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Oct 22, 2020
I think Left For Dead or The Last of Us would be a good starting point on how to deal with the apocalypse. Trust no one, shoot first and ask questions later.
Sep 11, 2020
If I was in an apocolypse i woykd propbably stay away from all big areas where people would go like walmart and such, I would probably just chil at an orchard and grow fruits and such until i eventually get 'my' fruits raided by some Rage 2 biker gang
Sep 28, 2020
assuming the question is implying there was an initial blast or wave that happened already and I am one of the survivors.

in that scenario, will definitely try to find a way to either create an underground bunker of my own or find one that for some reason is unoccupied. obviously will need to scrap for supplies regularly. but the best would be finding an unoccupied doomsday bunker! travelling to states like Arkansas would be a best bet for that.
Sep 30, 2020
If I told you how I would survive the Apocalypse...... i'd have to kill ya..... J/k..... :)

Horde food, ammo, and water of course. Go live on a farm.
May 4, 2020
First steps would be mapping locations for food/medicine/guns, fortify my home/base.
Next steps would be gathering resources and trying to survive, one day at a time.
May 29, 2020
At first before things get too out of hand I would go to any and every local stores or gas stations, grab as much food and water as I can. Then I would board up the windows in my house because at the end of the world you can't be to trusting of people to not try and break in and rob you, so definitely make it as tough as possible to do so. Really only go outside for emergencies and needs. Next step would be to try and establish good connections with people you know you can trust and rely on each other for needs. When going outside always make sure to have protection on you (So always have a pocket knife on hand) and be good at talking your way out of things if you come across bad people (use protection if necessary and as last resort), and never go outside alone, make sure to bring one person with you. That's basically it, things and rules would be bound to be added or changed around as necessary as you continue surviving.
Sep 11, 2020
i would call upon Morgan Freeman to save me from the Apocalypse. Easy. Or a high stats increase to my luck element.
Sep 9, 2020
I'd download lots of films and TV series onto my tablet (no idea how long the internet will last!), and make sure my solar powered power banks are charged up and ready to go. Next, probably take all my essential goods, get lots of food and seeds, and meet up with family to fortify somewhere and start growing things!
May 23, 2020
I'm heading to the nearest mall, Dawn of the Dead remake style. First step: find the security room and lock everything down. Then, grab a weapon and start clearing it out, shop by shop. If no one's found it yet, I'll have enough supplies to last me a year at least, if I ration it properly. If I get lucky, there's a sporting/hunting goods store to get a decent supply of weapons and power sources from. If you think there's anything wrong with my strategy, let me know how I can improve in the replies. Looking forward to seeing who wins that RGB-gamer's heaven.
May 27, 2020
Well, it depends, what kind of catastrophe we are taking about. If it is a world war, and I manage to survive it, I am quite familiar with technology, to set up a small workshop. And I have a pretty good idea, how the plants should be grown. So, I guess, I will be ok)
Sep 30, 2020
Realistically, I'd probably be one of the first to die because I did something stupid, or on of the last because I decided long ago "outside" was overrated. :)
Oct 20, 2020
I would find a cozy spot to settle down and make sure I had a stable supply of food and water and make sure I have supplies to defend my self and be ready for whatever comes my way.
Jan 13, 2020
I would start playing all the games I bought over the years yet have never touched, so I would not be bored. And fill up my supersoaker with garlicwater for defense.
May 4, 2020
I would approach it in the same way as everything else that I need to figure out. First I would Google 'How to survive the apocalypse', then see if there are any YouTube videos on the subject. I assume Google caused the apocalypse which is why they are still around after the world has ended.
Feb 12, 2020
I will gather available weapons for defending and food. Fortify our house with it. Everyday, i will go out and search for available loots from destroyed buildings. I will hunt livestock in near farm or jungle. Plant some corps and vegetables around our house. Dig a deep well for unlimited water supplies. Find some trusted allies and trade goods with them. Make a solar and wind power to provide electricity in our home. Built thick wall around it to avoid invaders and loothers.
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