Have hackers stop you using a game

I am sure you have all played a game and seen a certain thing happen and shouted NO *** WAY at the screen.
Here are a few of the games i have turned my back on because something funny seemed to be going on , viking rise , warframe , age of mythology extended.
I was recently going to try out world of planes and world of battles but discussion pages say its a hack fest so i did not bother.
When age of mythology came out the top 4 players got a zillion points on the first day.

I dont use many android games but for about 5 years i used world at arms by gameloft. I made friends with people around the world who i know i will never meet and they helped me through a difficult time in my life. Then all of a sudden Chinese , Vietnamese and Russian hackers started joining in the 3 day weekend events , within 5 minutes of the first round an opposing player would get enough points to win the whole weekend events so we just sent messages to each other saying dont bother. The company did not deal with hackers very well , i had been in some teams where players deffo were clean and they got their accounts banned just because mr angry reported them.

I dont know if that game is still in use because its ukranian and they used to post banners saying ..... you know whats happening to our country and one day we may have to stop without telling you.

The one thing that really winds me up is when you join a new game and tick all the T & C confirming you agree to abide by their rules then you go to the chatrooms , i have lost count of the number of chatrooms where you can buy accounts or hacks.
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Not usually, it's made me leave matches and such, but there is one game it made me stop playing the VS mode. Star Wars BF2 *the newer one*

The hackers were so bad in those big matches that I just did the 4 player modes and smaller vs modes.

Most other times I'd just find another server to play on.

Also I played a lot of single player games..... so no hackers to bother me.

I will say this though. Makes me wish more games let ya host your own servers, that way you could make em private and only invite people ya know.
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By hackers you mean cheaters, the most they have done is ruin a game and i just jump out of the match or don't play it for the day. But I've never seen or played a game where every match was so prevalent that hackers were in every match. if that were the case i would have quit or not bothered. in most cases the they get spotted very easily, all their results are null and void and life continues. if a devs can't do that, i would just bin the game.

I play mostly Sp and PvE but yeah, its one reason i don't play PvP cheaters will cheat and most get away with it.
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I've seen the occasional cheater, but I don't think it has made me quit playing a game before. But it's very rare for me to play online games with strangers and even rarer to play PvP games against strangers.


Community Contributor
I haven't quit a game because of hackers, but I may have caused other people to quit because of hackers. Back when I was good at something, I got accused of hacking all the time. I never cheated, but after about half of my matches I was accused of either hacking or being so bad at the game that they would have beaten me if only I knew how to play :ROFLMAO: My highest rank out of about a million players was third. The #1 guy was a friend of mine, and we had some good battles. He lived in that game, though. There was no way I could have ever passed him. We were #1 for a long time in 2v2, but the prestige was in 1v1. No one really cared where they were ranked in 2v2 or 4v4 because most people teamed up with randoms, so the competition was pretty poor overall.

I went back to the game a couple of years ago and went into a match. The game assumed I was still good. I spawned into the match and it was my #1 ranked friend. I said, "Oh hell. You're still doing this?" He then proceeded to wipe the floor with me, partly because I hadn't played in so long and he had cards that were much more powerful than mine. I didn't feel like collecting cards, so that was the end of it.
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I haven't quit a game because of hackers, but I may have caused other people to quit because of hackers. Back when I was good at something, I got accused of hacking all the time. I never cheated, but after about half of my matches I was accused of either hacking or being so bad at the game that they would have beaten me if only I knew how to play :ROFLMAO: My highest rank out of about a million players was third. The #1 guy was a friend of mine, and we had some good battles. He lived in that game, though. There was no way I could have ever passed him. We were #1 for a long time in 2v2, but the prestige was in 1v1. No one really cared where they were ranked in 2v2 or 4v4 because most people teamed up with randoms, so the competition was pretty poor overall.

I went back to the game a couple of years ago and went into a match. The game assumed I was still good. I spawned into the match and it was my #1 ranked friend. I said, "Oh hell. You're still doing this?" He then proceeded to wipe the floor with me, partly because I hadn't played in so long and he had cards that were much more powerful than mine. I didn't feel like collecting cards, so that was the end of it.

there were only several occassions that i pissed someone off and accused of cheating. one was in Bad company 2 and somehow sitting in the third seat as the tank gunner and picking someone charging down a hill without cover consituted me as cheating.

The other 2 was in Planetside 2. I managed to hit a cloaked infiltrator with a sniper rifle from the spawn room. i knew someone was bound to try and hack the console over looking the door and infiltrators aren't technically invisible. A lucky head shot and he was pissed off.

The second was throwing sticky grenades at enemies camping at a biolab spawn room. I think some of the rooms were buggy as splash damage sometimes bleeds through and on some occasions sticky grenades somehow fall through the ceiling so they somehow get into restricted areas. i Didn't know that. I just wanted to stick on onto cowards that ran back into the spawn room and kill everyone. its one of the most successful methods of defense tbh. but yeah, someone took exception of sticky grenades.

other then that, not been called a dirty hacker that i've noticed.
GTA V Online.

The load times were already atrocious, so that was a major strike, but the rampant hacking got tedious very quickly.
yeah GTA V online was something i dare not touch because i heard about the hacking and not to mention the griefing that occurred in game. Which is a shame because i didn't really think much of the Single player tbh. Might have been fun if a bunch of friends played together and were committed, but otherwise very easy to antagonize people...
yeah GTA V online was something i dare not touch because i heard about the hacking and not to mention the griefing that occurred in game. Which is a shame because i didn't really think much of the Single player tbh. Might have been fun if a bunch of friends played together and were committed, but otherwise very easy to antagonize people...

This was pretty much it. I had zero interest in the single player story, as the characters were just obnoxious and the story was over the top from the few hours I played.

The online was something else though. The fact that it could all be done in first person and the heists were these very elaborate things for multiple people, then kind of "living" in the world, where you bought cars and apartments was all very neat and I definitely wanted to play more.

But again, it also didn't help that the loads were atrocious. I think I have about 100 hours in that game and I'm pretty sure a not insignificant percentage is loading times.


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I am sure you have all played a game and seen a certain thing happen and shouted NO *** WAY at the screen.
Here are a few of the games i have turned my back on because something funny seemed to be going on , viking rise , warframe , age of mythology extended.
I was recently going to try out world of planes and world of battles but discussion pages say its a hack fest so i did not bother.
When age of mythology came out the top 4 players got a zillion points on the first day.

I dont use many android games but for about 5 years i used world at arms by gameloft. I made friends with people around the world who i know i will never meet and they helped me through a difficult time in my life. Then all of a sudden Chinese , Vietnamese and Russian hackers started joining in the 3 day weekend events , within 5 minutes of the first round an opposing player would get enough points to win the whole weekend events so we just sent messages to each other saying dont bother. The company did not deal with hackers very well , i had been in some teams where players deffo were clean and they got their accounts banned just because mr angry reported them.

I dont know if that game is still in use because its ukranian and they used to post banners saying ..... you know whats happening to our country and one day we may have to stop without telling you.

The one thing that really winds me up is when you join a new game and tick all the T & C confirming you agree to abide by their rules then you go to the chatrooms , i have lost count of the number of chatrooms where you can buy accounts or hacks.
By the way, I have 5000 hours in Warframe and never saw anyone I thought was cheating. The only place I saw hacks were in the obstacle course numbers for the thing you could build in your station.
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