Random Game Thoughts Thread - January 08 - 14

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Brian Boru

Legenda in Aeternum
Far Cry 6

I'm probably done with Far Cry 6 for now, haven't played in a few days, don't feel I'm missing it. Didn't finish anything, just tired of it—it might be the map is so huge, and of course I have to explore every little crook and nanny.
has some game breaking bugs for some users
I was lucky enough that way, only 2 annoyances:
♣ Key presses minimizing to Taskbar, which I detailed a couple of months ago. Not bad enough to go into serious troubleshooting mode, but a mild PITA;
♦ Wingsuit to parachute transition failures, = dead. Could be me of course making a mess of it, but seemed to work as expected sometimes and not others. Rare enough tho, so not a biggie.


There's plenty to like, mostly around the characters. I like my character Dani is vocalized, and fully realized for the good Photo Mode. There are lots of significant NPCs in the game, each with their own thing, and you get to spend a good bit of time with each if you pursue their role in the story. Some are funny, some serious, some passionate, some psycho, some sympathetic… generally well done.

The world is great, that's something Ubisoft seem to get right most of the time. There's a lot more urban in FC6, and while I prefer rural, the urban is well done. World is also more alive than previous FCs—and they were already pretty alive—loads of civilians, wildlife, enemies.

I liked that I could go to the side of the road, pick off a few trucks, and then have a fun tactical encounter with a slew of military gun trucks, and either a tank or chopper. Enough of that, melt back into the wild where there were lots of safe paths to follow, free of enemies.

While game launch takes 'forever', just one click on the desktop icon, walk away, come back to main menu—good stuff. Dialogues are generally skippable, you can abandon missions and jump into another—or just wander—anytime.

It played very nicely on my i7-7, 1060 6GB VRAM, 1080p 60Hz. Minor screen problem I mentioned here before, kind of occasional delayed refresh or something—rare, not an issue. Settings at default, mainly High.


The weapons setup seems a big mess, unless I'm missing something. I'm still running with early weapons, even tho I have unlocked loads of supposedly advanced or unique ones. Lock-on rocket launcher is the only one of those I've called on, when in a particularly dirty fight.

The perks system UI is a big pain, gotta mouseover 5 screens of icons to find whichever flavor you want to change to. I just picked a couple to alternate between for day v night, and left it at that.

Companions are worse than FC5 or ND, they just keep getting in the way. I ended up telling them to sit, and wandered off on my own for much of it. Loot system is mostly superfluous—I have thousands of some stuff, hundreds of the 'rare' stuff, in inventory—nothing good to use it on.


I'll be back for sure, and take a good look at the mods before next hurrah. Currently it ranks #5 in my FC replay list:
FC4 Primal
FC5 New Dawn
FC4 Yetis

ARK survival Evolved
Looks like you can move on to Sophomore English :)
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Community Contributor
Far Cry 6

I'm probably done with Far Cry 6 for now, haven't played in a few days, don't feel I'm missing it. Didn't finish anything, just tired of it—it might be the map is so huge, and of course I have to explore every little crook and nanny.I was lucky enough that way, only 2 annoyances:
♣ Key presses minimizing to Taskbar, which I detailed a couple of months ago. Not bad enough to go into serious troubleshooting mode, but a mild PITA;
♦ Wingsuit to parachute transition failures, = dead. Could be me of course making a mess of it, but seemed to work as expected sometimes and not others. Rare enough tho, so not a biggie.


There's plenty to like, mostly around the characters. I like my character Dani is vocalized, and fully realized for the good Photo Mode. There are lots of significant NPCs in the game, each with their own thing, and you get to spend a good bit of time with each if you pursue their role in the story. Some are funny, some serious, some passionate, some psycho, some sympathetic… generally well done.

The world is great, that's something Ubisoft seem to get right most of the time. There's a lot more urban in FC6, and while I prefer rural, the urban is well done. World is also more alive than previous FCs—and they were already pretty alive—loads of civilians, wildlife, enemies.

I liked that I could go to the side of the road, pick off a few trucks, and then have a fun tactical encounter with a slew of military gun trucks, and either a tank or chopper. Enough of that, melt back into the wild where there were lots of safe paths to follow, free of enemies.

While game launch takes 'forever', just one click on the desktop icon, walk away, come back to main menu—good stuff. Dialogues are generally skippable, you can abandon missions and jump into another—or just wander—anytime.

It played very nicely on my i7-7, 1060 6GB VRAM, 1080p 60Hz. Minor screen problem I mentioned here before, kind of occasional delayed refresh or something—rare, not an issue. Settings at default, mainly High.


The weapons setup seems a big mess, unless I'm missing something. I'm still running with early weapons, even tho I have unlocked loads of supposedly advanced or unique ones. Lock-on rocket launcher is the only one of those I've called on, when in a particularly dirty fight.

The perks system UI is a big pain, gotta mouseover 5 screens of icons to find whichever flavor you want to change to. I just picked a couple to alternate between for day v night, and left it at that.

Companions are worse than FC5 or ND, they just keep getting in the way. I ended up telling them to sit, and wandered off on my own for much of it. Loot system is mostly superfluous—I have thousands of some stuff, hundreds of the 'rare' stuff, in inventory—nothing good to use it on.


I'll be back for sure, and take a good look at the mods before next hurrah. Currently it ranks #5 in my FC replay list:
FC4 Primal
FC5 New Dawn
FC4 Yetis

Looks like you can move on to Sophomore English :)
Maybe the most prevalent, big-time bug that has never been fixed (edit: they may have fixed it after we quit playing) is the game slowing down to unplayable frame-rates after the player opens the trunk of a car or goes into the car shop. Apparently the slow frames persist until you shut the game down. Game becomes a slideshow, so they just have to play without opening the trunk (which is how you regain ammo) or going to the car order shop. Fortunately we didn't have that bug in our game, but quite a few people did/do.

Another thing that hadn't been fixed at the 6 month mark was not being able to change your meal buffs. You do all this work to unlock and raise the levels of the meals, and all it would let you do was have the bonuses from the first meal that you ever ate, so there was no point in even doing that part of the game.

These are the sorts of things that should have been fixed very early.

Brian Boru

Legenda in Aeternum
unplayable frame-rates after the player opens the trunk of a car
I think I only called a car for ammo once, don't recall a problem. I got my gun ammo in the field, and occasionally when I ran out of arrows or dynamite, I just popped back to a Hideout Network hut which refills everything.

not being able to change your meal buffs
I ignored those, so again, can't comment re a problem or not. I also ignored fishing, apart from one quest which required me to catch 3—I just don't enjoy it.
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I don't think I've ever had fun with a fishing mini-game. Maybe Trails of Cold Steel? That one was passable; I think because it was fun to find strange spots to fish - like in the middle of a dungeon.
The only fishing mini-games I liked were in Ocarina of Time and Twilight Princess.

I still remember when my uncle had an N64, and he bought the rumble pack for the controller. My other uncle, who is a fisherman, was playing the fishing mini-game of OoT, and when a fish nibbled on the line, he felt it through the rumble pack and instinctively jerked it back to set the hook. He pulled the cord right out of the console. Haha.