Coconut Monkey Cornerclub

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Well, goatheads are things one usually encounters outdoors. I would think as well if you have such things where you live it would be a good idea to check that none got tracked into the house before the lights go out, especially if they are near your landscape projects.
Well, goatheads are things one usually encounters outdoors. I would think as well if you have such things where you live it would be a good idea to check that none got tracked into the house before the lights go out, especially if they are near your landscape projects.

Yeah, it's just hard to always get them. Generally I don't find them too often in our yard, but there's a lot at the kids school, so we often pick them out of our shoes in the parking lot, but they can still come in via the kids shoes or sometimes the dogs fur.

They're uncommon in the house, but still happen. Given where this one was, I'd bet my wife dragged it in on one of her shoes at some point.
Yeah, it's just hard to always get them. Generally I don't find them too often in our yard, but there's a lot at the kids school, so we often pick them out of our shoes in the parking lot, but they can still come in via the kids shoes or sometimes the dogs fur.

They're uncommon in the house, but still happen. Given where this one was, I'd bet my wife dragged it in on one of her shoes at some point.
Maybe get yourself a pair of slippers with some sturdy soles on them and keep them under the bed if you haven't any. ;)
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I finished my "landscaping" today. Made a little river and pond for my RC trucks to drive through.

After filling it with water, I see a few mistakes; it could have been deeper and wider, the hump from the pond to the river needed to be taller so the pond stays fuller, but overall, I think it's working as intended. Water is pooling in the spot where I will have the pump, the river itself is graded well and the water isn't draining through the plastic sheeting I put down.

Tomorrow I'll probably see if I can correct the hump from the pond to the river and keep a little more water in there, but other than that, I just need to convince my wife I need to spend $50 on the pump and tubing...


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@Frindis @Pifanjr and whoever else was talking about spiders, we now have large, flying poisonous spiders in Tennessee. I'll have hundreds of black widows and brown recluse spiders on my property, but one of the reasons that doesn't bother me is BECAUSE THEY CAN'T FLY!

Utilities workers here have special reaching tools they use to avoid black widows when they have to work anything to do with water. I have to reach around the black widows or scoop them out of the pool skimmers so I can clean the leaves out of the pool or hook up the vacuum, but I draw the line at having one fall out of the sky and land on my head.

Here's a nice picture of one of our new flyers:


Note: that is not my hand, and they don't really fly. They make gliders out of their webs and glide until they are over my head, and then they let go.
The most dangerous spider where I live is probably the Daddy Long Legs. It's venom is so poisonous that you die instantly of laughter if you are unlucky enough to get bitten.
Yeah, some people's cringe factor over spiders is like a venom that spreads. It just seems like what makes them fear most is the mere look of the poor things. I happen to think spiders are kind of cool, but then I've never had a huge one like a tarantula close to me.
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@Frindis @Pifanjr and whoever else was talking about spiders, we now have large, flying poisonous spiders in Tennessee. I'll have hundreds of black widows and brown recluse spiders on my property, but one of the reasons that doesn't bother me is BECAUSE THEY CAN'T FLY!

Utilities workers here have special reaching tools they use to avoid black widows when they have to work anything to do with water. I have to reach around the black widows or scoop them out of the pool skimmers so I can clean the leaves out of the pool or hook up the vacuum, but I draw the line at having one fall out of the sky and land on my head.

Here's a nice picture of one of our new flyers:


Note: that is not my hand, and they don't really fly. They make gliders out of their webs and glide until they are over my head, and then they let go.

At least they look pretty cool, even if they are way too big. And according to Wikipedia, they rarely bite and their bite is comparable to a bee sting. A black widows or brown recluse bite can be much, much worse.
Yeah, some people's cringe factor over spiders is like a venom that spreads. It just seems like what makes them fear most is the mere look of the poor things. I happen to think spiders are kind of cool, but then I've never had a huge one like a tarantula close to me.
With you on this one. I'd rather they not crawl on me, at least, but I know if they do they think of me like a tree, rather than something to bite.

Which isn't to say it wouldn't freak me the hell out.
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With you on this one. I'd rather they not crawl on me, at least, but I know if they do they think of me like a tree, rather than something to bite.

Which isn't to say it wouldn't freak me the hell out.
When my kids were small. we went to a privately owned indoor zoo. We have a "real" zoo, but they don't let you carry tiger cubs around. So we went to this place and they were bringing the animals out one at a time and passing them around. Then came the magnificently huge tarantula. My daughter was standing in front of me, and she backed into me and had her hands behind her back gripping my legs. I leaned forward so I could see her face, and she was experiencing real terror. I bent down and asked her if she wanted to skip this one, and she did. but that meant I had to take the thing and then pass it on to the next kid.

The tarantula, which weighed nothing, looked like he was following a familiar routine. He would stand perfectly still until you put your hands together with the next person, then he would walk over to them. Maybe he just felt trapped on your hands and when a path opened up he could move to he automatically took it, not sure. But I passed him on the moment I got him. Couldn't get rid of him fast enough.
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When my kids were small. we went to a privately owned indoor zoo. We have a "real" zoo, but they don't let you carry tiger cubs around. So we went to this place and they were bringing the animals out one at a time and passing them around. Then came the magnificently huge tarantula. My daughter was standing in front of me, and she backed into me and had her hands behind her back gripping my legs. I leaned forward so I could see her face, and she was experiencing real terror. I bent down and asked her if she wanted to skip this one, and she did. but that meant I had to take the thing and then pass it on to the next kid.

The tarantula, which weighed nothing, looked like he was following a familiar routine. He would stand perfectly still until you put your hands together with the next person, then he would walk over to them. Maybe he just felt trapped on your hands and when a path opened up he could move to he automatically took it, not sure. But I passed him on the moment I got him. Couldn't get rid of him fast enough.
Oh yeah, we have a similar thing here and they've always had "Rosie" the tarantula and you're allowed to hold her, but it's a solid no thank you from my kids and I. My wife has done it in the past, but not for me.

I have picked up house spiders with my hands in the past, but I still prefer to use a cup when I move them outside...
Ive had to make myself less sensitive to spiders because my partner wont touch them. One time I came home to an up turned mug on the middle of the living room floor with a small not on top of it just saying 'Spider!' I almost always throw them out the window, they eat wasps and flies so they get a free pass in my book. If there were actually poisonous ones here I might feel different.

I just tried some no carb pasta. I'm not sure when I will ever build up the courage to put anything in my mouth again.

I dont mind the chickpea stuff, but the closest thing to Italian about me is my surname is Latin so maybe its genetic.
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The most surprising zoo encounters I've had are at Woodland Park Zoo in Seattle. The first time I visited I was very young and we'd taken a trip over from Eastern Wa. I was sitting on a bench alongside a path, my step sister was looking at me smiling and I didn't know why. Apparently she had set me up for a regular occurrence that happens there. A squirrel came running across the path out of my line of sight, then jumped up on the bench, then on my shoulder opposite the arm I was holding a peanut in, then ran across my shoulders, down the other arm, snatched the peanut, and ran off. This all happened before I even saw the dang thing.

I think it was that same day I also made the mistake of leaning against an exotic tropical bird cage, hanging one fingertip slightly through it. The bird hopped down and bit my finger with the point of it's very sharp beak, thinking it was a nut or something. It was very painful, but lesson learned.

My other encounter was after we'd moved to Western Wa, and I was living on my own. I was admiring the Peacocks. Little did I know they sometimes get overexcited and show their feathers to humans. Like a dummy I stood their admiring him, not realizing he was trying to court me. When I walked away, he started following me. I then took off running just for laughs yelling "Help". The thing sprinted after me making a loud wailing sound. The zoo staff just laughed.

There was some local petting zoo I went to on a school field trip come to think of it when I was even younger in grade school. I bent over to pet one animal, and a male goat took the opportunity to put his head down, charge me, and bash me in the butt and knock me down. Those things are very strong and fast even when they're young. His strike hit my rear so hard it made me pretty sore for a while. All the kids and even the teacher were just laughing. I'm like, thanks a lot guys, I'll just stand for a while, I'm too sore to sit down.


Community Contributor
Ive had to make myself less sensitive to spiders because my partner wont touch them. One time I came home to an up turned mug on the middle of the living room floor with a small not on top of it just saying 'Spider!' I almost always throw them out the window, they eat wasps and flies so they get a free pass in my book. If there were actually poisonous ones here I might feel different.

I dont mind the chickpea stuff, but the closest thing to Italian about me is my surname is Latin so maybe its genetic.
I haven't tried the chickpea. I believe what I had was a container of live worms from the bait shop repackaged as pasta.
I just tried some no carb pasta. I'm not sure when I will ever build up the courage to put anything in my mouth again.

My wife is doing a low carb diet again. Every time she follows this diet she gets a craving for something you can't really make without carbs, but we find a recipe and try anyways. It's almost always barely edible at best. Almond flour just isn’t a good substitute for wheat flour.

How did your Pi day go? Did you sit around a circle and sing your favorite geometry related songs? Exchange gifts? Have the traditional turkey dinner?

I'm feeling under the weather, so I laid in bed most of the day.
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