Coconut Monkey Cornerclub

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Spent all day yesterday upgrading my RC Crawler with a new motor. Unfortunately, the new battery I ordered for it ended-up being way too enormous for the old battery tray, but I managed to find some lower center of gravity trays that were 3d Printable, so I went ahead and did a few last night and at least one of them works great! So today I finally finished my reassembly, which also took moving around all the electronics in the rig, because I'm added a couple, as well as the motor has a different orientation, so some old mounts didn't work.

The wires do end-up being a bit of a mess, but everything is working...mostly. My gear mesh sucks, so my new motor is extremely loud and not working as well as it should; unfortunately, I'm completely new to this stuff, so my initial attempts to figure it out didn't solve the issue, but at least I know what's wrong. I've asked Reddit for help or tips, but we'll see if anyone actually responds. But, it means I'll have to tear pretty much everything down again and see if I can't get the motor pinion to mesh better with the transmission gears. The only issue is that I'm out of time for today, so I'll hopefully have the energy to pick it back up and do it tomorrow evening.

No better way to learn, I guess.
Sounds pretty cool. I was just talking with some friends today about how delicate 3D printed figurines are, like the one of my 8" tall bald eagle perched on a stump. It was a gift from a friend out of her mom's extensive collection of eagle figurines who passed recently. She wanted me to have one because I helped her mom with things when she needed it.

I broke down and finally admitted to her that shortly after moving into my new place I accidentally knocked it off the top of one of my HT speakers. But I eventually found all 8 pieces and glued it back together. Most wouldn't even notice it had been broken unless they used a magnifying glass and examined it carefully.

It made me think though, the people that make their own 3D parts like the one you mentioned no doubt must be using much tougher plastics. I know some 3D printers can use composites, but is fairly expensive. So what kind of plastic do you 3D print with, and how does it compare to ABS?

BTW, I can see your pic in my quote of your post if I click on the link, but I can't see it in your post (no active link), and that's with my VPN disabled (just says refused to connect).
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Sounds pretty cool. I was just talking with some friends today about how delicate 3D printed figurines are, like the one of my 8" tall bald eagle perched on a stump. It was a gift from a friend out of her mom's extensive collection of eagle figurines who passed recently. She wanted me to have one because I helped her mom with things when she needed it.

I broke down and finally admitted to her that shortly after moving into my new place I accidentally knocked it off the top of one of my HT speakers. But I eventually found all 8 pieces and glued it back together. Most wouldn't even notice it had been broken unless they used a magnifying glass and examined it carefully.

It made me think though, the people that make their own 3D parts like the one you mentioned no doubt must be using much tougher plastics. I know some 3D printers can use composites, but is fairly expensive. So what kind of plastic do you 3D print with, and how does it compare to ABS?

BTW, I can see your pic in my quote of your post if I click on the link, but I can't see it in your post (no active link), and that's with my VPN disabled (just says refused to connect).

It's definitely very brittle, but there are better resin's you can use to have more flexibility. I've seen some resins that are $60+ for 1kg, which is too rich for my blood. I usually buy an entire 1kg bottle for about $20 and yeah, if I were to drop any of my miniatures I've printed, they would absolutely shatter; but wargaming miniatures are mostly what I use my printer for and those tend to sit in a display cabinet after I've painted them or be transported in a secure/foam case.

That said, the higher quality stuff is very nice. I bought a printed miniature off Etsy about a year ago and whoever printed it used a good quality resin, as a lot of the thinner details that would be brittle on my prints were very flexible; it was much closer to a proper plastic. There's also the other style of printing with FDM, but I don't have any experience with that; I do believe it tends to be less brittle, but again I think the strength depends on the medium.

As for my parts, I do have some concern that they might break, but worst case, I can always print more. But, the parts that I'm printing are so small and light that I'm not at all worried about breakage; one part I'm even putting screws in and have inserted and removed it many times without it breaking. But I've also been working on my cure times as to not overcure my prints, which again causes them to be more brittle. The battery tray I printed, I seem to have cured it pretty well because the resin is flexible enough that I've had no issue distorting it to get it between the frame rails; I even drilled a hole in it to test screwing it into place without any issue.

Not sure about the images not working.

But, in related news, I did some research this morning and learned things about gears I never knew before. Apparently, my new motor pinion gear and my old transmission spur gear will never mesh correctly because they are at a different pitch (the space between the teeth, basically). So it's no wonder I couldn't seem to get them to mesh properly! But, turns out my original plastic transmission gear (I used an aftermarket metal one initially here) is the correct pitch, so I should be able to to put that in my transmission and get it to mesh without an issue. Down the line, I can either buy a new pinion and spur or get a pinion puller to pull the old pinion off my other aftermarket motor that matches the metal spur and get everything to mate correctly. That said, apparently the pitch on the aftermarket stuff isn't quite as good for crawling, so maybe I'll just get something new. Hopefully in my testing and fiddling I didn't strip out the teeth in my gears, but we'll see when I next have time to yank the motor and transmission out and take it apart.

At any rate, it was fun to learn something I had zero idea about yesterday.
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Dominar of The Hynerian Empire
Just found out there is a spider that lives underwater called Diving Bell Spider. It weaves a silk “diving bell” that traps air, allowing it to breathe while submerged. The spider uses its hairy abdomen and legs to collect air bubbles at the surface and then brings them down to its underwater web.
Just found out there is a spider that lives underwater called Diving Bell Spider. It weaves a silk “diving bell” that traps air, allowing it to breathe while submerged. The spider uses its hairy abdomen and legs to collect air bubbles at the surface and then brings them down to its underwater web.

There are also spiders that can walk on top of water. There are a bunch of different species of so called bog spiders that live in wetlands, which are often used by cranberry farmers as pest control. However, when it's time to harvest the cranberries the farmers flood the farm and while the spiders can walk on the water, they have a tendency to climb onto the farmers while those are harvesting the berries.

Which is allegedly why the first question asked to anyone applying to become a cranberry farmer is whether they're afraid of spiders.
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But I still think it's a conflict of interest for a commercial software company to own the largest open-source repository on the Internet. If someone created an new operating system and it started to outpace Windows, would Microsoft take it down? You have to think so.
You know, these days I think they might like that. It feels to me like Microsoft wants to be the Azure and CoPilot company. Being the exceedingly dominant operating system is an incredibly powerful position to be in, but everybody knows that and watches them VERY carefully. If anyone gets even a whiff of them using their OS dominance to leverage other markets, there's an avalanche of lawsuits. I'm sure they are still making a profit on Windows, but I don't think it's anything close to what they make from Azure.

If somebody were to come along with a better one, they might just let them win. They will start working even harder at making the old dumb terminal to access big computers in the cloud architecture work better.
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There are also spiders that can walk on top of water. There are a bunch of different species of so called bog spiders that live in wetlands, which are often used by cranberry farmers as pest control. However, when it's time to harvest the cranberries the farmers flood the farm and while the spiders can walk on the water, they have a tendency to climb onto the farmers while those are harvesting the berries.

Which is allegedly why the first question asked to anyone applying to become a cranberry farmer is whether they're afraid of spiders.
I think you've officially scared the daylights out all the poor souls who suffer arachnophobia. Now they also have to worry about ones in the water if they go swimming somewhere other than a public or backyard pool! :oops:
I watched an interesting documentary once on the evolution of time pieces. When more accurate watches and clocks were invented it made business, travel, social events, etc easier, but time zones were needed for less confusion. Just imagine if world wide daylight savings was nullified suddenly, it would no doubt cause a bit of chaos adjusting to it.
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it would no doubt cause a bit of chaos adjusting to it.
Not really. Every time daylight saving comes around there's always at least one or two articles that explain, with data, all the problems the change causes. Things like people missing work and an increase of car accidents. The "chaos" happens every time until people adapt in a day or so. If we get rid of it we'd adapt pretty quickly to that and probably never think of it again.
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Community Contributor
If that's too much chaos, we need to stop people from travelling more than one time zone a day!

New York to Syndey is 9 zones! Better lock those people in a cell for a few days until they can adjust.

We've tried to get rid of it here, but each time it gets narrowly defeated.

Kansas is talking about getting rid of it, too - staying in standard time forever.

I really don't care either way. I think it needs to go, but I think we have too many summer golfers that want more tee time for it to get voted out. Especially since so many of them are politically entrenched.

They make their own hours; they can go to work an hour earlier!

Yes Sunday night before going to bed would be best!
I've got nowhere to be today, so I switched last night. Monday will be nooooo problem.... right?
Not really. Every time daylight saving comes around there's always at least one or two articles that explain, with data, all the problems the change causes. Things like people missing work and an increase of car accidents. The "chaos" happens every time until people adapt in a day or so. If we get rid of it we'd adapt pretty quickly to that and probably never think of it again.
I'm not saying the chaos would be long term, and I get why people don't want it.

I've got nowhere to be today, so I switched last night. Monday will be nooooo problem.... right?

I'd just rather have things like TV programs etc sync up to my clock time, that's all. As long as I see the correct time when I wake up Mon, I'm good.
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You know you're getting old when....

You mistakenly put the USB C to USB adapter in your laptop instead of the Mini USB drive and panic because you think your laptop suddenly won't recognize your drive anymore. It wasn't until I'd restarted the laptop, and even stupidly did a search for E: in This PC, that I realized what I'd done. I often worry what life will be like in my 70s, because it's already ridiculous enough in my 60s. :oops:

On another note, it's official, after a visit with the Ophthalmologist specialist my Optometrist referred me to, the cause of my double vision is Strabismus. She said my glasses need twice the amount of Prism my Optometrist prescribed. Worse yet, she said my left eye needs some correction, as it's not 20/20 like the Optometrist tested.

I asked the Ophthalmologist to put in her notes to the Optometrist the bit about the left eye correction, even though she doesn't prescribe for it, because the Optometrist will no doubt take her word for it over mine. I just hope they will do a 3rd grind with new lenses without charging, because at this point I think the first 2 eye exams weren't done well at all.

I understand double vision is hard to test for, but the Optometrist said early in the 2nd exam she wanted me to see a specialist for the Prism, yet she had the 2nd grind done based solely on HER assessment! :rolleyes:
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You've still got close to 20/20??? Pthtthththth. You ain't old! Get off my lawn, and take your "I can see leaves on that tree clear down the street" eyeball with ya! ;)
Don't be fooled by my 20/25 right eye (and I assume roughly equivalent in the left). Most of my vision problems are the double vision caused by Strabismus. The Ophthalmologist termed it "Divergence Insufficiency", which to me sounds like the title of a Sci Fi thriller. The more I read her assessment, the less I understood. In my case it's basically a scenario where my eyes don't align properly when I focus (one or the other will pull in a bit). It's basically like being a bit cross eyed when you're trying to focus on something at distance, so it tends to play havoc with freeway driving.

If you or anyone else wants my Strabismus, you can have it bud! I'd gladly give it away if I could. :(

What makes it even more troubling is having to confer with two eye doctors, especially after the Optometrist tried to play Ophthalmologist!
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Really trying to motivate today, as I need to do some landscaping, but damn it's tough. The youngest came in around 4am with a bad dream (as has been happening a lot this week), so after being woken, I decided I needed to pee. On my way back from the bathroom, stepped on a goathead, which is just never fun, especially when you're half asleep.

It's 10am and I'm still sucking down coffee. Really should do at least a little bit of landscaping today...


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