Master of Orion type game/Starcraft style RTS game brain storm

Apr 21, 2020
Hello PC gamer people,

I have been an RTS gamer for as long as I remember. SInce 486 processor days, I started playing games. First game I really enjoy was master of orion strategy game and also RTS game like STarcraft.
I want to create a game with some help with other game developers, that is Starcraft style RTS game and also have some master of Orion style theme.

Baisc mechanics/design;
1) Starbase (Command Center type)/ level 2 command center/level 3?
1a) upgradable to Death-star type command center
2) Miners to get minerals from asteroid
3) Shipyard for robot-troops/ missile robot troops/ fighters/destroyers
4) Advance Shipyard (battleships/dreadnoughts/Titans/ Mamoth/ level-10 super heavy ships (1 per species)
5) Research starbase - Phasers/lasers/shield-I/armour; governments/ mining/ buildings - including Ablasive armor, death-phaser
6) Ships have Real time ray tracing
7) Population caps are related to the planet and also starbase+living quarters upgrades; explore and colonize planets for increase population cap
8) multiple species - federation-humans; Androids (cybernetics); Aliens
9) defensive structures - phaser turrents; gravity mines; gravity generators; etc
10) mini- game - troops combat- controls Troops to take over the ships
Alternative universe:
All races are opposite in stats and weapons are swapped from alternative counter parts.

AFter centuries of Orion defeat, a super powerful species appears that is beyond all technologies. The Federation-Republic is joining forces with all other species to defeat the new threat.

I hope I get blessings from Blizzard and also Master of Orion series.

Much appreciate for any inputs of the game?
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Apr 21, 2020
Storyline edit- After centuries of legendary Andromeda Syndicate defeat, a super powerful Orbititus species appears that is beyond all technologies from alternative universe. The heroes from the Cerebrium Consortium must find the unknown vessel that can bring the Orbitius back to their universe.
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Typical mission: a ship with crew investigates an area and encounters Orbitius enemy ships.
I meant, what would the actual gameplay look like? You've mentioned planets, a mini-game to take over ships, starbases. How would it all fit together? How many resources are there to manage? How many different ship types are there and how are they different from each other? How do you control your ships? How are you viewing your ships: is the camera top down and do ships only fly in 2D, or is the entire game in 3D?
Apr 21, 2020
I meant, what would the actual gameplay look like? You've mentioned planets, a mini-game to take over ships, starbases. How would it all fit together? How many resources are there to manage? How many different ship types are there and how are they different from each other? How do you control your ships? How are you viewing your ships: is the camera top down and do ships only fly in 2D, or is the entire game in 3D?

I thinking Top down camera view. All the ships/ star based/ phaser starbases, etc all are 3D. Controls ships by attack button and select target. All ships has some special abilities. All different species specs will balance, so not race will be too powerful. I am still brain storming for how different will be the ships, besides size. Perhaps larger ships have 1.5x armor and higher shields strength(1000Pts shields for battleships vs 100Pts for cruisers for instance)
Hopefully epic space battles. :)
I thinking Top down camera view. All the ships/ star based/ phaser starbases, etc all are 3D. Controls ships by attack button and select target. All ships has some special abilities. All different species specs will balance, so not race will be too powerful. I am still brain storming for how different will be the ships, besides size. Perhaps larger ships have 1.5x armor and higher shields strength(1000Pts shields for battleships vs 100Pts for cruisers for instance)
Hopefully epic space battles.

How will movement between planets work, and colonization?

Will the game have multiplayer? If so, how will you balance the mini game to take over enemy ships? I don't think it's a good idea to have both players compete in a mini game in the middle of a match.

What is the purpose of real time ray tracing? It sure sounds cool, but in RTS games players don't focus too much on the models anyway. Plus there are a limited amount of light sources anyway in space, so it'll hardly be noticeable probably.

How does taking over other players' planets work? Are there ground troops? Specialised siege ships? A similar mini game to taking over ships?

What is the scope of the map? How many players and planets are there per map?

How long does a match take?

What strategic options do players have? Does ship position matter? Are there ship formations you can set?
Apr 21, 2020
1) moving from planets works by transport ships; Colonization involves colonize ships.
2) sure, game will have multiplayer; there is where the epic battles are forged; no mini game for taking over ships; all ships will have personal to defend the ships.
3) good idea, we will have no real time ray tracing. It might be too taxing for epic battles during multiplayer mode
4) Stages: 1) Planetary Bombardments ; 2) siege ships; planetary transport ships to take over the planet

5) maps - tbd
6) Yes, ships location is vital for battle's success, ships have formations.
I'm still having a hard time picturing exactly what you have in mind for this game.

What exactly is it that would set your game apart from all the existing ones? How would it be different from Masters of Orion or Starcraft? What is your gimmick, the hook that draws players in and makes them interested in the game?
Apr 21, 2020
I'm still having a hard time picturing exactly what you have in mind for this game.

What exactly is it that would set your game apart from all the existing ones? How would it be different from Masters of Orion or Starcraft? What is your gimmick, the hook that draws players in and makes them interested in the game?
We thinking this game will avoid any rushes, we thinking of having a starbase and capital ships to start the game. The map scale will be as large as total annihilation for good space base building.

for campaign and/or multiplayer mode,we thinking, Heroes for each race can be assign to a capital ship for more power/ shields/ special.
It seems you have a lot of ideas for mechanics, but I'm missing something to unify everything. A game is not just a collection of mechanics haphazardly thrown together.

I suggest you watch this video first:

Then decide which aesthetics will be the core aesthetics of your game and how your mechanics will work together to provide that experience.

I can recommend watching some of the other videos of that channel as well, for some video game design ideas.
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Apr 21, 2020
It seems you have a lot of ideas for mechanics, but I'm missing something to unify everything. A game is not just a collection of mechanics haphazardly thrown together.

I suggest you watch this video first:

Then decide which aesthetics will be the core aesthetics of your game and how your mechanics will work together to provide that experience.

I can recommend watching some of the other videos of that channel as well, for some video game design ideas.

I agree, it should be more. I have to think.
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Apr 21, 2020
Theme: The humanoids will fight to protect the planets from unknown alien cybernetic species.
RTS: Resources are tied to units. Maps are very large to handle multiple bases. Easy build walls and sentries/towers to avoid too many early rushes. It is not fun to always get killed early). Maps with chokes points, ambushes points and so forth
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Brian Boru

Legenda in Aeternum
RTS: Resources are tied to units. Maps are very large to handle multiple bases
Sounds familiar :D
Are you focused more on single player or multi?

Easy build walls and sentries/towers to avoid too many early rushes
So I guess multiplayer then. I think that's a great design idea, after all it is supposed to be strategy, not Diner Dash.
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Jan 14, 2020
The one belated advice I would give is, distant it as much as possible from MOO & Starcraft. As nice it would be to "get their blessing," I think it far more likely that you'd "get their cease & desist letter."

But I do like the idea of combining game types. Have an overall strategy map like MOO/MOO2, but the actual fighting on a map like Starcraft. Though MOO wasn't an RTS, so I'm not sure how well that aspect would play with the Starcraft aspect. Unless time keeps going while you're on the galaxy map.
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Community Contributor
But I do like the idea of combining game types. Have an overall strategy map like MOO/MOO2, but the actual fighting on a map like Starcraft.
Sword of the Stars has turn based on the map side with real time (pause on space bar) combat. If I remember right, a battle that goes on a long time (like attacking a planet) gets carried over to the next turn.