dialogue.

Helheim Hassle

Brian Boru

Legenda in Aeternum
War Robots Planet Defender

This is a neat RTS / Tower Defense hybrid, where you use mechs to clear out 3 series of attack waves on 18 planets. So 54 different fights, each fight v endless waves of enemies until you march up the map and destroy their base.

Mech parts and weapons are customizable, and you also get a super-tank as your command vehicle. Your mechs are produced endlessly as long as your tank stays alive. Enemies vary between fast light infantry, heavy slower armored guys, airborne… the main problem is their number rather than their type.

The interesting part is how you spend the points you accumulate in battle. Stronger mechs, or better armor or weapons for your current mechs, or special powers like a bombing run, or upgrade your super-tank, or… or…

Each level is a small map, 1 screen wide and maybe 3-4 screens high—you start S, their base is N. Good fun, more for TD than RTS fans I guess, altho I much prefer RTS over TD—good valus @ $7, a steal on sale.

You have to figure the game out on your own, there's very little help or docs.


Community Contributor
Given all the gamers that just play LoL, Counterstrike, or a sports game of some kind, I could probably say Skyrim. But I won't.

It's fun, it's smart, it's cheap, the music is great, and the only violence is the possibility of getting yourself killed. Plus, not knowing much about it is a plus, as it's a game about discovery.

Similar to Outer Wilds in that discovery and exploration are the main points of the game. This one is also about survival, so you'll be hunting little fishies and big fishies will be hunting you. There's some base building, too.
Typically most games I play are pretty well known, but heres a couple of the lesser known ones that maybe people havent heard of. I've mentioned them on here before though, so regulars probably saw me talking about them at some point.

Suzerain was a really good little political choose your own adventure style game I've been meaning to go back to for another run.

Urtuk: The Desolation was a really good run based hex tactical game with a pretty nice art style.



On a Journey


Community Contributor
Given all the gamers that just play LoL, Counterstrike, or a sports game of some kind, I could probably say Skyrim. But I won't.

It's fun, it's smart, it's cheap, the music is great, and the only violence is the possibility of getting yourself killed. Plus, not knowing much about it is a plus, as it's a game about discovery.

Similar to Outer Wilds in that discovery and exploration are the main points of the game. This one is also about survival, so you'll be hunting little fishies and big fishies will be hunting you. There's some base building, too.
Those are pretty famous games. I think even Fortnite kids have heard of those :)
I haven't played many games in the last few years

Most obscure was this -
but I have played those in the past... long ago. Its not a very big game but getting it right is another thing. They have other puzzles too.

guess more game like would be

Just went down a rabbithole about those Grow games and the creator. They seem so familiar to me but I don’t know, maybe I played one of his Flash games as a kid. Thank you for showing them to us, I think I’ll try to play the browser games tonight when I’m off.
Aug 22, 2021
Unmechanical was a really fun, beautiful, evocative 2.5D Puzzle Platformer.
Just peaceful and enjoyable in a way that a lot of games aren't.

It's not perfect, but it's definitely worth playing right through to the end.
I came back years later and enjoyed playing it through a second time just as much.

It's pretty cheap as is - but maybe even more of a bargain on sale.
I really hope someone discovers this gem as a result of this thread !

Unmechanical on Steam


Brian Boru

Legenda in Aeternum
Tin Can … probably of niche appeal
It has a demo too!

Not for me tho, acc to 'fieryace' review:
"This is 30 minutes of panicked plate spinning.

Every system in the ship will fail, and the challenge isn't about prioritization or diagnostics or resource management but pure speed. As another review said, if you ever have to consult the manual you've already lost."


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