Thankfully the only routines I have to worry about breaking anymore are my own personal ones, as I'm retired. Still though, as I'm trying to get back in shape for mt biking, I have found the planned routine at the local gym isn't going to work out for me, as they are definitely the shame, blame and suck you into hr sessions game type place, not for me. So now my routine lately has become using one of my rather stout 10mm carabiner clip equipped bungies I bought lately to do resistance band exercises each morn for upper body while I wait for the spin bike I bought to arrive. The bungie is a temp get me by while I wait for the resistance band set I want to get back in stock. I have no shame btw in using the stainless steel senior grab bars on the bathtub wall to hook the bungie to for some of the exercises. I DO use them as well for grab bars while bathing anyway. LOL
It's basically planned to be 15 min of resistance band workout ,then 15 min of spin bike intervals, after my morn stretch routine. I must say, even though the stout bungie is a get me by, it's worked out my shoulders enough to cause a fair bit of scapular pain in my right shoulder, the one I suffered a separation in years ago from an OTB crash on one of my previous mt bikes. It makes it very hard to do long gaming sessions, as the inflammation causes pain from my shoulder blade to my elbow and even Ulnar nerve in my right (mouse) hand. It makes the frequent spawnings of hostile patrols in STALKER 2 aggravating enough to cause cussing fits.
None the less, I continue with the bungie workouts daily, and just received a nice little hot/cold shoulder wrap I bought yesterday. I also should be getting the spin bike today. However it won't be for another month and a half or so before I get the resistance band set. I'm hoping the shoulder wrap and setting ADS to toggle will help immensely in heavy fire fights.
Shoulder Wrap
Resistance Band Set
Spin Bike (I paid $175 for it)
RC Toys are getting to be pretty cool lately. I found a video the other day of a guy that was testing one of the better stunt trucks, at a pretty elaborate stunt track, and was doing some very good stunts. He was doing effortless double back flips, largely because the thing had so much torque he could fine tune the rotation in mid air with throttle bursts.
Can you imagine if someone made the mistake of bringing a hyperactive dog along with them while doing such stunts.