Modern Warfare Update System Crasher

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May 22, 2020
New to the gaming community. I have had an Xbox One S since before Xmas. Was really enjoying MW Campaign, now after not playing the game for weeks, I decided to play MW and was hit with an almost 3 hour update. Fine, my bad, I agree with the update. After the almost 3 hours I'm ready to play, except I'm told the game needs one more update to play the original MW. After agreeing and waiting for that update it won't let me play MW Campaign and locks in this loop Retry / GO OFFLINE. I only want to play Campaign. I've wasted hours deleting the game and reloading it now 3 times with the same frustrating results. Thinking about putting my XBOX system out on my front porch with a sign that says FREE! Suggestions? Keep trying or PORCH?
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