Songs of Silence Demo
Planned Release Date: May 23, 2024
Phenomenal artwork in this hybrid, which has elements of 4X, RTS and RPG.
"strategy game set in a fantasy world threatened by the all-devouring Silence. The game features a mix of turn-based kingdom management, auto battler, and hero development, contrasted with intense real-time battles"
Peter has a
9-min video about it.
I gave it 30 minutes and the initial feel is great, despite the RPG and fantasy malarkey which usually dissuade me. Wishlisted for some future sale, I won't be surprised if the presentation alone gives me a few hours of enjoyment before the rot sets in. Text is a bit small, but otherwise UI looks great. Recommended.
Here's the initial map:
Ran fine on my 2017 PC with i7-7 and GTX 1060.
Requires a 64-bit processor and operating system
OS: 64-bit Windows 10
Processor: Intel® Core™ i7-7700T CPU @ 2.90GHz or better
Memory: 16 GB RAM
Graphics: NVIDIA GTX 1070
DirectX: Version 11
Storage: 5 GB available space"
Demo has Campaign and Skirmish for SP, with Multi greyed out—so I assume available at release, Co-op not mentioned that I saw.
I tried the Campaign start for a bit of lore and action. I'm Queen after my parents are killed in the sacking of our capital, so I must lead survivors to a nearby ally. Voiceovers are good, small battle on the way, made it to ally's capital—their king is under siege in one of their other cities, so next job is to go and lift that.
Movement is standard 4X-style—click unit(s), r-click destination. I had 6 movement 'points', ie I could move 6 'spaces' in one turn.
3 resources—gold, material, divine favor.
In capital, can rest and heal troops, recruit new units, and something with buildings—not sure what, I didn't find any agency in that The Cap had some attributes already in place, each giving some benefit to eg defense, healing, storage.
The military setup is interesting. Check this out:
3 sections, with 7 slots in each column. The central Army section has 28 slots—I assume you can recruit 28 units when you have enough gold, I bought Infantry and Archer squads which went in 2 of the 28 slots, joining my 4 surviving units. You choose from the cards at the bottom of the screen.
Interesting bit are the other sections, especially the Reserves. Any troops there are not available for battle, so good place to heal or keep specialist units—I currently have only 3 groups of surviving civvies there, with 1 Health and 2 Cowardice if I recall correctly

Also place for wagons, eg supply and loot. The Garrison section is for troops and wagons you want to stay behind when the rest of your forces leave—apparently some troops can get a Garrison perk.
You can drag and drop units between the 3 sections, and between slots, so both force composition and formation is up to you.
You don't control units, you issue orders and perform royal actions via the battle cards you have—eg 'All cavalry charge' or 'All wounded healed 20%'. The battle goes on in real time, but you can pause to issue your card-based commands and actions. The cards have a short cooldown period—~10 seconds—before you can use them again.
So it looks like combat will be mainly about setting up your force for different kinds of challenges, and having appropriate battle cards in hand. Seems interesting in theory.
I'm not sure about the battle cards short cooldown, doesn't that encourage immediate usage spam so as not to 'waste' their power—eg to ensure you get to use them 3 times in a battle rather than 2?