Far Cry 6 random notes

Extra 3rd Objective when capturing a base

You know how you call Clara when approaching a new enemy base, and she gives you an extra job to do, like download intel from a computer or rescue some people. I always assumed capturing the base—especially Undetected, or maybe with No Alarms—would automatically achieve the extra goal too. Not so:


I stumbled across the laptop while clearing out the stragglers and did the interaction, and it started downloading. I hung around for ~a minute and it completed. Then I zapped the last few guys, and got the above screen. I don't think I've ever seen that 3rd objective ticked off before, or even mentioned in the mission 'summary'.

That's poor UI design, given there's usually an attaboy 'great job' call after capturing a base—it would've been so easy to add in 'Shame you couldn't release the prisoners too' as a heads up.

Anyway, I searched and found this comment:
"There is a third objective you will get via phone call when you get close, freeing a hostage, releasing some oil valves, those objectives you wanna do before you kill the last guy."

That matches my experience above, there were still enemies alive at the time. I didn't find anything else apart from that comment, so can you please confirm this or elaborate on it?
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That matches my experience above, there were still enemies alive at the time.

Missed out on one where I had to kill the last guy to remain undetected, before I could do the extra bit, and didn't get any extra bonus.

But while ago I was able to release the hostage before killing the last guy, and got the credit:


So I think this is a good working hypothesis until disproven.
That’s so strange, I have never noticed that myself. It seems super easy to miss if you don’t pay attention to those voice lines. I play aggressively so I’m most likely already setting off explosions everywhere as Clara tells me “hey btw don’t forget to download the intel” lol.
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It seems super easy to miss if you don’t pay attention to those voice lines

Or even if you do pay attention, as per OP—just bad UI design all round.

Alarm without Detection

When taking over CCE Electrical Station 31 base, they sounded an alarm while I remained undetected. It seems clear that can happen if an officer spots bodies. I don't know if grunts can instigate such an alarm, but I don't think so—they can get excited about it and start a search, but as far as I know they can't sound an alarm.

I must try and kill all officers in next base, and see what happens when grunts discover them. That could be easier than hiding bodies all the time, or disabling all the alarms—altho I expect latter is the obvious solution most times. I haven't been bothering with alarms, since undetected has been my goal each time.

Must zap reinforcements for Base Capture

I wasn't clear if eliminating all of a base's original garrison was enough to trigger the capture—I'd seen that claim elsewhere, and it's difficult to prove conclusively either way. It's proven now—you must eliminate reinforcements too.

During the CCE Electrical Station 31 takeover, 2 tanks arrived as reinforcements. I got rid of all the infantry, but no capture. It was only after zapping the tanks that the capture happened.
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Extra 3rd Objective when capturing a base


I think this is a good working hypothesis

Looks like a strong theory now—same as above, hostage freed before last enemy killed.

McKay Wave Jammers

I've come across a few of these in the north of El Este, trucks in random locations out in the wild, giving of a loud ping noise. I climbed onto one to view a target, and discovered an interaction to destroy it—quite similar to what you do on top of the Radio Towers in FC3.


A search tells me there are 11 of them in that area, and destroying them is part of a quest Yaran Story We’re (Un)Jammin’—I haven't gotten the quest yet, so that's a head start.

Upgrading Amigos

I prefer going solo, but am upgrading amigos as I go—did Guapo the croc first, and just finished Chicharron the wicked chicken. I love that guy's animations, but he took an age to upgrade—24 kills to level 2 and 50 to L3. I don't know if I'll bother with the others whenever I trip over them, they get underfoot a lot.
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Gameplay Stats

Searched all thru the Ubisoft Connect app for the detailed gameplay stats I got before—nowhere to be seen. After a couple of days it occurred to me that it might be like Steam, ie different stuff on app and app site.

Sure enough, there they are. Would be nice if the app mentioned or even linked to them. Main ones now:
Game Progress 64.9%
Time Played 146h 39m
Total Kills 16,601
Stealth Kills 11,344 68%
Headshot Kills 14,296 86%
It's a pity the game lumps all playthrus together for the stats, I have maybe 30 hours in current one.

What's the highest Level?

I believe it's 20, but not sure—there's conflicting info around, with some claiming to have gotten over 30. I'm at 15 now, Commandante 1, and I don't recall hitting 20 on a previous playthru. Still got loads to do, especially story missions, so I should find out this time.
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Rescued Hostages in Base Captures

They are the most annoying so-and-sos ever, they insist in following me around! I made the mistake of freeing one in my last capture and the SoaB did his best to make sure our position was regularly telegraphed.

At one point I macheted him, to come back at end and revive him—but the ****** started bleeding out, the ungrateful wretch, so I had to revive him straight away :mad:

Best antic was guarding/blocking a door I needed to get thru to remain undetected—if he hadn't shifted his sorry donkey when he did, I'd have been spotted.

Ah well, the tribulations of a gehweewah—but all's well that ends well :D

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This thread made me want to go back and explore. I just can’t bring myself to do any missions for some reason. I love turning off the HUD and just roaming around the world… there are so many areas I’ve yet to explore even though I have a solid 60 hours in the game. I may eventually grind out the main story, it’s pretty entertaining and the side characters are all pretty decent. I still need to find Danny Trejo.
so many areas I’ve yet to explore

Same here—I'm trying to take new routes this time when possible, and it's amazing all the effort Ubi put into populating out-of-the-way tiny locations. There are large expanses without FT [Fast Travel] points, eg south-west of Valle De Oro [Maximas Matanzas region], even after you upgrade the Hideout Network.

That is a slight pain when wandering down a chain of little enemy positions, with more in view but not enough time to get to next FT point before quitting. I preferred FC5's system where almost every building you discovered became a FT point—but of course there are 5-10 times as many such places in 6, so map would get 'a bit' cluttered :D

I still need to find Danny Trejo

Same here! I don't think he's in one of the DLC—which I haven't bought—but I haven't heard any reference to him yet either. Maybe we have to 'beat' the game first? I haven't done that yet, probably will suffer thru it on this play in order to trigger New Game+ for the future.
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I still need to find Danny Trejo

I noticed this in the Libertad mod:

Restores the removed mission Dani & Danny VS Everybody. Lees help Trejo again.
After you uninstall the package, mission will not be available.
Once you finish the mission, it will stay finished even after restart.
If you want to replay it, uninstall the package, run the game and save it, then install the package again, the mission become
Author: Armanlll

A quick search, Far Cry Wiki says:

"Important note (Date: December 16 2022):
Malagua spec ops as well as Dani & Danny Vs Everybody is no longer available for play. The reason Ubisoft removed this content is unknown but it could be related to contracts and licenses, the only way to access this content is by using the help of mods."

So I guess you need a mod.
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Change Time of Day

I get rid of night in games whenever I can, but Ubi doesn't allow that in FC6. I was using the Libertad mod setting to reduce night by 40%—and increase day correspondingly—but still a joy kill when it came around.

Not sure if it's new in Libertad pack, or I didn't notice it before, but now I've activated a mod which gives me full control over time of day. So press a key to advance 1 hour 6-7 times and zip thru nighttime—or a different key to advance to night, which I needed earlier to do the Fort Oro Triada relic treasure hunt.

Better Storms

I'm fairly sure this mod is new in the Libertad fold, which provides hurricane weather. I switched it on, and had a great storm during the Fort Oro mission above.


Amigo Oluso

Above was the third Triada relic, so I brought 'em back to HQ island and did the get-Oluso part to finish it all. I guess I'll get him thru his upgrades, he may be necessary for the final battles—but he will get kicks in the backside if he blocks any doors!

“Important note (Date: December 16 2022):
Malagua spec ops as well as Dani & Danny Vs Everybody is no longer available for play. The reason Ubisoft removed this content is unknown but it could be related to contracts and licenses, the only way to access this content is by using the help of mods."
Wow, that’s very surprising that they removed him and the mission from the game… it makes me feel kind of weird. It was content that I played and enjoyed when the game first came out, but now I can’t access it without a mod. That has happened to me before in live service and MMO games, but never in a single player game before that I can remember immediately. It just goes to show the volatility of digital content… one day it’s here, the next day it’s gone. Did they not have a clause in the contract saying that he will be part of the game forever, or was it only a timed exclusive mission from the start? That is just so strange to me. I wonder if I will even be able to use the mod since I have FC6 on Game Pass, but I really want to buy it since I've played for a total of 60 hours without ever “owning” it.
I wonder if I will even be able to use the mod since I have FC6 on Game Pass

I don't know. When I looked into GamePass modding a year or two ago, the info was all over the place. Seemed possible with some games, more possible with some file hacking, and impossible with other games.

the volatility of digital content… one day it’s here, the next day it’s gone

My experience is the opposite—I've 'lost' large numbers of physical media—books, music, games etc—but relatively few digital ones.

I really want to buy it

The base game has been down to $15 numerous times on Steam.

Far Cry 6 Demo

Anyone who wants to try the game:

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May 13, 2024
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This thread made me want to go back and explore. I just can’t bring myself to do any missions for some reason. I love turning off the HUD and just roaming around the world… there are so many areas I’ve yet to explore even though I have a solid 60 hours in the game. I may eventually grind out the main story, it’s pretty entertaining and the side characters are all pretty decent. I still need to find Danny Trejo.

This is 100% me. I'm a frequent explorer and forget the story in open world games. The majority of my time is spent driving around and blowing crap up just because I can. I do eventually complete the main story, but I almost always start with and complete the side missions first while exploring.

Did they not have a clause in the contract saying that he will be part of the game forever, or was it only a timed exclusive mission from the start?

The latter, according to Ubisoft

The Danny & Dani mission in Far Cry 6 was part of a licence deal that has now expired.

As such, this mission is no longer available in-game.

I would think you could find a YT video on it at least.
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El Este Cleared


That was an all round good experience, a relative lack of stupid missions and story not degrading gameplay much—all cut scenes are skippable and most quests can be accepted or declined without having to listen to the 'reason' for them.

The bad guys here are Admiral Benitez and Sean McKay—latter a cynical opportunistic businessman.


There was only one annoying mission, and of course it was the ending boss fight departing from FC gameplay into a corridor-maze style melee spray n pray. But that's okay, dozens of enjoyable hours spent previously generally looking for trouble—not devoid of helter-skelter, but in small enough doses :)
Valle De Oro

Most of this cleared now—this is the Maximas Matanzas region. Again, the mission series are generally decent, with one glaring exception—get drunk with Bicho. The 'Follow Bicho back to town' segment of the Bottle Episode mission glitched on me so I quit at that stage.


It's not the glitch that bugs me—I've completed it in a previous playthru, so it does work—just the stupid play which reeks of story being plastered onto it. Find the party, steal some booze, rescue Bicho from the mad bull, follow him back to town… yeah. No.

Fun Missions

There are 15 'story' missions in VDO region, but don't be put off—'story' only means you have to complete them to finish the region, they're generally good.

There are also plenty of side quests you can spend as long as you like with, especially useful if you want to ramp up your XP and earn more money. I seek them all out just for the unpredictable nature of the encounters, generally aka looking for trouble :)

My fav character here is Bembe, a slimy racketeer who has you help out with his nefarious practices.


Amigo Drag

I had Oluso along for about half of this, it took that long to upgrade him fully—24 kills for 2nd and 50 for final 3rd upgrade. Even the 1st upgrade requires 12 kills in Restricted Areas, so not just any old kills.

The 3rd upgrade requires that she frightens 50 enemies with kills—so always needs an attack on 2 or more baddies. Bit of a drag to complete, took a long time.

Anyway, done now, so I'm playing solo again, which I much prefer. But I need the Amigos as a backup plan for any firefights, especially the final battles in the capital city.
Valle De Oro

3rd region cleared:


Final Missions Poor

I said above the missions were generally good up to Bicho's. Well his is the start of the downward slide. A lot of 'Go here—oops it's not there, try here instead' faffing about. Oddly enough both boss fights were relatively easy in VDO, so there's that.

El Presidente had to go on TV to announce the result of the 2nd boss fight—the death of his top researcher Dr Reyes.


Pow wow time at Maximas Matanzas HQ camp, now that all 3 regions have been cleared—next stop the capital Esperanza.

May 13, 2024
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He has a whole raft of similar, FC and other games. I love the way he runs around people, and knocks 'em down with a slide.

I tried the DFA trick, but only managed it once with a chute! Damn tricky.

Only other YTer I've seen of similar quality was 'Clockner', but I don't think he's posted since FC3…maybe FC4.

I do wonder how much of it is practiced vs impulse/extemporaneous, but regardless is still awesome. That sky dive with the machete was crazy!
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