The world is ending choose a game to play until its over


On a Journey
Does the end of everything coincide with end of game? Or it happens at some random point?
Just curious... might change what game people choose.

If end comes when you finish, I just choose a game I can play until I need to sleep. If its at a random time, I guess it doesn't really matter... just need something good to distract you from it all.

If the end only happens when game ends... WOW (or any mmo). It has no end lol... world won't end anytime soon.
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Dominar of The Hynerian Empire
I think last time we had a similar discussion in the forums, I chose Morrowind. Now I would have chosen The Legend of Zelda: Tears of The Kingdom. The game is large and packed to the brim with quests, puzzles, beautiful areas, superb soundtrack, a good main story, fun characters, mounts, housing, and overall just a fantastic game to be playing until the world ends.
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It depends a bit on what is ending the world. I'm not going to be playing a zombie game to get my mind off of the impending zombie horde.

I was struggling a bit on whether I would want to play a game that requires all my attention or a game that allows me to relax. In the end, I think I'd just go with continuing my Baldur's Gate 3 game. I'm already invested in it, I know it'll hold my attention and it'll allow me to escape into a fantasy that I can project the feeling of my impending doom into without it feeling overwhelming.


Community Contributor
Does the end of everything coincide with end of game? Or it happens at some random point?
Just curious... might change what game people choose.

If end comes when you finish, I just choose a game I can play until I need to sleep. If its at a random time, I guess it doesn't really matter... just need something good to distract you from it all.

If the end only happens when game ends... WOW (or any mmo). It has no end lol... world won't end anytime soon.
You'd be better off with a sandbox game that literally has no beginning, middle or end. You actually can run out of content in an MMO. which would be the end in my interpretation.
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The old Infocom "Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy"? It's about the end of the world and the happy, go-lucky days that follow.

Unless it's the-world-ends-when-you-finish version. Then it's X4. Not only is there no end, but (if you're careful) you can leave it running overnight. Or, more to the point, it runs while I'm out explaining the situation to everyone so the nation's top engineers can figure out how to keep my PC running perpetually. Wouldn't want a squirrel to flick its tail, cause a power blink, and end the world!
That would be the game called This Old Fart Gets Back In Good Enough Shape To Go Back And Finish That 60 Mile 10,000' Gain Singletrack Ride I Crashed 2/3 Way Through And Finished On Dirt Road When I Was Younger.

It's a real life game and the main thing on my bucket list that keeps nagging at me.