I would advise you ask on the game-specific forums and players to provide examples, or look up some images of the cash shop and have someone explain the effects. No game's going to say they're pay-to-win so the only way to find out is to judge for yourself.
But what is "pay-to-win?" I personally consider World of Warcraft expansions "P2W" in that a higher level character will (or would; not sure how levelling works in the game today) beat a lower level player from a previous, unpurchased expansion in Player versus Player combat (such as duels). Their prize is inconsequential, I grant you, but they have still won. I think that's ultimately what people mean by 'win': the magnitude of the victory one has paid for, as the advantage may already be a given.
And that's what I encourage people ask themselves when considering if something is or is not pay-to-win: what are you winning? The fastest means to get all mounts? The quickest way to get something that exists in game? A World First raid clear? PvP titles?