Pc NOT master race???

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May 8, 2020
I'm new to pc gaming and it's been nothing but a headache. Lol. I can't get smooth gameplay no matter what I try. My system is ryzen 5 3600, gtx 1660, 2 8gig Vram, I have 240 sad. I have a 144hz asus freesync monitor that does sync with the g sync gpu. Nothing I do stops the stuttering in games. I tried limiting the fps under 144 and enabling g sync. Turning off all the windows setting that slow down gaming. Anything I have came across that might help hasn't. So I'm confused how a 300 ps4 can run so smooth and 1000+ pc can't. Oh and I played ps4 earlier and I think the graphics were even better. I know I use low setting in game on pc but that's to try n help it work. So any advice would be awesome so I don't feel like I wasted a ton of money.

Inspireless Llama

Community Contributor
Dec 20, 2019

Okay first thing I want to ask (don't take it offensive), but could you provide your PC specs in a bit easier to read list?

-Storage (SSD, HDD rpm)

Now I'm not sure if you have 8gb of VRAM, or 8gb of RAM (and there's a big difference).

Some general things I can ask:

1) do NOT make a new post under general hardware, I suspect this topic will get moved soon enough.
2) Did you update your drivers? Installed Nvidea drivers for your videocard?
3) How full is your SSD / HDD now? They both slow down if they get too full. Especially with HDD's they can slow down enough that you can notice it. I'm not sure about SSD's.
4) What games are you playing?

As for FPS/ HZ, I don't think there's a point in limiting monitor HZ if your FPS doesn't reach it. The main reason I'd limit my FPS is if I have a game that reaches 500FPS with 100% GPU usage while I only need 144FPS I limit it so my GPU has more air to breathe. Also, has your Asus Freesync monitor official G-Sync support?
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May 8, 2020

Okay first thing I want to ask (don't take it offensive), but could you provide your PC specs in a bit easier to read list?

-Storage (SSD, HDD rpm)

Now I'm not sure if you have 8gb of VRAM, or 8gb of RAM (and there's a big difference).

Some general things I can ask:

1) do NOT make a new post under general hardware, I suspect this topic will get moved soon enough.
2) Did you update your drivers? Installed Nvidea drivers for your videocard?
3) How full is your SSD / HDD now? They both slow down if they get too full. Especially with HDD's they can slow down enough that you can notice it. I'm not sure about SSD's.
4) What games are you playing?

As for FPS/ HZ, I don't think there's a point in limiting monitor HZ if your FPS doesn't reach it. The main reason I'd limit my FPS is if I have a game that reaches 500FPS with 100% GPU usage while I only need 144FPS I limit it so my GPU has more air to breathe. Also, has your Asus Freesync monitor official G-Sync support?
May 8, 2020
Storage- 1tb hdd; 240 ssd. Nothing on hdd and 60-70% full on ass.

I have installed nvidia drivers. I don't think the monitor is officially a g sync compatible or its not on the list but it seems to work bc when I turn on adaptive sync on monitor then in nvidia control panel I will see it turned on my g sync and I can tell it's trying to do what it's suppose to do. It helps but not all the way. When I turn on v sync too it is a lot better but the input lag is bad for competitive gaming. I just don't see why if I limit fps under 144 to stay under monitor hz why it doesn't run smooth even with g sync off. My tv is 120 hz and PlayStation runs at 60 fps and it's fine why not with pc? I play fortnite and rocket league.

Inspireless Llama

Community Contributor
Dec 20, 2019
What kind of internet are you using? Wifi or ethernet? If it's wifi, how far away is your PC from the router compared to your PS4? I know from experience that wifi can be terribly bad once it starts lagging. Have you checked your ping / packet loss during fortnite / rocket league?

It's a completely different game (Dota2) but here's an example of bad wifi from my experience:

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May 8, 2020
What kind of internet are you using? Wifi or ethernet? If it's wifi, how far away is your PC from the router compared to your PS4? I know from experience that wifi can be terribly bad once it starts lagging. Have you checked your ping / packet loss during fortnite / rocket league?

It's a completely different game (Dota2) but here's an example of bad wifi from my experience:

What kind of internet are you using? Wifi or ethernet? If it's wifi, how far away is your PC from the router compared to your PS4? I know from experience that wifi can be terribly bad once it starts lagging. Have you checked your ping / packet loss during fortnite / rocket league?

It's a completely different game (Dota2) but here's an example of bad wifi from my experience:

I use Ethernet. I'm getting low 20's ping and no packet loss.


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Nothing I do stops the stuttering in games. I tried limiting the fps under 144 and enabling g sync. Turning off all the windows setting that slow down gaming. Anything I have came across that might help hasn't.
So it has no affect at all? OK, so probably not a graphics card thing, then.

Can you describe the stuttering? Is the screen freezing for a second? A tenth of a second? Or are you still able to turn around just fine but everything in the game has frozen?
May 8, 2020
It just seems choppy. Not all the time but a lot the choppiness can last for 5 secs then go back to normal. Almost like everything has slowed down and I can see things not moving normal. I think I might have found a solution. When I turn on v sync in nvidia, leave the limiter alone in there but limit fps in game to around 160 it is smooth. No g sync on just v sync in nvidia control panel. Wish I didn't need v sync though and could not have to use a fps limiter. Question does anyone know why on rivatuner on the memory mhz. In game it's says it's at 4400. Is that normal or to high. Is it talking about my Ram? Bc I have those set to 3200
What resolution is your monitor?
I would first turn off Adaptive Sync on your monitor. Then limit the resolution to 1080p. After that turn down the settings in game. I.e. don't have them all set to Ultra.
Limit the FPS in game to 60 and turn on Vertical Sync.

Only when you get a stable system start turning things back on.
May 8, 2020
What resolution is your monitor?
I would first turn off Adaptive Sync on your monitor. Then limit the resolution to 1080p. After that turn down the settings in game. I.e. don't have them all set to Ultra.
Limit the FPS in game to 60 and turn on Vertical Sync.

Only when you get a stable system start turning things back on.
Ok I'll try that. My monitor is a 1080p 144hz. I always have low settings which sucks bc I played my ps4 for first time in long time n graphics were better.

OsaX Nymloth

Community Contributor
Jan 29, 2020
Correct me if I am wrong, but isn't it the "rule" that you do not use vsync when using g-sync/freesync? Or did something change? Not sure if this is relevant to the problem.
May 8, 2020
Correct me if I am wrong, but isn't it the "rule" that you do not use vsync when using g-sync/freesync? Or did something change? Not sure if this is relevant to the problem.
No nvidia says when you use g sync enable v sync in nvidia CP but not in game bc they work together.
May 8, 2020
I know I'm a little late to the party here, but what is the exact model of your monitor? AFAIK not all monitors play well with Gsync even if they have Freesync. That may be the route of your issue.
Its a MG248 ASUS. I also have a amd gpu and used it with freesync and they both seem to work the same. I think I found the problem though. It has to do with frametimes. When I use rivatuner as the fps limiter not nvidia CP limiter or the in game limiter I get a steady 7ms frametimes and it's smooth. I set rivatuner fps limiter to 141 turned on g sync and v sync (in CP not in game) and this seems to work. Just frustrated with how difficult it is to get a smooth experience on pc. Others have same problem it's all over internet one guy said his system cost 3000$$ and it was stuttering. Lol. Thanks for help. Also any other advice I will try too bc I would love not to have g sync or v sync on.
Feb 17, 2020
Its a MG248 ASUS. I also have a amd gpu and used it with freesync and they both seem to work the same. I think I found the problem though. It has to do with frametimes. When I use rivatuner as the fps limiter not nvidia CP limiter or the in game limiter I get a steady 7ms frametimes and it's smooth. I set rivatuner fps limiter to 141 turned on g sync and v sync (in CP not in game) and this seems to work.

Glad you found the solution. :) This is what you need to do I believe (it's what I do) as if your framerate exceeds the monitor's refresh rate even for a moment (i.e. a frame is ready too early), you lose the adaptive sync. Which is why people cap and/or turn on vsync.

I'm not sure on the technical side of it, butyou've probably come across the blurbuster's article and follow up FAQ on gsync:

Grantd it's for gsync and I'm not sure if regular adaptive sync behaves exactly the same - I generally find a smoother experience on my freesync monitor + RTX 2060 with gsync enabled, forced for desktop/borderless, vsync off in game and in the control panel, and FPS capped to 70 in my case,

I would love not to have g sync or v sync on.
You want tear-free, stutter-free gameplay without gsync or vsync? You can't; that's why vsync and gsync exist. Eliminate tearing, and in the case of gsync, minimise stutter too. I say minimise rather than eliminate as if your view in game changes from something that runs at 100fps to 50fps you're going to 'feel' that change.

Sorry it's been a rough introduction to PC gaming. One of the 'things' with PCs in general, which extends to gaming, is that there are a lot of different technologies, standards, etc out there and sometimes they don't all play as nice as they should.

You probably know Nvidia didn't even allow users to enable adaptive sync (gsync for monitors without the gsync hardware module) despite the hardware on their 1000 and 2000 series GPUs being sufficient to allow it until Jan 2019. The 1000 series having launched in mid 2016 (May 2016 iirc, but availability was bad for the first few months). Meanwhile, Gsync monitors that use the hardware module can't give adaptive sync with AMD cards, But Nvidia have said that future gsync monitors will support adaptive sync on other GPUs. It's a fair direction of which way the wind is at last starting to blow...

Perhaps HDMI 2.1, when it's adopted and if it's adopted consistently, will finally lead to standardisation of VRR tech for PC gaming. We can hope...
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May 8, 2020
Yeah I did see that article but there was a video that really help with the rtss part for limiting fps. Bc when I use any other limiter I watch my frame times jump from 6.5 to 8.5 mostly close to 7 tho with spikes. But when I use rtss it doesn't move from 7. Which makes is smooth. Now I need to find a way to reduce input lag from having all this sync stuff on. Lol. Thanks everyone.

Inspireless Llama

Community Contributor
Dec 20, 2019
I can't remember ever having read into frametimes. Do I understand correctly that games can look like it stutters when the FPS is too high? Like the frame is changing already before it's finished rendering?

How do you think "sync" has an effect on input lag?
Feb 17, 2020
Vysnc has a relatively impact on input latency, while freesync and gsync have a lesser impact but it's still there.

If you're playing ultra competitively you'd disable gsync/freesync, and also turn the settings down to low except for maybe view distance or whatever.

If you're not trying to get ultra competitive settings, you just play with gsync/freesync on, since the impact is relatively little, with capped refresh as above, and enjoy the experience of shooting other people.
May 8, 2020
When g sync is on alone I don't notice input lag but when you put on V sync too I notice it. And that's how nvidia says to use g sync with V sync on too. Frametimes is where it's at though. When those are steady the game is smooth n the only time I get steady frametimes is with rivatuner as the only frame limiter. If the game has a built in frame limiter just set it really high and let riva do it.
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