Advice for upgrade

Mar 31, 2024
Why Are You Upgrading: System is a few years old. i7-6700K, z170 Gaming Pro Carbon, 16gb DDR4, GTX 960.

Budget: Up to £250 on CPU and £175 on Mobo

Approximate Purchase Date: e.g.: April – May 2024

Use Case: General gaming, some AV work, Photoshop and general MS office.

Parts to Upgrade: CPU, Mobo, Ram, already ordered XFX Speedster QICK 319 Core Radeon RX 6750 XT 12.

Already have Coolermaster STC-T01-UW case, quite old, hoping it will do.
And hoping existing PSU Thermaltake SE730W will be enough to power above.

Are you buying a monitor: No

Your Monitor Resolution and desired frame rate:
Already have BenQ SW270, 2560 x 1440 and Samsung Syncnaster 1680 x 1050

Preferred Website(s) for Parts? Not any in particular. Used Amazon, Ebuyer and Scan in the past

Parts Preferences: I9 or Ryzen , see description below. Open to any other suggestions.

Overclocking: Maybe though not a priority.

Dear All
Looking to upgrade my few year old setup of i7-6700K, z170 Gaming Pro Carbon, 16gb DDR4, GTX 960.
Looking at either I9 set up below
or Ryzen
Will be using for general gaming, some AV work, movies and general MS office.
Will probably add a Kingston NV, 2 TB M.2-2280 PCIe 4.0 for Windows installations and use existing various 1 to 2 TB HDD drives that I already have.
For the Ryzen, I am only getting one MB option on Partpicker which is ASRock X570 Phantom Gaming. Can I used any AM4 MD such as MSI MAG B550 TOMAHAWK.
Already ordered XFX Speedster QICK 319 Core Radeon RX 6750 XT 12 as I found it at a good price.
Can anyone please advise re cost effectiveness of either setup ( ie bang for buck).

Any other suggestions re CPU and MB matchups will also be appreciated.
My budget is around cost for the parts in the links, but have a little room for extra if needed.
Thanks for your help.

Ps. Any point in sticking with existing and just upgrading the CPU to i7 7700k, which is the max the z170 can support.
The i9-11900F runs hot not to mention that platform is all but dead. As far as DDR4 3200 vs DDR4 3600 ... the difference with Intel builds is slim at best. That and it's easier to get your rated timings with DDR 3200. Try this:

PCPartPicker Part List

CPU: *Intel Core i7-12700F 2.1 GHz 12-Core Processor (£219.99 @ CCL Computers)
CPU Cooler: *ID-COOLING SE-226-XT 68.2 CFM CPU Cooler (£39.99 @ Amazon UK)
Motherboard: *MSI PRO B760-P DDR4 II ATX LGA1700 Motherboard (£119.99 @ Ebuyer)
Memory: *Corsair Vengeance LPX 32 GB (2 x 16 GB) DDR4-3200 CL16 Memory (£64.00 @ Amazon UK)
Total: £443.97
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
*Lowest price parts chosen from parametric criteria
Generated by PCPartPicker 2024-03-31 21:29 BST+0100

mATX boards for that cpu.

Review of that cpu.

Mar 31, 2024
Thank you for your quick response.
Forgot to add I am looking/ hoping to add a 120hz+ monitor in 5 or 6 months.
Also I do sometimes use my projector which can handle over 120hz.
Will this have any bearing on you recommendation.
Thanks again.
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Reactions: Why_Me
Mar 31, 2024
None at all.
Hello Why Me
For the motherboard I noticed below, which has bluetooth which would be useful to me.
Other than that are the specs same as Mobo in your list?

For the processor I noticed this on on Amazon at £234 with a slightly higher frequency and higher power consumption .
Looks like the same as the one you recommended at £219 but unlocked ? Is it worth the £15 extra. At the moment I am not that concerned with overclocking but perhaps in the future.
Thank you for your time and advice.
Hello Why Me
For the motherboard I noticed below, which has bluetooth which would be useful to me.
Other than that are the specs same as Mobo in your list?

For the processor I noticed this on on Amazon at £234 with a slightly higher frequency and higher power consumption .
Looks like the same as the one you recommended at £219 but unlocked ? Is it worth the £15 extra. At the moment I am not that concerned with overclocking but perhaps in the future.
Thank you for your time and advice.
That's a solid board ^^ As far as the cpu goes, if using a B760 board I would go with a 12700 / 12700F. Those cpu's are more or less made for those B760 boards seeing how they run cooler.

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Mar 31, 2024
thank you for you advise.
Noticed you have recommended
Bit over my budget but has front USB C , which could be useful but means I have to get a new case as well.
Most likely will go for MSI PRO B760-P WIFI DDR4.
All the best.
Hello again, sorry to keep pestering you.
I just saw this on Costco.
I have been in two minds whether to replace my PSU as quite old and my case.
In which case it will come around to the same price as upgrading bits and parts.
The 6750 GPU is sealed so Ebuyer told me I can return if I need to.
I will need to upgrade the RAM though?
Any thoughts.
Thanks again
Hello again, sorry to keep pestering you.
I just saw this on Costco.
I have been in two minds whether to replace my PSU as quite old and my case.
In which case it will come around to the same price as upgrading bits and parts.
The 6750 GPU is sealed so Ebuyer told me I can return if I need to.
I will need to upgrade the RAM though?
Any thoughts.
Thanks again
Contact Cyberpower and find out what set of RAM, power supply (make & model) and motherboard (make & model) that PC comes with.
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Reactions: Brian Boru
Mar 31, 2024
Mobo MSI PRO H610M-E DDR4.
Forgot to ask about RAM, but they said for upgrade I will need 32gb, so I am guessing 2x8gb DDR4.
Have seen same machine for £1500 on laptops direct but ultimately question is given the spec of the Cyberpower, is the added performance worth it, if I wanted to get get case and PSU and the SSD ( which I was thinking getting as well )for the other set up comes to around £150-£200 more?
Let me know what you think.
Thanks as always
Mar 31, 2024
Contact Cyberpower and find out what set of RAM, power supply (make & model) and motherboard (make & model) that PC comes with.
Having looked at the spec on Mobo and PSU I will stick with your recommendations. Will add case and PSU if/when needed.
BTW just noticed on Ebuyer price for the 6750 has gone up by £89 more than I paid!!!
Thank you for your guidance.
Mar 31, 2024
Contact Cyberpower and find out what set of RAM, power supply (make & model) and motherboard (make & model) that PC comes with.
Hi All
Just got my parts after help from the forum.
I ordered DDR4 which is marked as compatible by PC Part picker.
But manual says DDR5 and no mention of DDR4 for the DIMM slots anywhere in the manual. In fact no mention of DDR4 anywhere ( other than the model name)
DDR4s are sealed so should be no problem in returning.
Any recommendations on which DDR 5?
ps already looked on past threads but could not find answer.

Also according to the data sheet Memory Support 4 DIMMs, Dual Channel DDR5-6800+MHz(OC)
Also Amazon recommends DDR4 as a bundle!

Please ingnore for now. Looked at the Box and it says DDR4. Also used the QR code on the back of the box to get manual, which also says DDR4!.
I have triple checked the model number on the manual I found on MSI's site and I am sure its the same ie PRO B760-P WIFI, which says DDR5, so I must have missed something.
Will update on how I get on.
All the best
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