Complicated question at the moment, with Stadia and Amazons new service and also Geforce now. You dont even need to buy a PC to play PC games, you could do it on your tablet or TV through those servcies provided you have good internet.
Its a fair point that at the moment a new low to mid PC probably wouldn't give as good as an experience as a PS5 or Xbox series X one Xcetra. That won't necessarily be true in a years time and in 2 years I'd expect it to have come around the other way.
I also wouldn't call a 2000 dollar machine mid ranged though. You could get something pretty high end for that money that would possibly beat the new consoles for fidelity and smoothness with the next gen graphics cards that are coming out now.
For me personally I own about 250 games, and that's not even on the high side for most PC owners. I've also owned many consoles through the years and never got close to that number, if I had I would have spent enough to buy several very high end PC's. I play a lot of different games, and its worth it for me to have that variety of games available cheap. I bought one game last year for full price at 60, everything thing else was under 30 on sale, more often much less or even free.
Steam sales are real, Epic is giving away even brand new games now, Gamepass is a fantastic deal so much so that you might not even need to buy anything else if you didnt want to, and EA games are coming there too from Origin.
I also just like having a PC as a hobby, so thats a big factor for me personally.
I didnt own a console last gen, apart from a Switch. So I'm not sure if there are really any good sales on the PS store and of course Gamepass is on Xbox.
There's a lot to unpack, so I guess after that ramble what I really have to say is: It depends