Introduce yourself here!

Page 7 - Love gaming? Join the PC Gamer community to share that passion with gamers all around the world!
Jan 14, 2020
(Okay, I guess since I commented above I should introduce myself.)

Hi, I'm Krud, regular* PC Gamer reader for over a quarter century now, and a PC Gamer website commenter for... however long they've been doing that. I tend to be a bit prolific in the comments, so odds are you've seen something I've blurted at some point. Hopefully these forums will help curb that a bit.

(* - I drink a lot of caffeine.)

I've been gaming since I was old enough to know what a computer is, was briefly a computer science major in college in pursuit of game design, but my lack of organizational skills didn't lend themselves to the computer programming environment at the time. (I think I'd fare much better now with game specific programs, which were non-existent in my region when I was in school.)

My favorite genres are, in no particular order**, adventure, RPG, 'immersive sims' (though I'm still getting used to that term) and park simulations. Also strategy games, both turn-based and RTS, but I'm not particularly good at either. (I blame color-blindness, but that's just an excuse.)

(** - I'm lying, that's totally the order in which I prefer them.)

I look forward to having some fun conversations here and not dreading replies quite as much!
Jan 14, 2020

I read PC Gamer articles a bit so I figured I'd jump on the forums quick and dibs my username. ;)

Play too much CS:GO and Forza Horizon 4 at the moment and profile pic is of Ed from Cowboy Bebop
which is my jam. 💫

That would've sucked if you comment as Crazy_Cali on the articles and then you came here and someone else was calling themselves Crazy_Cali. (Also that's why I logged on, too. =D)
Hello all! I go by Neogunhero, but most people just call me Neo (before you ask, no it's not a Matrix reference :ROFLMAO:). I've been reading PC Gamer since about 2010 when I saw one of their magazines at my local shop. I've been reading the PC Gamer website nearly every day since then. I remember when PC Gamer had the old forums, but I wasn't very active then.

Lately I've been wanting to engage in friendly discussion about video games, so I'm trying to be active on these forums! I've grown quite tired of the constant negativity and toxicity of other social platforms I use, so here I am, ready to meet new people!

I love open-world co-op games where my friends and I can mess around without too much of a focus. I also love a good story-focused singleplayer RPG. I'm a huge fan of the Saints Row series, Deus Ex, Garry's Mod, and Fallout.

Hoping to meet likeminded positive people to have great disscussions with here!
Jan 14, 2020
Hello all! PCG fan and a user of PC to play some good ass games. First PC game I owned was Chex Quest that came inside my Chex cereal box. Determined to play it I convinced my parents that it was time our family gets a PC for "school homework". Because of Chex Quest I was finally a PC gamer. I salute you, Chex Warrior!
Jan 14, 2020

I'm Mythos, old Half-Life fan and creator of, a site for quality HL and Garry's Mod comics currently being rebuilt from scratch. Apart from that, I mostly play PC games from 10-15 years ago, partly because I love them, partly because that's all my old-ass laptop can handle. Currently replaying KotOR II with the Restoration Mod.

Happy to see these new forums and to be part of the PCGamer community!
Jan 14, 2020
Hello, PC Gamers! Name's Rensje, I'm a 31-year old restaurateur from the Netherlands who likes to work on PCs and play games during leisure time, which I have entirely too little of. Never been a magazine subscriber myself, but I've frequented this website for as long as I can remember. I used to love posting on various forums before that kind of community went a bit out of style. I don't care much for heated debate, but I enjoy getting into casual conversation about the hobby that I love.

Currently in rotation are Path of Exile (don't ask me anything, I just click things 'til they pop), WoW Classic (having 0 free time makes this harder than I want it to be) and Dark Souls 3 with her ladyship, which she loves playing in jolly co-operation. Happy to oblige, of course. Might finally try The Witcher sometime soon, and I've been meaning to return to Rebel Galaxy Outlaw for some laid-back space trucking.

When I'm not doing any of the above, there's a good chance I might be at the theater watching whatever's in season. Currently planning to see 1917 at the earliest possible convenience, should be right up my alley.

Anyways, it's a pleasure to meet you all. Talk soon!

- Rensje
Jan 14, 2020
Hello. I am a life long pc gamer and reader of PC Gamer since 1996; I am additionally a pointless comment-maker on PCG articles since just a few years back. I play almost all genres but my favorites are wRPG, FPS, RTS. My hobbies include irony, taciturnity, recalcitrance and photography.

Greatest games of all time for me include but are not limited to:
- Half Life 1 & 2
- F.E.A.R.
- Delta Force series
- Ghost Recon series
- Doom & Quake series
- Deus Ex
- System Shock 2
- Fallout 1, 2 & NV
- Baldur's Gate 1 & 2
- Arcanum
- WoW
- Diablo series
- Heroes of Might and Magic series
- CIV 2, 4 & 5
- Command & Conquer series

Currently, I'm playing Heroes of the Storm, Overwatch, RDR2, Path of Exile and Risk of Rain 2.
Jan 13, 2020

I'm front-end web developer by day and game developer by night. (A bit like Batman)

Discuss anything Fallout related (as long as it is original, 2 and New Vegas), and you can rile me up with east coast Fallout franchise entries.

Currently playing: first play-through of The Outer Worlds on Supernova (no saving outside ship, no fast travel, max difficulty) trying to avoid killing as much as possible.
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Jan 14, 2020
Greetings, lads!
Just found out about this amazing forum. As you can see from my username, I mostly play Warframe, but currently on break because my laptop got too old and broke down. Recently, I've been playing lightweight indie games such as Streets of Rogue, FTL, Stardew Valley, Starbound and the likes. Pixel graphics are awesome!

I'm here because I've read many PCGamer articles in the past, and I think y'all commenters are awesome too.
Have a nice day, y'all!
Jan 13, 2020
Hey all,

I'm Paul, nice to make your acquaintances. I previously worked as the Director of Content over at and oversaw the total redesign of the site, I have more recently been working on my own video gaming venture which should release in the coming month.

I love anything video game related, but in terms of what I play, it's a mixed bag. Recently I divide my gaming time between Call of Duty: Modern Warfare, A Plague Tale Innocence and The Outer Wilds, but also love a bit of relaxation with my Switch and Luigi's Mansion 3 (highly recommended).
Jan 14, 2020
Hidiho neighbours,

I'm an old geezer from the Netherlands. PC gaming has been a main hobby of mine since the mid nineties. I started off with the first Command and Conquer and Little Big adventure. Not too long after that I developed a rather serious quake 2 muliplayer addiction which lasted a long, looong time. It may or may not have been a contributing factor in my slightly longer than usual timeperiod as a student :p

Nowadays I am happily married and I run a recruitment agency. My gaming behaviour has become waaaay less competitive and, this used to be swearing, requires a counch and a controller more often than ever. I even own a ps4 pro these days, but only use it for exclusives.

Time for gaming is sparse, but when I get to have a few hours to myself, I mostly play open world games or shooters. I have a love/hate relationship with Battlefield 5 (I love to play it but I swear and cuss alot when I do), I'm close to the ending of Watch Dogs 2 which I picked up in a sale recently (and really liked) and sometimes I lose entire days because I started up Cities Skylines and effectively ceased to exist in the real world.

This year I am looking foward to Cyberpunk offcourse, but also Flight Simulator and Age of Empires 4 are high on the list. I love eye candy so my resolution is 4k on an oled. I would really love to upgrade my PC, but my trusted and heavily overclocked i7 2600k just won't die and, paired with a 1080ti, it's still a force to be reckoned with. I do search through hardware-articles by Jarred in order to find a valid reason to buy a new setup, but I can't convince the wife just yet bring myself to kick out Sandy Lake just yet .

Looking forward to seeing you guys and gals around here. Cheers!
Whats up. My name is Chase, im just another PC gamer fan. I enjoy all sorts of games from every genre. My main squeeze right now though is Destiny 2, leader/founder of a destiny clan too. I've been reading PCG for a while and am glad to see they brought forums to this page..again? I thought they had some a couple years back, but nonetheless, ill be leaving comments im sure will get heated responses.
Jan 14, 2020
Hello everyone, I'm Elvedin, I come from Bosnia & Herzegovina. Been playing PC games for more than half my life, and Half Life 2 is one of my favorite games. I play mostly FPS, RPG and TPS games, but I'm no stranger to other genres.

I'm a fan of PCGamer for a long time, but only the online version since the paper one was not available where I live. IRL I'm a software engineer and I got into the profession mostly thanks to trying to solve problems with my PC that stopped me from playing games.

Comments on the articles are some of my favorite content on the site, so I hope to see more of it here on the forums.
Jan 16, 2020
Hey all, I'm JP. As a very small child my family had PONG, with my next gaming experience being the dubious step up to an assortment of ASCII games (which, upon reflection, I truly loved). The first hint of what games could be came when I played Sierra's King's Quest II, which was an exercise in the kind of single-minded patience that only a dog watching you eat chips or a young child possesses: on our setup there existed no means to create a save game, so with each death it was start at the beginning. Heh. King's Quest II was ALWAYS Ironman for me.

Time moved on and I grew up, and was competitive in the FPS world when I damaged the optic nerve of my left eye. This was crushing, as playing FPS titles after that caused my eye to weep and the muscles that control its movement to spasm. Pretty ridiculous. So, disheartened, I gave up gaming for more than a decade. This was foolish of me: because I had exclusively been playing FPS or FPS POV games (Morrowind), I thought games in total were forbidden to me. Nope, just turns out that sole perspective is. A renewal of acquaintance with RTS and turn-based games brought me back.

I play a lot of XCOM EW:THE LONG WAR and a decent amount of XCOM2 (although while i like some elements of the WOTC expansion, LW2 is hands down the single best iteration I've played), and I generally purchase or cadge keys for most of the Early Access Turn-Based Combat games around. I'm currently digging GLORIOUS COMPANIONS' development arc, as well as DEAD MONARCH and TO HELL!

(PHOENIX POINT did not engage me in any of the ways needed it to. Sad)

IRL I oversee a lot of internal content for health insurance companies, and occasionally a dry, tells-nothing press release.


Community Contributor
Jan 13, 2020
Hi, I'm Yuri. I used to play lots of military simulators, until I joined Shack Tactical and got turned in to shoes by Dslyecxi (read: dishonorably discharged). I got what I deserved.

Remember this? I do. 0____0

Also, ArmA3 bricked my 9600GT.
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Jan 17, 2020

I'm Lindsey. I'm a gamer but honestly new to PC gaming, so bare with me here.

I'm into indie games and solo adventures most (loved What Remains of Edith Finch, LIMBO, Firewatch, Tomb Raider, Spider-man). I also grew up playing Super Nintendo and N64 so I gotta admit I'm nostalgic for Donkey Kong Country, Zelda, Super Mario, TETRIS/Dr. Mario and the list goes on and on.

Maybe(?) a fun fact: I came in first place for a Guitar Hero competition in college 🤓 (PS2)

Other stuffs: I love to sing, play soccer, chill with my dog and explore!

Cheers, all.


Community Contributor
Jan 13, 2020

I'm Lindsey. I'm a gamer but honestly new to PC gaming, so bare with me here.

I'm into indie games and solo adventures most (loved What Remains of Edith Finch, LIMBO, Firewatch, Tomb Raider, Spider-man). I also grew up playing Super Nintendo and N64 so I gotta admit I'm nostalgic for Donkey Kong Country, Zelda, Super Mario, TETRIS/Dr. Mario and the list goes on and on.

Maybe(?) a fun fact: I came in first place for a Guitar Hero competition in college 🤓 (PS2)

Other stuffs: I love to sing, play soccer, chill with my dog and explore!

Cheers, all.
PC gaming is an exciting thing to be new to just because of the huge library of games available, so welcome to the community! I also looooved what remains of Edith Finch and LIMBO, and Firewatch is on my list to play.

What's your favorite kind of music to sing?
Jan 17, 2020
PC gaming is an exciting thing to be new to just because of the huge library of games available, so welcome to the community! I also looooved what remains of Edith Finch and LIMBO, and Firewatch is on my list to play.

What's your favorite kind of music to sing?

Definitely, thanks!

I'm into soul music the most!
Jan 14, 2020

I'm Lindsey. I'm a gamer but honestly new to PC gaming, so bare with me here.

I'm into indie games and solo adventures most (loved What Remains of Edith Finch, LIMBO, Firewatch, Tomb Raider, Spider-man). I also grew up playing Super Nintendo and N64 so I gotta admit I'm nostalgic for Donkey Kong Country, Zelda, Super Mario, TETRIS/Dr. Mario and the list goes on and on.

Maybe(?) a fun fact: I came in first place for a Guitar Hero competition in college 🤓 (PS2)

Other stuffs: I love to sing, play soccer, chill with my dog and explore!

Cheers, all.

I dusted off the old Wii before christmas, just for guitar hero with friends and beer :cool: it was very hard though. Could also be the beer hehe
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