Living room PC upgrade.

Aug 24, 2024
Hi, I'm wandering if anybody can help me.
I've got an oldish gaming pc with a GTX 1070 and a i7 6700 connected to my 4k 100hz TV. I've been thinking of upgrading entirely to a RTX 4070. Is this card worth it for just 60 FPS, or should I get a lower end card.
Thanks in advance ☺️
Aug 24, 2024
It will mainly be 3rd person action, FPS's, and racers.

Hello again
I just realise you may have meant what titles.
Uncharted, shadow of the tomb raider, Doom eternal, forza horizon 5.

[Mod edit: deleted excess quotes, merged 2 posts.]
I'd have to point out then that your CPU is going to be below the recommended specifications for a lot of new AAA games already and especially going forwards.

Considering the age of your system, if I was putting a new GPU in I would also upgrade the power supply as well. Its pretty likely to be out of warranty. Do you know the exact make and model of it?
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Aug 24, 2024
I'd have to point out then that your CPU is going to be below the recommended specifications for a lot of new AAA games already and especially going forwards.

Considering the age of your system, if I was putting a new GPU in I would also upgrade the power supply as well. Its pretty likely to be out of warranty. Do you know the exact make and model of it?
I'm not sure of the exact model, but I know its nearly 10 years old and is s 450W PSU.
In that case I would recommend a PSU upgrade for sure with a new GPU. You dont want the thing popping and potentially taking everything else with it.

The cheapest safe option would be to take the new GPU and PSU, and then see if your current CPU and motherboard are good enough for what you want to do with them.

Do you have any idea what model of case you have with your current system? There could be potential problems with a new GPU/PSU fitting inside, the coolers on these things have grown a lot on 10 years.

If the CPU turns out to be holding you back too much update them at a later date. Unfortunately that would mean updating RAM, motherboard and CPU as well.
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hello scooby .... as Kaamos has pointed out on his last sentence you may have to upgrade a lot of other things just because you want a better g card. This could mean you spending a lot of money so before you do that can you remember how much your pc cost and how much are the upgrade parts.

I personally would recommend that buy a new pc but dont get rid of the one your using now.
If you have room both i would suggest you do a clean install and apart from windows and av dont put anything on it unless you need to. You could then use that pc as a guinea pig/test rig if you want to try something without anything nasty going on your new one...... is what i have always done when i get a new pc ...
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Aug 24, 2024
hello scooby .... as Kaamos has pointed out on his last sentence you may have to upgrade a lot of other things just because you want a better g card. This could mean you spending a lot of money so before you do that can you remember how much your pc cost and how much are the upgrade parts.

I personally would recommend that buy a new pc but dont get rid of the one your using now.
If you have room both i would suggest you do a clean install and apart from windows and av dont put anything on it unless you need to. You could then use that pc as a guinea pig/test rig if you want to try something without anything nasty going on your new one...... is what i have always done when i get a new pc ...
Hi. It was about 1000 when brought it. It's a lenovo y700 34ish. I upgraded the cpu, ram, and ssd later. Sounds like this is my best option. Thankyou very much for your answer.