Games easter eggs


Dominar of The Hynerian Empire
The first easter egg I ever encountered was a signpost in one of the maps in Duke Nukem 3D saying: "You are not supposed to be here". The other one was from the same game and from a map where you could look at a dead Doom guy.

I'm impressed by how many easter eggs Duke Nuke 3D had!

"Too many references" 7.4 -IGN
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this was the first one in a video game...

I couldn't tell you what first one I saw was.
Oh, convenient, because that's the first one I saw! (A friend of mine showed me how to find it.)

Just about every game has easter eggs somewhere. Here's a classic from City of Heroes:

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Problem is that references to other games or movies became so comon that they were no longer hidden easter eggs that you might find, but instead expected to be found. They no longer special...

Sacred had easter eggs from the Friday 13th movies in them. Sacred 2 had an easter egg map that was shaped like the Starship Enterprise, but that entire game had a hidden quest where at end of game you had to retrace steps and talk to NPC that were all makers of the game, to come back to a location and make the next game... such a cruel easter egg as we still waiting.... 15 years later