It was a busy May here on the PC Gamer forums. We held several different giveaways and spotlights during the month and we want to make sure you didn't miss a single thing, so let's round them up!
First, we want to give a big THANK YOU to our friends at Atomhawk, who joined us for our Studio Spotlight. They hosted an AMA with their Vancouver Studio Director, gave us a sneak peek at life as a concept artist at Atomhawk, gave away some awesome prizes, and more! Be sure to head over and check it all out if you haven't already.
We also launched our year long campaign with SpecialEffect - The Gamers' Charity. SpecialEffect is a UK-based charity that puts fun and inclusion back into the lives of people with physical disabilities by helping them to play video games! We love this charity, and everything they're doing to help make games inclusive for everyone. SpecialEffect will be hanging out with us all year long so come learn about them and support a great cause. Did we also mention we're giving away a EPOS | SENNHEISER GSP 370 headset every month during this spotlight? May's prize has already been awarded but you can enter for June and again every month after. Just check out this thread for details!
Super wildly popular in the forums was a particularly special giveaway, where everyone had a shot at winning a GeForce RTX 2080 Ti Cyberpunk 2077 Edition graphics card from PC Gamer and GOG.COM. With over 14k entries, it's safe to say y'all really wanted that card!
So, what's next?
While you're here, you can enter this giveaway sponsored by Team17. All you have to do is share your best Main Assembly creation and you could win a Reign SENTRY MKII gaming PC! This giveaway is open through June 12th, so go grab your free beta key and get your entry in!
We have plenty more coming your way in June and the coming months, so stick around, make some friends, check the Competitions & Events Forum regularly, and we'll see you in the forums! 🥳