GOG Galaxy 2.0

Jan 13, 2020
I have been using it since it was in closed BETA. Now that the BETA is open, who has tried it? What do you think? I am loving the ability to link accounts and add non-GOG games. It has worked quite well so far. I was using LaunchBox (and still do for the ability to run old games on DOS Box), but this is better in my opinion for managing my gaming library. My library was getting to the point where I was actually afraid of purchasing a game twice because I forgot I had it already on another platform. So, what do you think of it? What do they need to do to make it even better?
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Nov 24, 2019
I've been looking forward to seeing where Galaxy goes. The big thing to watch for GOG Galaxy is going to be if the integrations keep up, AND if the platform services don't end up gating their services to prevent it. We may see a walled garden reaction by counterparts if it gets very popular, very fast.
Jan 13, 2020
I sure hope not. I would hope that they would see the value in allowing it to continue. I do think that they could very easily build it into their own platform to compete with it that way. More options are better than everything being fragmented. I will certainly think twice about purchasing a game from a platform that blocks integrations.

Also, as an aside, do you think that we will ever get to the point where platforms will recognize a purchase made on a different platform and allow you to download and play those games on their own platform? I do that today with Movies (Movies Anywhere, Vudu, iTunes, Google Play - all linked and playing from one provider). That could really make things interesting.
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Jan 1, 2020
I love it and it's a great way to organize all of your games across the different platforms. I even found some games that I didn't even realize I owned by linking all of my accounts (especially the Humble Bumble account).

That said, I wish they added the ability to edit multiple games at a time or mark edit platforms of the same game separately. For example, I've completed version X of game Z but not version Y of game Z.
Jan 13, 2020
That said, I wish they added the ability to edit multiple games at a time or mark edit platforms of the same game separately. For example, I've completed version X of game Z but not version Y of game Z.

I agree. It took me quite a while to add the same tags to a group of games. I think they will add it eventually.
Jan 13, 2020
I'm enjoying it quite a bit; combining libraries is a feature I always wanted and now that I have it I don't ever want to go back. It's been running pretty smoothly now that a few major updates have been pushed out. When I got into the closed beta, my integrations would desync quite a bit and made it a chore to reconnect them every time. Now, the only persistent issue I have is Galaxy's inability to sync play information about my games. It always give me a popup that says they were unable to load the data, though I'm not sure if this is GOG or Steam's privacy settings. Minor issues crop up occasionally; sometimes it takes a while to sync up all my libraries, and sometimes Galaxy refuses to load a library entirely until it or my PC are restarted. But these bugs are few and far between, and overall I'm happy with where it's at right now.

My main wish in terms of improvement would be fixing bugs and making the experience as smooth as silk. Bugs still occur often enough to remind me that this is in beta. Also, I'm not sure if this is possible, but a way to manage your downloads through GOG Galaxy, or at least have Galaxy be able to tell you when something is being downloaded, would be very useful. My internet is precarious, and any sort of download can immediately cripple the entire household. Currently I have to remember to check whether Steam is downloaded updates in the background, so being able to monitor and/or adjust that in GOG would be a big improvement.


PCG Club Legendary
Jan 13, 2020
Would love them to incorporate the Oculus platform. As I've recently got into VR I have a lot of games on there and would love to be able to track my achievements and completed games from within GOG Galaxy.

PCG Robin

Staff member
Dec 10, 2019
Just started using Galaxy 2.0 for the first time the other day and I really love it so far. Feels like digital tidying up, and it feels far easier now to keep track of what I've got and what I've got installed. I'm yet to really dive into all its features though - with a library as unwieldy as mine the thought of getting in there and tagging everything is a bit intimidating!
Jan 13, 2020
Robin, go for it. It will take you two working days, but it's totally worth it. I just created one special 'The Good ****' tag and put all the games I *really* enjoyed over the years under it, regardless of genre. Not games that peer pressure dictated that I should enjoy or that the PC Gaming Literati Gods approve of, but the ones I actually enjoyed the hell out of.

Still lacking in achievement tracking across platforms though. I'd love to see it evolve to the point where all games are properly tracked and compared to friends.Currently it seems to only be REALLY working for Steam and GoG games.
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Community Contributor
The client lacks a few options from Galaxy 1.x, but apart from that it's great. I use it mostly for games that I bought on GOG, but the option to import them from other platforms is great. If you have a big library it's a must have in my opinion. It simplifies things and assures that we won't forget about certain games from other platforms. :)
Jan 1, 2020
Just started using Galaxy 2.0 for the first time the other day and I really love it so far. Feels like digital tidying up, and it feels far easier now to keep track of what I've got and what I've got installed. I'm yet to really dive into all its features though - with a library as unwieldy as mine the thought of getting in there and tagging everything is a bit intimidating!

I had over 1,000 games to tag in my library. It took me a couple of days, but now that it's done it was so worth it! I just watched some Netflix while I did it!


Jan 15, 2020
You can group games by using tags. Just apply the tag to all the games that you want in the group, and then you can filter based on the tags.

That requires you to manually add the tag to your games, which can take a while if you have a large library. Steam lets you do it automatically.
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Jan 13, 2020
That requires you to manually add the tag to your games, which can take a while if you have a large library. Steam lets you do it automatically.

I think that Galaxy will add more functionality to make tagging easier, but I would like another sorting option like grouping.


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