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Aug 15, 2020
I’ve had my computer for a while and now have a little more money to spend. The stuff I have is getting dated and starting to slow down I can still run games but have to put them on low or deal with frame drops.
My system as of right now is...
Nvidia gtx 1060 6gb
Intel i5-4440 3.10ghz
8gb of ram (idk what brand)
500w power supply
5tb of starage
And idk my motherboard (Hewlett-Packard)

I was thinking about just getting a i7 and some more ram but I’m not all that savvy with this and would appreciate some help.
Feb 17, 2020
Upgrading the CPU and RAM within your current platform / motherboard wouldn't be a great use of cash

You should be able to play a lot of modern games on better than low settings.

What games are you having performance problems with, and what are those problems exactly?

Does your system include an SSD for Windows and favourite games?

What temperatures do your CPU and GPU run at during games?

When was the last time you performed a clean reinstall of Windows?
Aug 15, 2020
I shouldn’t have said all games on low. I can run games at higher settings it just depends on the game. Like I can run call of duty modern warfare multiplayer fine on high settings but when I load into warzone i get 30 to 45 frames but they drop to single digits everytime I get shot or if it has to load something big in.
I hasn’t been long since I completely reset my computer and started from scratch it helped a little but not a lot.
I’m not sure about the temps and ssd
Feb 17, 2020
Can you give any other examples of games that behave well and ones that don't?

Reset is not the same as a clean install. This is a clean install:

As for temperatures use something like Realtemp to monitor CPU and GPU temperatures. The maximum temperatures you get during gaming are the important ones.

And as for what storage you have, you can download something like Speccy and post a screenshot - that will list your hardware.
Aug 15, 2020
Most single player games I can run on mostly ultra like assassins creed Odyssey and origins.
I’ve recently played warframe smoothly on ultra. PUBG was unplayable when I used to try to play it. Nothing would load in like buildings. Even with fortnite having more simple graphics it really only runs smooth on low settings. It struggles with rainbow as well it’s runs fine till I get shot or a explosion happens with makes it really frustrating to play.
Upgrade ram and probably throw an SSD (ie, much much faster than a HDD) in there, should keep you pretty good. If you are still having problems with games like you described, its more software than hardware seems like and PUBG is crap on any system lol. You can do both w/o spending much cash and 16gb imo is the minimum for playing games nowadays.
Feb 17, 2020
Boring as it is versus just saying "BUY THINGS" we need to establish what hardware the OP already has in their system, and what is causing the low performance in some cases.

16gb imo is the minimum for playing games nowadays.
That's your opinion and you're entitled to hold it but it is factually incorrect, and DOWNLOADING MOAR RAM may not help much or at all if there are other issues at play.

If you are still having problems with games like you described, its more software than hardwar

Come on, for goodness' sake. Telling someone to buy stuff, see if it works, and if it doesn't then try the free solutions (sorting out software issues) is just ridiculous. Seriously, who does that.
I wouldnt suggest the ram part if i have never seen the difference going from 8gb to 16gb to 32gb, it does make a difference, maybe not for you but it did for me.

And yea, his system doesn't have an SSD and he says its slow, so buying one of those is good advice. Please stop acting like you know everything and that your OPINION is word.

He said he had money to spend and asked what he can upgrade. So i told him, if you agree or disagree i really dont care. Give your advice and move on.

You are not the holy grail of PC information i mean come on for GOODNESS SAKES.
Feb 17, 2020
I wouldnt suggest the ram part if i have never seen the difference going from 8gb to 16gb to 32gb, it does make a difference, maybe not for you but it did for me.
Okay, I see the problem. You assume that because something worked for you, you should recommend it to everyone.

Despite the fact that proper investigations of this:
Show that it's not true.

There can - in certain systems running certain games on certain hardware configurations be some benefits to more than 8gb RAM. But that might not be true for the OP, and even if there is some benefit, it might not be what is killing performance.

Neither of us knows enough to say. This is why I've asked the OP to look at some other things first.

Please stop acting like you know everything and that your OPINION is word.
I'm not. I'm basing what I say on proper evidence, not my opinion or anecdotal incidents. See above.

He said he had money to spend and asked what he can upgrade. So i told him, if you agree or disagree i really dont care. Give your advice and move on.
They may not need to spend money to fix their problems. And/or it may be better for them to save money against a more meaningful upgrade.

You are telling people to spend they money without any actual evidence for it being the right thing for them.

It's utterly irresponsible and you should not do things like this. I'm sure you mean well, but please don't encourage people to spend money to fix problems without even knowing what the problem is.
Feb 17, 2020
It's always really sad in topics like these when you try to establish the exact cause of the problem and how to fix it and someone comes in with "BUY THINGS" as the answer without possibly being able to know if that's the right answer. :(

@WildshoT11 if you could go through the things I mentioned above before this all got derailed, that will help suggest some answers.
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