Haha. I'm almost 50 years old, and I have an Echo Dot (Alexa) in almost every room of my house. I also have lights that are controlled with it. I love it. The way I look at it is if there is somebody listening in on my house all the time, they have a very boring job. LolSome people think its a good thing, I feel its an invasion. Younger generations won't think anything of having all their stuff reporting its status at all times. Being listened too. All the time.
Why does our washing machine need WiFi?
I don't even want a smart TV but its too late as brother bought us apple TV so its always listening anyway.
I don't want fridge telling supermarket what its empty of.
As for appliances, I saw a refrigerator with a WiFi-enabled large touchscreen on the door. You could write notes or a grocery list on it. You could watch Netflix or play Angry Birds on it. I'd never spend the money on that, but it was awesome.
The things that make the most sense to be connected to me are things that you might want to control from your phone away from home. Like I love smart thermostats. I can't have one, though, because I don't have the extra power wire they require. I know a lot of people freak out about this stuff. My brother is majorly against the thought of Big Brother watching us. I love it, though.