Overwatch rant with good reason.

Dec 17, 2022
What i'm about to rant about is not to brag about myself, but a genuine frustration i had with Overwatch now confirmed by Marvel Rivals.

I played Overwatch since release in 2016 and tried a lot of competitive. I remember competitive being introduced and back then i had 2 irl. friends who played with me daily. I was much better at the game and mastered every hero besides Genji (for some reason i couldn't play him) in no time.

I owned every game. With Hanzo i had 40 eliminations and 14k damage. With Dva i had quadruppelkills regulary and almost every game i have at least a 25 player killstreak.

The fact is i am not an extremely good player but the reason why the games i played went for me like that is because it keeps me in Bronze. I was unable to klimb the ladder because besides thos 2 friends i had for a couple of months i got teamed up with other players. Sometimes complete noobs playing tank and being more dead than alive. Making it impossible for me to win the game.

What bothers me is that i got punished by my own teammates and the game had no eye for my personal skill. I'm not trying to say i'm exceptional at the game but i know for a fact, because i know myself and see how the others play; that i'm at least above average and able to carry and own the game regulary.

It really made me doubt about my self as a gamer, i knew for a fact that i was a much better player than my friends who only mastered 1 hero (1 trick heroes). And i can beat them in any duel any time. They have no chance against me because sorry to say. They were noobs and only mastered Mercy and Lucio, the 2 easyest heroes in the game.

Since i play Marvel Rivels i finaly had confirmation that the reason i had to play in Bronze 3 is because of the ranking formulla they use to calculate your skill. In Marvel Rivals i'm climbing the ladder in Bronze, now silver like a monkey.

Not here to brag, just ventilating my frustration for 8 years and thank you Marvel Rivals for putting me in my rightgeous place. Now i can finally enjoy ranked without frustration.

Uninstalls Overwatch.
My wife had a similar problem when doing Mythic+ dungeons in World of Warcraft. To increase your Mythic score, you need to do progressively higher level dungeons, but you only get a key for a higher level dungeon by defeating a lower level one first and your key gets downgraded if you fail a dungeon. You can get around this somewhat by joining someone else's group who has a higher key, but the group leader has to accept your request to join and they can see what level dungeon you've already completed and will generally refuse anyone who hasn't already completed a dungeon of their level before.

However, players on lower levels generally suck, especially later in the season. They're the people who have failed to learn how to play and don't have the social skills to make friends who can help them get higher. Meaning that, as a healer, my wife has to do more work to keep these people alive while they get toxic when they die to their own stupidity.


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