PCGamer website javascript issue

Feb 25, 2020

Just wanted to let you know that there's some sort of javascript issue on the PC Gamer website that causes it to jump up and down rapidly when certain elements come into view, for example, the "More About ..." / "Latest" box.

It causes the site to flicker and the scroll bar to move rapidly.

I'm using Chrome Version 80.0.3987.122 (Official Build) (64-bit)
Feb 25, 2020
If I use an incognito browser, which disables all add-ons and then I navigated to this random story:

Then scroll down to where it says "Andy Chalk" and you'll notice the little twitter icon jumping up and down after a few seconds (might need a little bit of scrolling), along with the More about... and I'm also seeing #4 on the list "The best full tower case 2020" jumping up and down too.